2.3. Bibliography Management


Students are actively encouraged to improve this page.


Saber, integrate some of the lesseons and examples we have in i524 piazza into this page. Search for bibtex and als for “Open Discussion:”


Saber, make all keys in bibtex entries lower case

In this section we will explain how to find and properly generate bibliographic entries. We are using bibtex for this as it is easy to use and generates reasonable entries that can be included in papers. What we like to achieve in this section is not to just show you a final entry, but to document the process on how that entry was derived. This will allow you to replicate or learn from the process to apply to your own entries.

We will address a number of important entry types which includes:

  • wikipedia entries
  • github entries
  • books
  • articles in a scientific journal
  • articles in a conference
  • articles in magazines (non scientific)
  • blogs

2.3.1. Source code References

We will learn how to cite a source code from a publicly hosted repository. Such repositories are frequently used and include, for example github, bitbucket, sourcefore, or your Universities code repository as long as it is publicly reachable. As changes can occur on these repositories, it is important that the date ov access is listed in the entry or even the release version of the source code.

Let us without bias chose a random source dode entry that has been contributed by a student as follows:

  Title =      {Buildstep},
  Author =     {Gonzalez, Jose and Lindsay,Jeff},
  HowPublished = {Web Page},
  Month =      {Jul},
  Note =       {Accessed: 2017-1-24},
  Year =       2015,
  Key =        {www-buildstep},
  Url =        {https://github.com/progrium/buildstep}

Is this entry correct? Let us analyse. Entry type Misc

First, it seems appropriate to use a @misc entry. We correctly identify this is a misc entry as it is online available. More recent version of bibtex include also the type @online for it. However, in order to maintain compatibility to older formats we chose simply Misc here and if we really would need to we could replace it easily Label

Typically the Label should contain 3 letters from an author name, short year and the short name of the publication to provide maximum information regarding the publication. Underscores need to be replaced by dashes or removed. However as this is a github repository it is better to integrate this into the label. Hence, we simply use the github-projectname (in our case github-buildstep, out of convention we only use lower case letters. Author

Unless the last name contains spaces, it should be first name followed by the last name with multiple authors separated with “and”. Key

In this case the key field can be removed as the entry has an author field entry. If there was no author field, we could use key to specify the alphabetical ordering based on the specified key. Note that a key is not the label. In fact in our original entry the key field was wrongly used and the student did not understand that the key is used for sorting. Howpublished

Since the source is a github project repository, the howpublished field shall hold the value {Code Repository} rather than a web page. If the url specified was a normal webpage, the {Web Page} entry would be valid. Month

The lowercase month is, used for international notation since months are not capitalized in some other languages. Owner

In class we introduced the convention to put the student HID in it. If multiple students contributed, add them with space separation. Accessed

As we do not yet typically an accessed field, we simply include it in the note field. This is absolutely essential as code can change and when we read the code we looked at a particular snapshot in time. In addition it is often necessary to record the actual version of the code. Typically this can also be done with the month and year field while relying on a release date Final Entry

Filling out as many fields as possible with information for this entry we get:

  Title =      {Buildstep},
  Author =     {Jose Gonzalez and Jeff Lindsay},
  HowPublished = {Code Repository},
  Year =       {2015},
  Month =      jul,
  Note =       {Accessed: 2017-1-24},
  Url =        {https://github.com/progrium/buildstep},
  Owner =      {S17-IO-3025},

We are using the release date in the year and month field as this project uses this for organizing releases. However, other project may have release versions so you would have in addition to using the data also to include the version in the note field such as:

Note =     {Version: 1.2.3, Accessed: 2017-1-24},


All those that helped should add your HID to this entry with a space separated from each other

2.3.2. Researching proper bibtex entries Article in a journal

Many online bibtex entries are wrong or incomplete. Often you may find via google a bibtex entry that may need some more reserach. Lets assume your first google quesry returns a publication and you cite it such as this:

    Title = {{Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall}},
    Author = {{Rob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer, Sean Quinlan}},
    Note = {accessed 2017-01-28},
    Month = {October},
    Year = {2005},
    Owner = {for the purpose of this discussion removed},
    Timestamp = {2017.01.31}

Could we improve this entry to achieve your best? We oberve:

  1. The author field has a wrong entry as the , is to be replaced by an and.
  2. The author feild has authors and thus must not have a {{ }}
  3. The url is missing, as the simple google search actually finds a PDF document.

