Pull Requests

A Pull Request is a way to propagate changes to an upstream repository.

digraph PR {


  "origin" -> "copy" [label="fork"];
  "copy" -> "copy" [label="commit changes"];
  "copy" -> "origin" [label="pull request"];


Given an orign repository, and changes commited to the copy. After some time, one may wish to propagate those change back to the origin. By creating a Pull Request, the owner of the origin repository can view the changes, and can comment and ask for additional changes if necessary.


  1. Go to the GitHub page of the origin repository
  2. Fork it to your account
  3. Clone your fork
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Synchronize any changes to the origin
  6. Push to your fork
  7. Create a pull request


See GitHub’s documentation for submitting pull requests here.

In particular, pay attention to the following sections: