
Installation is relatively simple.

OS-Specific Requirements

After completing the steps for your operating system, continue on to the All Platforms section.


The user should use Chocolatey run as an administrator to install Git Bash and Graphviz. We also install Visual C++ Build Tools as a prerequisite for necessary Python modules.

choco install git.install --params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath \
        /Editor:Nano /PseudoConsoleSupport /NoAutoCrlf" -y
choco install graphviz visualstudio2019buildtools \
        visualstudio2019-workload-vctools -y

Please also follow for proper configuration of Git Bash.


Graphviz must be installed. The user should use Homebrew for convenience:

brew install graphviz


Graphviz must be installed. The user should use apt:

sudo apt install graphviz -y

All Platforms

We leverage the cloudmesh-installer to locally install the cloudmesh suite of repositories. Please use a virtual Python environment.

mkdir ~/cm
cd ~/cm
pip install cloudmesh-installer -U
cloudmesh-installer get cc
cms help