Let us investigate a bit more while searching for the title. We find

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwj_ytSA-PDRAhUH8IMKHaomC-oQFggaMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fresearch.google.com%2Farchive%2Fsawzall-sciprog.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHSSfKBwbxVAVPQ0td4rTjitKucpA&sig2=vbiVzi36B3gGFjIzlUKBDA&bvm=bv.146073913,d.amc
  2. https://research.google.com/pubs/pub61.html
  3. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1239658

Let us look at A)

As you can see from the url this is actualy some redirection to a google web page which probably is replaced by B as its from google research. So let us look at B)

Now when you look at the link we find the url https://research.google.com/archive/sawzall-sciprog.pdf which redirects you to the PDF paper.

When we go to B) we find surprisingly a bibtex entry as follows:

  title = {Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall},
  author = {Rob Pike and Sean Dorward and Robert Griesemer and Sean Quinlan},
  year = 2005,
  URL = {https://research.google.com/archive/sawzall.html},
  journal = {Scientific Programming Journal},
  pages = {277--298},
  volume = {13}

Now we could say lets be satisfied, but C) seems to be even more interesting as its from a major publisher. So lats just make sure we look at C)

If you go to C, you find under the colored box entitled Tools and Resources a link called bibtex. Thus it seems a good idea to click on it. This will give you:

    author = {Pike, Rob and Dorward, Sean and Griesemer, Robert and Quinlan, Sean},
    title = {Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall},
    journal = {Sci. Program.},
    issue_date = {October 2005},
    volume = {13},
    number = {4},
    month = oct,
    year = {2005},
    issn = {1058-9244},
    pages = {277--298},
    numpages = {22},
    url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2005/962135},
    doi = {10.1155/2005/962135},
    acmid = {1239658},
    publisher = {IOS Press},
    address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands},

Now we seem to be at a position to combine our search result as neither entry is sufficient. As the doi number properly specifies a paper (look up what a doi is) we can replace the url with one that we find online, such as the one we found in A) Next we see that all field sin B are already coverd in C, so we take C) and add the url. Now as the label is graet and uniform for ACM, but for us a bit less convenient as its difficult to remember, we just change it while for example using authors, title, and year information. lets also make sure to do mostly lowercase in the label just as a convention. Thus our entry looks like:

    author = {Pike, Rob and Dorward, Sean and Griesemer, Robert and Quinlan, Sean},
    title = {Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall},
    journal = {Sci. Program.},
    issue_date = {October 2005},
    volume = {13},
    number = {4},
    month = oct,
    year = {2005},
    issn = {1058-9244},
    pages = {277--298},
    numpages = {22},
    url = {https://research.google.com/archive/sawzall-sciprog.pdf},
    doi = {10.1155/2005/962135},
    acmid = {1239658},
    publisher = {IOS Press},
    address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands},

As you can see properly specifying a refernce takes multiple google quesries and merging of the results you find from various returms. As you still have time to correct things I advise that you check your refernces and correct them. If the original refernce would have been graded it would have been graded with a “fail” instead of a “pass”.

2.3.3. Article in a conference proceedings

Lets look at a second obvious example that needs improvement:

  Title                    = {Any2API - Automated APIfication},
  Author                   = {Wettinger, Johannes and
                              Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher
                              and Frank Leymann},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the 5th International
                              Conference on Cloud Computing and
                              Services Science},
  Year                     = {2015},
  Pages                    = {475­486},
  Publisher                = {SciTePress},

  ISSN                     = {2326-7550},
  Owner                    = {S17-IO-3005},
  Url                      = {https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cd4/4b87be8cf68ea5c4c642d38678a7b40a86de.pdf}

As you can see this entry seems to define all required fields, so we could be tempted to stop here. But its good to double check. Lets do some queries against ACM, . and google scholar, so we jst type in the title, and if this is in a proceedings they should return hopeflly a predefined bibtex record for us.

