MNIST Workflow

For this example we use UVA’s Rivanna machine. Please adopt it to your HPC machine.

We can test Rivanna’s GPUs and benchmark their runtimes for running several MNIST Python programs. These programs include machine learning processing, convolutional neural network, long short-term memory, recurrent neural network, and others. The programs can be found at

To run the MNIST remote workflow on Rivanna, first ensure that your UVA computing ID is set with the following command:

cms set username=XXXXXX

where the X’s are substituted with your computing ID.

Then, issue commands:

cd ~/cm/cloudmesh-cc
pytest -v -x --capture=no examples/

This program uses SLURM and a shell script to iterate through the available GPUs on Rivanna, which are V100, A100, K80, P100, and RTX2080.

On a successful run, the output will be similar to the following:

| Name    | Status   |    Time |     Sum | Start               | tag   | msg   | Node        | User   | OS    | Version                             |
| v100    | ok       | 138.087 | 138.087 | 2022-09-29 18:15:45 |       |       | udc-ba34-36 | XXXXXX | Linux | #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 |
| a100    | ok       | 106.046 | 106.046 | 2022-09-29 18:18:05 |       |       | udc-ba34-36 | XXXXXX | Linux | #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 |
| k80     | ok       | 171.057 | 171.057 | 2022-09-29 18:19:52 |       |       | udc-ba34-36 | XXXXXX | Linux | #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 |
| p100    | ok       | 202.055 | 202.055 | 2022-09-29 18:22:44 |       |       | udc-ba34-36 | XXXXXX | Linux | #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 |
| rtx2080 | ok       | 138.048 | 138.048 | 2022-09-29 18:26:07 |       |       | udc-ba34-36 | XXXXXX | Linux | #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 |