reStructuredText (RST) pur[pose is to provide an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. With its help you can develop documentation not only for stand aone documentation, simple web pages, an in-line program documentation (such as Python). RST is extensible and new features can be added. It is used in sphinx as one of its supported formats.
The source for this page is located at
This way you can look at the source on how we create this page.
# with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters =, for sections -, for subsections ^, for subsubsections “, for paragraphs
RST allows to specify a number of sections. You can do this with the various underlines:
.. csv-table:: Eye colors
:header: "Name", "Firstname", "eyes"
:widths: 20, 20, 10
"von Laszewski", "Gregor", "gray"
Name | Firstname | eyes |
von Laszewski | Gregor | gray |
we have integrated Excel table from intou our sphinx allowing the definition of more elaborate tables specified in excel. Howere the most convenient way may be to use list-tables. The documentation to list tables can be found at
.. seealso:: This is a simple **seealso** note.
See also
This is a simple seealso note.
note the space between the directive and the text
.. warning:: note the space between the directive and the text
This is an attention box.
.. attention:: This is an **attention** box.
This is a caution box.
.. caution:: This is a **caution** box.
This is a danger box.
.. danger:: This is a **danger** box.
This is a error box.
.. error:: This is a **error** box.
This is a hint box.
.. hint:: This is a **hint** box.
This is an important box.
.. important:: This is an **important** box.
This is a tip box.
.. tip:: This is a **tip** box.
It is possible to create sidebar using the following code:
.. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
:subtitle: Optional Sidebar Subtitle
Subsequent indented lines comprise
the body of the sidebar, and are
interpreted as body elements.
.. prompt:: bash, cloudmesh$
wget -O
wget -O sh
You can include code examples and bash commands with two colons.
This is an example for python:
print ("Hallo World")
This is an example for a shell command:
$ ls -lisa
Direct links to html pages can ve done with:
`This is a link to an html page <hadoop.html>`_
Note that this page could be generated from an rst page
Links to the FG portal need to be formulated with the portal tag:
:portal:`List to FG projects </projects/all>`
In case a subsection has a link declared you can use :ref: (this is the prefered way as it can be used to point even to subsections:
:ref:`Connecting private network VMs clusters <_s_vpn>`
A html link can be created anywhere in the document but must be unique. for example if you place:
.. _s_vpn:
in the text it will create a target to which the above link points when you click on it