Lets query:

google: googlescholar Any2API Automated APIfication

We get:

On that page we see Cite

So we find a PDF at https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cd4/4b87be8cf68ea5c4c642d38678a7b40a86de.pdf

Lets click on this and the document incldes a bibtex entry such as:

  author= {Johannes Wettinger and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Frank
  title = {Any2API - Automated APIfication},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud
               Computing and Service Science (CLOSER)},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {475--486},
  publisher = {SciTePress}

Now lets add the URL and owner:

  author= {Johannes Wettinger and Uwe Breitenb{\"u}cher and Frank
  title = {Any2API - Automated APIfication},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud
               Computing and Service Science (CLOSER)},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {475--486},
  publisher = {SciTePress},
  url ={https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cd4/4b87be8cf68ea5c4c642d38678a7b40a86de.pdf},
  owner = {S17-IO-3005},

Should we be satisfied? No, even our original information we gathere provided more information. So lets continue. Lets googlesearch different queries with ACM or IEEE and the title. When doing the IEEE in the example we find an entry called

dlp: Frank Leyman

Lets look at it and we find two entries:

  author    = {Johannes Wettinger and
               Uwe Breitenb{\"{u}}cher and
               Frank Leymann},
  title     = {{ANY2API} - Automated APIfication - Generating APIs for Executables
               to Ease their Integration and Orchestration for Cloud Application
               Deployment Automation},
  booktitle = {{CLOSER} 2015 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
               Cloud Computing and Services Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 May,
  pages     = {475--486},
  year      = {2015},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/closer/2015},
  url       = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0005472704750486},
  doi       = {10.5220/0005472704750486},
  timestamp = {Tue, 04 Aug 2015 09:28:21 +0200},
  biburl    = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/closer/WettingerBL15},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}

  editor    = {Markus Helfert and
               Donald Ferguson and
               V{\'{\i}}ctor M{\'{e}}ndez Mu{\-{n}}oz},
  title     = {{CLOSER 2015 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
               Cloud Computing and Services Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 May,
  publisher = {SciTePress},
  year      = {2015},
  isbn      = {978-989-758-104-5},
  timestamp = {Tue, 04 Aug 2015 09:17:34 +0200},
  biburl    = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/closer/2015},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}

So lets look at the entry and see how to get a better one for our purpose to combine them. When using jabref, you see optional and required fields, we want to add as many as possible, regardless if optional or required, so Lets do that (I I write here in ASCII as easier to document:

  author =   {},
  title =    {},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =   {},
  OPTbooktitle = {},
  OPTyear =          {},
  OPTeditor =        {},
  OPTvolume =        {},
  OPTnumber =        {},
  OPTseries =        {},
  OPTpages =         {},
  OPTmonth =         {},
  OPTaddress =       {},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTnote =          {},
  OPTannote =        {},
  url = {}

So lets copy and fill out the form from our various searches:

  author    = {Johannes Wettinger and
             Uwe Breitenb{\"{u}}cher and
             Frank Leymann},
  title     = {{ANY2API - Automated APIfication - Generating APIs for Executables
             to Ease their Integration and Orchestration for Cloud Application
             Deployment Automation}},
  booktitle = {{CLOSER 2015 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
               Cloud Computing and Services Science}},
  year =     {2015},
  editor    = {Markus Helfert and
               Donald Ferguson and
               V{\'{\i}}ctor M{\'{e}}ndez Mu{\-{n}}oz},
  publisher = {SciTePress},
  isbn      = {978-989-758-104-5},
  pages = {475--486},
  month = {20-22 May},
  address =          {Lisbon, Portugal},
  doi       = {10.5220/0005472704750486},
  url ={https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cd4/4b87be8cf68ea5c4c642d38678a7b40a86de.pdf},
  owner = {S17-IO-3005},

2.3.4. What are the differnt entry types and fields

We were asked what are the different entry types and fields, so we did a google query and found the following useful information. please remember that we also have fields such as doi, owner, we will add status ={pass/fail} at time of grading to indicate if the refernce passes or fails. We may assign this to you so you get familiar with the identification if a referncei is ok or not.

Please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX

2.3.5. InProceedings

Please fill out

  author =       {},
  title =        {},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTbooktitle = {},
  OPTyear =      {},
  OPTeditor =    {},
  OPTvolume =    {},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  OPTseries =    {},
  OPTpages =     {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTaddress =   {},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {}
  author =     {DeLeon, Robert L. and Furlani, Thomas R. and Gallo,
                  Steven M. and White, Joseph P. and Jones, Matthew
                  D. and Patra, Abani and Innus, Martins and Yearke,
                  Thomas and Palmer, Jeffrey T. and Sperhac, Jeanette
                  M. and Rathsam, Ryan and Simakov, Nikolay and von
                  Laszewski, Gregor and Wang, Fugang},
  title =      {{TAS View of XSEDE Users and Usage}},
  booktitle =  {Proceedings of the 2015 XSEDE Conference: Scientific
                  Advancements Enabled by Enhanced
  series =     {XSEDE '15},
  year =       2015,
  isbn =       {978-1-4503-3720-5},
  location =   {St. Louis, Missouri},
  pages =      {21:1--21:8},
  articleno =  21,
  numpages =   8,
  url =                {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2792745.2792766},
  doi =                {10.1145/2792745.2792766},
  acmid =      2792766,
  publisher =  {ACM},
  address =    {New York, NY, USA},
  keywords =   {HPC, SUPReMM, TAS, XDMoD, XSEDE usage, XSEDE users},

