2. Assignments

2.1. Assignment 0

Assignment 0 will require you to identify the different software tools/technologies included in the given attachment and then group them into the correct layer of categories as indicated on the left-hand side of the slide.

This homework is worth 5 points.

2.2. Project 1

You will need to complete the source code and write a report. Zip your work into a file with the name username_project1.zip (replace ‘username’ with your Group Contact member’s username) and submit the following:

  • Complete source code
  • A document with the following details:
    • Transformation of data during the computations, i.e. data type of key, value
    • The data structure used to transfer between Map and Reduce phases
    • How the data flow happens through disk and memory during the computation

Only one submission per group is required for Project 1. It is due time at 11:59 pm on Feburary 5.

2.3. Project 2

You are required to turn in the following items in a zip file (username_HadoopPageRank.zip) in this assignment:

  • The source code of Hadoop PageRank you implemented.
  • Technical report (username_HadoopPageRank_report.docx) that contains:
    • The description of the main steps and data flow in your program.
    • The output file (username_HadoopPageRank_output.txt) which contains the first 10 urls along with their ranks.

2.4. Project 3

Project 3 asks you to implement a bioinformatics application using Hadoop (Map only) MapReduce framework and write a report about the data flow and your observations of the program.

You are required to turn in the following items in a zip file (username_HadoopBlast.zip) in this assignment:

  • The source code of Hadoop Blast you implemented.

  • Technical report (username _HadoopBlast_report.docx) that answers the following questions.

    • What is Hadoop Distributed Cache and how is it used in this program?
    • Write the two lines that put and get values from Distributed cache. Also include the method and class information.
    • In previous projects we used Hadoop’s TextInputFormat to feed in the file splits line by line to map tasks. In this program, however, we want to feed in a whole file to a single map task. What is the technique used to achieve this? Also, briefly explain what are the key and value pairs you receive as input to a map task and what methods are responsible for producing these pairs?
    • Do you think this particular implementation will work if the input files are larger than the default HDFS block size? Briefly explain why. [Hint: you can test what will happen by concatenating the same input file multiple times to create a larger input file in the resources/blast_input folder]
    • If you wanted to extend this program such that all output files will be concatenated into a single file, what key and value pairs would you need to emit from the map task? Also, how would you use these in the reduce that you would need to add?
  • The 4 output FASTA files – celllines_1.fa to celllines_4.fa.

Points will be reduced (maximum 0.5 points) if the filename or directory structure are different from instructed above.

The point total for this project is 3, where the distribution is as follows:

  • Completeness of your code and output (1 points)
  • Correctness of written report (2 points)

2.5. Project 4

Zip your source code and report in a file named username_project4.zip

The point total for this project is 1.5, where the distribution is as follows:

  • Correctness of your code and output (1 points)
  • Completeness of written report (0.5 points)

Before you start this project, you need to complete the Project4 Prerequisite first. The submission folder for it will be published before the lab session.

2.6. Project 5

Write an HBase FreqIndexBuilder program to build an inverted index table which has the unique term’s occurrences in all documents from the clueWeb09 dataset. Zip your source code, results and report in a file named username_project5.zip. Submit this file to the Canvas submission page.

  • Complete source code
  • A written report describing the main steps

The point total for this project is 3, where the distribution is as follows:

  • Completeness of your code and output (2 points)
  • Correctness of written report (1 points)

2.7. Project 6

After having familiarized yourself with the “HBase Building an Inverted Index” homework and “PageRank algorithms” homework, you are ready to use these applications to test the search engine function from the packaged executable.

2.7.1. Deliverables

Zip your source code, library, and results in a file named username@test-search-engine.zip. Please submit this file to the Canvas Assignments page.

2.7.2. Evaluation

The point total for this project is 6, where the distribution is as follows:

  • Completeness of your code (5 points)
  • Correct output (1 points)

2.8. Project 7

The goal of this project is to familiarize yourself with the concept of map-collective applications. Harp is similar to MapReduce in terms of programming with the exception that it provides collective communication support across map tasks.

Zip your source code and output as username_harp-pagerank.zip. Please submit this file to the Assignments page.

The point total for this project is 6, where the distribution is as follows:

  • Completeness of your code (5 points)
  • Correct output (1 point)

We prepared a new VM for project7 and project8. Please download it from here.


Do not copy and paste commands from pdf files. Please type them manually. Special characters cause problems in executing commands in a terminal.

2.9. Project 8

Zip your source code and report as username_mbkmeans.zip.

The point total for this project is 6, where the distribution is as follows: - Completeness of your code (5 points) - In the report, describe your implementation and the output. (1 points)

You can get up to 4 bonus points based on your extra efforts.