Command cc

      cc start [-c] [--reload] [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT]
      cc stop
      cc status
      cc doc
      cc test
      cc workflow add [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB] ARGS...
      cc workflow add [--name=NAME] --filename=FILENAME
      cc workflow delete [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB]
      cc workflow list [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB]
      cc workflow run [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB] [--filename=FILENAME]
      cc workflow [--name=NAME] --dependencies=DEPENDENCIES
      cc workflow status --name=NAME [--output=OUTPUT]
      cc workflow graph --name=NAME
      cc workflow service add [--name=NAME] FILENAME
      cc workflow service list [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB]
      cc workflow service add [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB] ARGS...
      cc workflow service run --name=NAME

This command does some useful things.

    FILENAME   a file name
    JOB  the name of a job that has been created
    COMMAND  the command that is associated with the job name
    SCHEDULER  designation of how jobs should be pulled from the queue

    --reload               reload for debugging
    --host=HOST            the host ip [default:]
    --port=PORT            the port [default: 8000]
    -c                     flag to set host and port to
    --filename=FILENAME    file that contains a workflow specification
    --name=NAME            the workflow name
    --job=JOB              the job name
    --command=COMMAND      a command to be added to a job
    --scheduler=SCHEDULER  the scheduling technique that is to be used


  Please note that all arguments such as NAME and JOB can be comma
  separated parameter expansions, so a command can be applied to multiple
  workflows or jobs at the same time


  Note that none of the CLI commands use the Workflow service. All actions
  are performed directly in the command shell.

  cc workflow add [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB] ARGS...
  cc workflow delete [--name=NAME] --job=JOB
  cc workflow list [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB]
  cc workflow run [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB] [--filename=FILENAME]
  cc workflow [--name=NAME] --dependencies=DEPENDENCIES
  cc workflow status --name=NAME [--output=OUTPUT]
  cc workflow graph --name=NAME


  Note that for all service commands to function you need to have a running
  server. In future, we need a mechanism how to set the hostname and port also
  for the service commands. For the time being they are issues to


  cc start [--reload] [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT]
      start the service.  one can add the host and port so the service is
      started with http://host:port. The default is
      If -c is specified is used.

  cc stop
      stop the service
      Currently this command is not supported.

  cc status
      returns the status of the service

  cc doc
      opens a web browser and displays the OpenAPI specification

  cc test
      issues a simple test to see if the service is running. This command
      may be in future eliminated as the status should encompass such a test.


  Each workflow can be identified by its name. Note that through
  cms set workflow=NAME the default name of the workflow can be set.
  If it is not set the default is `workflow`

  cc workflow service add [--name=NAME] [--directory=DIR] FILENAME
      adds a workflow with the given name from data included in the filename.
      the underlying database will use that name and if not explicitly
      specified the location of the data base will be
      To identify the location a special configuration file will be placed in
      ~/.cloudmesh/workflow/config.yaml that contains the location of
      the directories for the named workflows.

  cc workflow service list [--name=NAME] [--job=JOB]
      this command reacts dependent on which options we specify
      If we do not specify anything the workflows will be listed.
      If we specify a workflow name only that workflow will be listed
      If we also specify a job the job will be listed.
      If we only specif the job name, all jobs with that name from all
      workflows will be returned. # this feature not implemented

  cc workflow service add [--name=NAME] --job=JOB ARGS...
      This command adds a job. with the specified arguments. A check
      is returned and the user is alerted if arguments are missing
      arguments are passe in ATTRIBUTE=VALUE fashion.
      if the name of the workflow is committed the default workflow is used.
      If no cob name is specified an automated number that is kept in the
      config.yaml file will be used and the name will be job-n

  cc workflow service delete [--name=NAME] --job=JOB
      deletes the job in the specified workflow

  cc workflow service run [--name=NAME]
      runs the names workflow. If no name is provided the default
      workflow is used.



     with workflow command you can add dependencies between jobs. The dependencies
     are added to a named workflow. Multiple workflows can be added to create a
     complex workflow.
     The dependency specification is simply a comma separated list of job names
     introducing a direct acyclic graph.

     > cms cc workflow simple a,b,d
     > cms cc workflow simple a,c,d

     which will introduce a workflow

     >          a
     >        /   \
     >       b     c
     >        \   /
     >          d

  cc workflow run NAME
     runs the workflow with the given name

  cc workflow graph NAME
     creates a graph with the current status. Tasks that have been
     executed will be augmented by metadata, such as runtime

  cc workflow status NAME --output=OUTPUT
     prints the status of the workflow in various formats including
     table, json, yaml

  > cms cc --parameter="a[1-2,5],a10"
  >    example on how to use Parameter.expand. See source code at
  >    prints the expanded parameter as a list
  >    ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a10']

  > cc exp --experiment=a=b,c=d
  > example on how to use Parameter.arguments_to_dict. See source code at
  > prints the parameter as dict
  >   {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}