2.3.6. TechReport

Please fill out

  author =       {},
  title =        {},
  institution =  {},
  year =         {},
  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTtype =      {},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  OPTaddress =   {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {}
  title =      {{The Java CoG Kit Experiment Manager}},
  Author =     {von Laszewski, Gregor},
  Institution =        {Argonne National Laboratory},
  Year =       2005,
  Month =      jun,
  Number =     {P1259},
  url = {https://laszewski.github.io/papers/vonLaszewski-exp.pdf}

2.3.7. Article

Please fill out

  author =       {},
  title =        {},
  journal =      {},
  year =         {},
  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTvolume =    {},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  OPTpages =     {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},,
  url = {}
  title =      {{The Grid-Idea and Its Evolution}},
  author =     {von Laszewski, Gregor},
  journal =    {Journal of Information Technology},
  year =       2005,
  month =      jun,
  number =     6,
  pages =      {319-329},
  volume =     47,
  doi =                {10.1524/itit.2005.47.6.319},
  url = {https://laszewski.github.io/papers/vonLaszewski-grid-idea.pdf}

2.3.8. Proceedings

Please fill out

  title =        {},
  year =         {},
  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTbooktitle = {},
  OPTeditor =    {},
  OPTvolume =    {},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  OPTseries =    {},
  OPTaddress =   {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {}
  title =      {{FederatedClouds '12: Proceedings of the 2012
                  Workshop on Cloud Services, Federation, and the 8th
                  Open Cirrus Summit}},
  year =       2012,
  address =    {New York, NY, USA},
  editor =     {vonLaszewski, Gregor and Robert Grossman and Michael
                  Kozuchand Rick McGeerand Dejan Milojicic},
  publisher =  {ACM},
  iSBN =       {978-1-4503-1754-2},
  location =   {San Jose, California, USA},
  url =

2.3.9. Wikipedia Entry

Please fill out

  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTauthor =    {},
  OPTtitle =     {},
  OPThowpublished = {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTyear =      {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {}
  Title =      {Apache ODE},
  HowPublished = {Web Page},
  Note =       {Accessed: 2017-2-11},
  Key =                {Apache ODE},
  Url =                {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_ODE}

2.3.10. Blogs

Please fill out

  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTauthor =    {},
  OPTtitle =     {},
  OPThowpublished = {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTyear =      {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  OPTurl = {}
  title =      {Disco - A Powerful Erlang and Python Map/Reduce
  uthor =      {Clarridge, Tait},
  howpublished = {Blog},
  month =      may,
  note =       {Accessed: 25-feb-2017},
  year =       2014,
  url =  {http://www.taitclarridge.com/techlog/2014/05/disco-a-powerful-erlang-and-python-mapreduce-framework.html}

2.3.11. Web Page

Please fill out

  OPTkey =       {},
  OPTauthor =    {},
  OPTtitle =     {},
  OPThowpublished = {},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTyear =      {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {}
  OPTkey =       {},
  author =    {von Laszewski, Gregor},
  title =     {Cloudmesh Classes},
  howpublished = {Web Page},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  OPTyear =      {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url = {https://cloudmesh.github.io/classes/}
  title =      {AWS Lambda},
  author =     {{Amazon}},
  key =                {AWS Lambda},
  howpublished = {Web Page},
  url =                {https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/faqs/}

2.3.12. Book

Given the following entry. What is the proper entry for this book. Provide rationale:

    Title = {Netty in Action},
    Author = {Maurer, Norman and Wolfthal, Marvin},
    Publisher = {Manning Publications},
    Year = {2016},

To obtain the record of a book you can look at many information sources. The can include:

Furtheromore wee need to consider the entry of a book, we simply look it up in emacs where we find the following but add the owner and the url field:

  ALTauthor =          {},
  ALTeditor =          {},
  title =      {},
  publisher =          {},
  year =       {},
  OPTkey =     {},
  OPTvolume =          {},
  OPTnumber =          {},
  OPTseries =          {},
  OPTaddress =         {},
  OPTedition =         {},
  OPTmonth =   {},
  OPTnote =    {},
  OPTannote =          {},
  ownwer =       {},
  url = {}

In summary we find the following fields:

Required fields:
author/editor, title, publisher, year
Optional fields:
volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note, key

We apply the following to fill out the fields.

