1.8. Assignments

Lessons may include a number of Exercises. However you do not have to do all of them. We list hire all defined assignments for this class and will add to this page throughout the semester. It is in the responsibility of the student to check this page and complete the assignments. Some assignment may not be graded, but they still have to be completed. To identify the assignment they carry the name of the Lesson as well as a number.

The following are mandated assignments for this class

1.8.1. Week 1

Using Piazza

Optional Assignment:

How do you find the assignments?:

go to the class web page and search for the string EOrganization or EPiazza. A web link will sho up that contains a section where you can find details about the assignment.

Alternatively click on the Exercise link, gets you there faster …

Complete the above within the first week!

1.8.2. Week 2

This may take multiple weeks to complete for some of you:

Learn on how to use piazza for the class

Learn Python

Paper 1 Topic:
Identify the topic for your individual paper 1 and post it on Piazza: https://piazza.com/class/j5wll7vzylg25j?cid=158 . The paper will be due on Oct 9, 9am.

1.8.3. Week 3

This assignment may take some of you multiple weeks.

Implement a command using

that is called “hello” that prints hello world. Use docopts to define the command.


Use cms sys generate command hello

There will be a tutorial about this.

Learning about Git pull Requests while using the Class web page as example. Only make small changes based on a paragraph and create a pull request for it.

There will be tutorials about this


Please fill out the following polls on Piazza. They will used to track your progress:

1.8.4. Week 4

Please identify your paper 2 topic immediately. Post it in the Followup Discussion section of this Piazza post with the specified format: https://piazza.com/class/j5wll7vzylg25j?cid=187

1.8.5. Week 5

1.8.6. Week 6

Group activity for Residential Students

Work on one of the following discussion posts on Piazza. You will work in groups that were formed in the class on Friday Sep 25. Post the results of your work on Piazza by next Thursday (Oct 5) 11:59 PM