4.5.6. Dexter Creating an SD Card OSX

First, install Etcher from etcher.io which allows you to flash images onto the SD card. When flashing make sure you only attach one USB SD card reader/wroiter or use the build in SD card slot provided in some Mac’s.

The version of etcher we used is

Make sure to check if there is a newer version Dexter Rasbian

Dexter provides a special image that contains the drivers and sample programs for the GrovePi shield. We had some issues installing it on a plain Raspbian OS, thus we recommend that you use dexters version if you use the GrovePi shield. It is available from

Detailed information on how to generate an SD card while using your OS is provided at Github

Dexter maintains a github repository that includes their code for the shield and many other projects at Cloning Grove PI

To clone the GrovePI library on other computers you can use the command

git clone https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi.git Dexter Sample programs

Dexter maintains all GrovePi related programs at

The python related programs are in a subdirectory at

Here you find many programs and for a complete list visit that link. Dependent on the sensors and actuators you have, inspect some programs. Some of them may inspire you to purchase some sensors.

We have developed a partial library of GrovePi module classes at