Documenting Scientific Research

An important part of any scientific research is to document it. This is often done through scientific confernces or journal articles. Hence it is important to learn how to prepare and submit such papers. Most conferences accept typically the papers in PDF format but require the papers to be prepared on MSWord or in LaTeX. While working with many students in the past we noticed however that those students using Word often spend unnecessarily countles hours on trying to make there papers beautiful while actually violating the template provided by the conference. Furthermrore, we noticed that the same students had issues with bibliography management. Instead of Word helping the student it provided the illusion to be easier than LaTeX but when adding up the time spend on the paper we found that LaTeX actually saved time. This has been especially true with the advent of collaborative editing services such as sharelatex cite{} and overleaf cite{}.

In this section we provide you with a professional template that is used for either system based on the ACM standard that you can use to write papers. Naturally this will be extremely useful if the quality of your research is strong enough to be submitted to a conference. We structure this section as follows. Although we do not recommend that you use MSWord for your editing of a scientific paper, we have included a short section about it and outline some of its pitfalls that initially you may not think is problematic, but has proven to be an issue with students. Next we will focus on introducing you to LaTeX and showcasing you the advantages and disadvantages. We will dedictae an entire section on bibliography management and teach you jhow to use jabref which clearly has advantages for us.

Having a uniform report format not only helps the students but allow allows the comparision of paper length and effort as part of teaching a course. We have added an entire section to this chapter that discusses how we can manage a Class Proceedings form papers that are contributed by teams in the class.

Professional Paper Format

The report format we suggest here is based on the standard ACM proccedings format. It is of very high quality and can be adapted for your own activities. Moreover, it is possible to use most of teh text to adapt to other formats in case the conference you intend to submit your paper to has a different format. The ACM format is always a good start.

Important is that you do not need to change the template but you can change some parameters in case you are not submitting the paper to a conference but use it for class papers. Certainly you should not change the spacing or the layout and instead focus on writing content. As for bibliography management we recommend you use jabref which we will introduce in Section ref{}.

We recommend that you carefully study the requirements for the report format. We would nat want that your paper gets rejected by a journal, conference or the class just because you try to modify the format or do not follow the establishe publication guidlines.

The template we are providing is available from:

Convenient compressed files are available at

You will find in it a modified ACM proceedings templates for Word and for LaTeX that has an identification box removed on the lower left hand side of the firts page. This is done for classes so that you have more space to write. In case you must submit to a confernce you can use the original ACM template. This template can be found at

Submission Requirements

Althogh the initial requirement for some conferences or journals is the document PDF, in many cases you must be prepared to provide the source when submitting to the conference. This includes the submission of the original images in an images foder. You may ba asked to package the document into a folder with all of its sources and submit to the conference for professional publication.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft word will provide you with the initial impression that you will safe lots of time writing in it while you see the layout of the document. This will be initaially true, but once you progress to the more challanging parts and later pages such as image menagement and bibliography management you will see some issues. Thes include that figure placement in Word need sto be done just right in order for images to be where they need. We have seen students spending hours with the placement of figures in a paper but when they did additional cahnges the images jumped around and were not at the place wher eteh students expected them to be. SO if you work with images, make sure you understand how to place them. Also always use relative caption counters so that if an image gets placed elsewhere the counter stays consistent. So nefer use justthe number, but a refernce to the figure when referring to it. Recently a new bibliography management system was added to Word. However, however it is not well documented and the refrences are placed in the system bibliography rather than a local managed bibliography. This mah have severe consequences when working with many authors on a paper. The same is true when using Endnote. We have heard in many occasions that the combination of endnote and Word destroyed documents. You certainly do not want that to happen the day before your deadline. Also in classes we observed that those using LaTeX deliver better structured and written papers as the focus is on text and not beatuiful layout.

For all these reasons we do not recommend that you use Word.


In LaTeX where we have an easier time with this as we can just ignore all of these issues due to relative good image palcement and excellent support for academic reference management. Hence, it is in your best interest to use LaTeX. The information we provide here will make it easy for you to get started and write a paper in no time as it is just like filling out a form.

Working in a Team

Today reaserch is done in potentially large reasearch teams. This also include thewriting of a document. There are multiple ways this is done these days and depends on the system you chose.

In MSWord you can use skydrive, while for LaTeX you can use sharelatex and overleaf. However, in many cases the use of github is possible as the same grousps that develop teh code are also familiar with github. Thus we provide you here also with the introdcution on how to write a document in github while group members can contribute.

Here are the options:

  1. LaTeX and git: This option will likely safe you time as you can use jabref also for manageing collaborative bibliographies and
  2. sharelatex: an online tool to write latex documents
  3. overleaf: an online tool to write latex documents
  4. MS onedrive: It allows you to edit a word document in collaboration. We recommend that you use a local installed version of Word and do the editiong with that, rather than useing the online verison. The online editor has some bugs. See also (untested):,
  5. Google Drive: google drive could be used to collaborate on text that is than pasted into document. However it is just a starting point as it does not support typically the format required by the publisher. Hence at one point you need to swithc to one of the other systems.


Obviously writing a paper takes time and you need to carfully make sure you devote enough time to it. The important part is that the paper should not be an after thought but should be the initial activity to conduct and execute your research. Remeber that

  1. It takes time to read the information
  2. It takes time understand the information
  3. It takes time to do the research

For deadlines the following will get you in trouble:

  1. There are still 10 weeks left till the deadline, so let me start in 4 week …. Procrastenation is your worst enemy.
  2. If you work in a team that has time managemnet issues address them immediately
  3. Do not undersstimate the time it takes to prepare the final submission into the submission system. Prepare automated scripts that can deliver the package for submission in minutes rather than hours by hand.