The address is the Publisher’s address. Usually just the city, but can be the full address for lesser-known publishers.
The name(s) of the author(s) (in the case of more than one author, separated by and) Names can be written in one of two forms: Donald E. Knuth or Knuth, Donald E. or van Halen, Eddie. Please note that Eddie van Halen would result in a wrong name. For our purpose we keep nobelity titles part of the last name.
The edition of a book, long form (such as “First” or “Second”)
The name(s) of the editor(s)
A hidden field used for specifying or overriding the alphabetical order of entries (when the “author” and “editor” fields are missing). Note that this is very different from the key that is used to cite or cross-reference the entry.
The label field should contain three letters from the auth field, a short year reference and a short name of the publication to provide the maximum information regarding the publication. Underscores should be replaced with dashes or removed completely.
The month of publication or, if unpublished, the month of creation. Use three-letter abbreviations for this field in order to account for languages that do not capitalize month names. Additional information for the day can be included as follows: aug #”~10,”
The publisher’s name
The series of books the book was published in (e.g. “The Hardy Boys” or “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”)
The title of the work. As the capitalization depends on the bibliography style and the language used we typically use camel case. To force caitalization of a word or its first letter you can use the curly braces, ‘{ }’. To keep the title in camel case simple use title = {{My Title}}
The field overriding the default type of publication (e.g. “Research Note” for techreport, “{PhD} dissertation” for phdthesis, “Section” for inbook/incollection) volume The volume of a journal or multi-volume book year The year of publication (or, if unpublished, the year of creation)

While applying the above rules and tips we summarize what we have done for this entry:

  1. Search for the book by title/Author on ACM (http://dl.acm.org/) or Amazon or barnesandnoble or upcitemdb (http://upcitemdb.com). These services return bibtex entrie that you can improve.

  2. Hence one option is t get the ISBN of the book. For “Mesos in action” from upcitemdb we got the ISBN as “9781617 292927”. This is the 13 digit ISBN. The first 3 digits (GS1 code) can be skipped. Using the rest of 10 digits “1617 292927”, Add in JabRef in Optional Fields->ISBN.

    However it is fine to youst specify the full number.

    We can also return a bibtex entry generated while using Click on the “Get BibTex from ISBN”.

    Now we get more information on this book entry from ISBN. We can opt either the original or newly searched entry for the below bibtex fields or merge as appropriate. URL may not match from where we initially read the book, however there is option to put your original url or newly searched url. EAN, Edition, Pages,url,published date etc. Do a search on amazon for “ASIN”. Can skip if not available. Sometime we get ASIN for a different publication, maybe a paperback ASIN={B01MT311CU} We can add it as it becomes easier to search

If you can find a doi numer you should also add it. IN this case we could not locate one.

As a result we obtain the entry:

  title = {Netty in Action},
  publisher = {Manning Publications Co.},
  year = {2015},
  author = {Maurer, Norman and Wolfthal, Marvin Allen},
  address = {Greenwich, CT, USA},
  edition = {1st},
  isbn = {1617291471},
  asin = {1617291471},
  date = {2015-12-23},
  ean = {9781617291470},
  owner = {S17-IO-3022 S17-IO-3010 S17-IO-3012},
  pages = {296},
  url = {http://www.ebook.de/de/product/21687528/norman_maurer_netty_in_action.html},

2.3.13. Bibtex import to MSWord XML import

Plaease respond back to us if you have used this and give feedback.

  1. In JabRef, export the bibliography in MS Word 2008 xml format
  2. Name the file Sources.xml (case sensitive)
  3. In OSX with MS Word 2015: Go to ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.word/Data/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office.
  4. Rename the original Sources.xml file to Sources.xml.bak
  5. Copy the generated Sources.xml in this folder
  6. Restart MS Word.

We do not know what needs to be done in case you need to make changes to the refernces. Please report back your experiences. To avoid issues we recommend that you use LaTeX. and not MSWord. BibTex4Word

We have not tried this:

You are highly recommended to use Jabref for bibliography management in this class. Here is an introductory video on Jabref: https://youtu.be/roi7vezNmfo?t=8m6s