Ubuntu Juju

This lesson will introduce you to Ubuntu Juju, an open-source service management tool.


Duration: 1 hour


In order to conduct this lesson you should have knowledge of


Ubuntu Juju is an open source configuration management tool to deploy and provision software on a virtualized environment. MySQL, RabbitMQ, OpenStack, WordPress, Apache, MediaWiki, MongoDB, Hadoop, and many other software are available on the Juju’s official repository, Juju Charm Store. Juju Charm is a structured bundle of files with metadata, configuration data and hooks with some extra support files to provision cloud software.

This lesson covers for:

  • Juju installation on ubuntu (or windows)
  • Juju Quick start
  • Juju GUI
  • Media Wiki or WordPress
  • iptables for virtual networks

Juju Installation on FutureSystems

Here we use a OpenStack VM instance to start Juju.


If you need to know how to create a VM instance on FutureSystems, see here: Launching a New Instance

Installation on Ubuntu

  • Start a VM instance with futuresystems/Ubuntu-14.04.

Once you are in a VM instance, refresh the package lists with the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable -y
sudo apt-get update

Install Juju packages:

sudo apt-get install juju-quickstart -y
sudo apt-get install juju-core -y

Installation on OSX (Optional)

Try to use Homebrew for installing Juju on OSX:

brew install juju-quickstart
brew install juju

Installation on Windows (Optional)

Download link for Windows 7, 8 (as of 03/31/2015): https://launchpad.net/juju-core/1.21/1.21.3/+download/juju-setup-1.21.3-signed.exe


The installation on Windows and OSX are not tested by our team.

Testing your Setup

juju-quickstart mediawiki-single

Configuration of Cloud Environment

In this step, you choose your cloud provider. You can simply choose a local environment. Juju will deploy software inside of your VM instance.

Juju GUI

juju-quickstart contains Juju GUI. You can use a web browser to manage your services on Juju.

IP tables Configuration

Since Juju GUI is running with a virtual network in your VM instance, you need to configure iptables. Your Juju GUI will be served on your floating IP address with the FORWARD rules.:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination [IP ADDRESS of Juju GUI]:443

You can find a IP address of your Juju GUI with the following command:

juju status

You may find public-address under juju-gui section:

  charm: cs:trusty/juju-gui-22
  exposed: true
      agent-state: started
      agent-state-info: (started)
      machine: "1"
      - 80/tcp
      - 443/tcp
      public-address: [IP ADDRESS]

Admin Password

To login Juju GUI, you need a username and a password. When you start a service with juju-quickstart, the username and the password will be printed out on your screen. Use them to login.

An example of output:

username: admin
password: adm-b908bcba211a1234ac73e732b6e3315d

Screenshot of Juju GUI



Exercise I

  • Try to deploy wordpress using Ubuntu Juju.

Reference and Acknowledgement

Basic instructions and lessons in this page are adapted from the Juju website