Paper Checklist

In this section we summarize a number of checks that you may perform to make sure your paper is properly fomated and in excelent shape. Naturally this list is just a partial list and if you find things we shoudl add here, let us know.

  1. Have you written the report in the specified format?
  2. Have you included an acknowledgement section?
  3. Have you included the paper in the submission system (In our class it is git)?
  4. Have you specified proper identification in the submission system. THis is typically a form or ASCII text that needs to be filled out (In our case it is a file that includes a homework ID, names of the authors, and e-mails)?
  5. Have you included all images in native and PDF format in the submission system?
  6. Have you added the bibliography file that you managed (In our case jabref to make it simple for you)?
  7. In case you used word have you also provided the jabref?
  8. In case of a class and if you do a multiauthor paper, have you added an appendix describing who did what in the paper?
  9. Have you spellchecked the paper?
  10. Are you useing a and the properly?
  11. Have you made sure you do not plagiarize?
  12. Is the title properly capitallized?
  13. Have you not used phrases such as shown in the Figure below, but instead used as shown in Figure 3 when referring to the 3rd figure?
  14. Have you capitalized “Figure 3”, “Table 1”, … ?
  15. Have you removed any figure that is not referred explicitly in the text (As shown in Figure ..)
  16. Are the figure captions bellow the figures and not on top. (Do not include the titles of the figures in the figure itself but instead use the caption or that information?
  17. When using tables have you put the table caption on top?
  18. Make the figures large enough so we can read the details. If needed make the figure over two columns?
  19. Do not worry about the figure placement if they are at a different location than you think. Figures are allowed to float. If you want you can place all figures at the end of the report?
  20. Are all figures and tables at the end?
  21. In case you copied a figure from another paper you need to ask for copyright permission. IN case of a class paper you must include a refernce to the original in the caption.
  22. Do not use the word “I” instead use we even if you are the sole author?
  23. Do not use the phrase “In this paper/report we show” instead use “We show”. It is not important if this is a paper or a report and does not need to be mentioned.
  24. Do not artificially inflate your paper if you are bellow the page limit and have nothing to say anymore.
  25. If your paper limit is 12 pages but you want to hand in 120 pages, please check first ;-)
  26. Do not use the characters & # % in the paper if you use LaTeX. If you use them you prabably need a in front of them.
  27. If you want to say and do not use & but use the word and.
  28. Latex uses double single open quotes and douple single closed quotes for quates. Have you made sure you replaced them?
  29. Pasting and copying from the Web often results in non ascii charaters to be used in your text, please remove them and replace accordingly.

In case of a class

  1. Check in your current work of the paper on a weekly basis to show consistent progress.
  2. Please use the dedicated report format for class. It may not be the ACM or IEEE format, but may have some additions that make management of bibliographies easier. Do follow our instructions for bibliographies.

In case you are allowed to use word in class, such as the one we teach at IU, the following applies in addition:

  1. Are you manageing your refernces in jabref and endnote (we need both)
  2. Are you using the right template we have a special 2 column template for the class that is a modified version from the 2 column ACM template
  3. Are you using build in numbered section management? MSWord has Sections that must be used
  4. Are you using real bulleted lists in Word and not just a “*” or a “-“?
  5. Have you carelessly pasted and copied into the document without using proper formats. E.g. in MSWord this is a problem. You need to fix the format and use the build in format. Not that if you paste wrong you effect the format styles.
  6. Have you created not only a docx document but also the PDF.
  7. Make sure you use .docx and not .doc

If you observe something missing let us know.

Example Paper

An example report in PDF format is available:

Creating the PDF from LaTeX on your Computer

Latex can be easily installoed on any computer as long as you have enough space. Furthermore if your machine can execute the make command we have provided in the standard report format a simple Makefile that allows you to do editing with immediate preview as documented in the LaTeX lesson.

Class Specific

For the class we will manage all papers via You will be added to our github at

and assigned an hid (homework index directory) directory with a unique hid number for you. In addition, once you decide for a project, you will aslso get a project id (pid) and a directory in which you place the projects. Projects must not be placed in hid directories as they are treated differently and a class proceedings is automatically created based on your submission.

As part of the hid directory, you will need to create a file in it, that must follow a specific format. The good news is that we have developed an easy template that with common sense you can modify easily. The template is located at

As the format may have been updated over time it does not hurt to revisit it and compare with your and make corrections. It is important that you follow the format and not eliminate the lines with the three quotes. The text in the quotes is actually yaml. yaml is a data format the any data scientist must know. If you do not, you can look it up. However, if you follow our rules you should be good. If you find a rule missing for our purpose, let us know. We like to keep it simple and want you to fill out the template with your information.

Simple rules:

  • replace the hid nimber with your hid number.
  • naturally if you see sample- in the directory name you need to delete that as your directory name does not have sample- in it.
  • do not ignore where the author is to be placed, it is in a list starting with a -
  • there is always a space after a -
  • do not introduce empty lines
  • do not use TAB and make sure your editor does not bay accident automatically creates tabs. This is probably the most frequent error we see.
  • do not use any : & _ in the attribute text including titles
  • an object defined in the must have on a single type field. for example in the project section. Make sure you select only one type and delete the other
  • in case you have long paragraphs you can use the > after the abstract
  • Once you understood how the works, please delete the comment section.
  • Add a chapter topic that your paper belongs to


Install latex and jabref on your system
Check out the report example directory. Create a PDF and view it. Modify and recompile.
Learn about the different bibliographic entry formats in bibtex
What is an article in a magazine? Is it really an Article or a Misc?
What is an InProceedings and how does it differ from Conference?
What is a Misc?
Why are spaces, underscores in directory names problematic and why should you avoid using them for your projects
Write an objective report about the advantages and disadvantages of programs to write reports.
Why is it advantageous that directories are lowercase have no underscore or space in the name?