1.3. Course Information and Calendar


Information will change. Please, revisit frequently.


This class ends on Dec 15 and not earlier. Residential students are required to attend all Friday classes including those held in Dec. Missing such classes will result in grade reduction. We will implement a strict policy. Only for medical reasons a class can be missed. The reasoning for this is that residential students that did not attend classes regularly tend to do not as well in this class as their colleagues. As we want that you achieve your best we strongly advise to attend and give with this policy an additional motivating factor.

1.3.1. Notebook

Students are required to maintain a class notebook in github in which they summarize their weekly activities for this course. This includes a self maintained list of which lecture material they viewed.

The notebook is maintained in the class github.com in your hid project folder. It is a file called notebook.md that uses markdown as format. While using md, you can either edit it locally and upload to github, or directly edit it via the git hub Web editor.

You will be responsible to set up and maintaining the notebook.md and update it accordingly. We suggest that you prepare sections such as: Logistic, Theory, Practice, Writing and put in bullet form what you have done into these sections during the week. We can see from the github logs when you changed the notbook.md file to monitor progress. The management of the notebook will be part of your discussion grade.

The format of the notebook is very specific and must follow these rules:

  • use headings with the # character and have a space after the #
  • use bullets in each topic.
  • each bullet must have an individual date that is of the form mm/dd/yy. Please do not lump bullet points under s single date. Have each bullet point its own date
  • if you have done the activity in a period than add the second date to it mm/dd/yy - mm/dd/yy
  • If you refer to section numbers in your notebook, please aslo add the section title as the section numbers may change in case we need to add content

Please examine carefully the sample note book is available at:

This will render inmd as:

1.3.2. Calendar

This class is a full term class of 16 weeks.

  • Aug 21, Mon, Class Begins (see web page)

  • Aug 25, Fri, 9am Setup communication pathways for the class (no extensions)

    • You must have created a github repository in our class repository. (Graded homework, no extensions)
    • You must be in the class Piazza (Graded homework, no extensions).
    • Why no extensions: if we can not communicate with you we can not conduct the class. Everyone must be in piazza and github timely. Instead of giving points we will deduct points from everyone that has not done it in time. Those that registered late have one week from the time they registered to complete this task.
  • Sep 4, Mon, Labor Day

    • Good day to work on projects, computer setup
  • Oct 9, 9am. Paper 1 due (Graded)

  • Oct 2 Computer Setup completed

  • Fall Break Oct 6 - Oct 8

    This is a good time to work ahead or catch up with things. We strongly advise to use this time wisely.

  • Auto W Sun, Oct 22

    • Oct 30 General programming assignments due (pass/fail) * results * code quality * documentation
  • Nov 6, 9am Paper 2 due (Graded)

  • Nov 19 - Nov 26, Thanksgiving lecture free time

    This is a good time to work ahead or catch up with things We strongly advise to use this time wisely. Projects and paper are due Dec 1. We will deduct 10% of the grade if not completed by Dec 1.

    • Dec 4, 9am. Project and Paper due
    • Dec 4, 9am. If not doing a project Extended paper due

    Although the paper is due on Dec 1. we may grant that you continue to work on your paper based on a first review (upon approval).

  • Dec 1 - 10

    Work in group meetings with TAs on improving your papers and projects

  • Dec 11 - 14

    Work in group meetings with TAs on improving your papers and projects

  • Ends Fri, Dec 15

1.3.3. Graded Assignment Due Dates

  • Paper 1 - Oct 9th 9am
  • Paper 2 - Nov 6th 9am
  • Final Project - Dec 4th, 9am

1.3.4. Incomplete

Incomplete’s will receive a fractional Grade reduction. Example A will become A-, A- will become B+, and so forth. There is enough time in the course to complete all assignments without getting an incomplete.

Why do we have such a policy? As we teach state-of-the-art software this software is subject to change, not only within the course, but also after the course. As we may offer some services and only have access to the TA’s during the semester it is obvious that we like all class projects and homework assignments to be completed within a semester. Services that were offered during the semester may no longer be available after the semester is over and could adversely effect your planing. It will be in the students responsibility to identify such services and provide alternatives if they become unavailable. We try hard to avoid this but we can not guarantee it.

Furthermore once an incomplete is requested, you will have 10 month to complete it. We will need 2 month to grade. No grading will be conducted over breaks. This may effect those that require student loans. Please plan ahead.

1.3.5. Registration Information

The folloing course numbers are sections of this class

  • FA17-BL-ENGR-E534-36123
  • FA17-BL-ENGR-E534-36124
  • FA17-BL-INFO-I423-13993
  • FA17-BL-INFO-I423-13994
  • FA17-BL-INFO-I523-13308
  • FA17-BL-INFO-I523-13310

The official registration information can be found here:

We summarize, but like to point out that the information here may have changed. We advise to visit the official page. However important to note is that all residential students meet:

09:30A-10:45A   Friday      I2 150

Engineering Residential:

      36123 RSTR     Von Laszewski G          up to 25
         Above class open to graduate engineering students only
         Above class taught online
         Discussion (DIS)
      36124 RSTR     09:30A-10:45A   F      I2 150    Von Laszewski G
      Above class meets in the Smith Research Center, 151E

Informatics Graduate Residential:

      *****          Von Laszewski G          up to 50
         Above class open to graduates only
         Above class taught online
         Discussion (DIS)
      13308          09:30A-10:45A   F      I2 150    Von Laszewski G
         Above class meets with INFO-I 423

Informatics Graduate Online:

I 523 : P - Data Science majors only
      13310 RSTR     Von Laszewski G          up to 90
         This is a 100% online class taught by IU Bloomington. No
         on-campus class meetings are required. A distance education
         fee may apply; check your campus bursar website for more
         Above class for students not in residence on the Bloomington

Informatics Undergraduate:

    CLSD ***** RSTR  Von Laszewski G          up to 10
         Above class open to undergraduates only
         Above class taught online
         Discussion (DIS)
    CLSD 13994 RSTR     09:30A-10:45A   F      I2 150    Von Laszewski G
         Above class meets with INFO-I 523

1.3.6. Waitlist

The waitlist contains students that are unable to enroll in a section of a course. Students choose to add themselves to the waitlist. They are not automatically added, but choose to do so intentionally based on the status of the course. There are two reasons for students to be on the waitlist. The first, and primary, reason is that the class is already at the scheduled, maximum capacity. Since there are no seats available, the student can elect to add themselves to the waitlist. The second reason is that the students’ own schedule has a time conflict. This occurs when they are trying to enroll in a class that overlaps with the time of a class they are already enrolled in.

Students are moved from the waitlist to the regular section during a daily batch process, and not in real time. The process is not in realtime because the registrar receives many requests to increase capacity, decrease capacity, and change rooms. If the process were real time there would be a catastrophe of conflicts.

Students are moved from the waitlist in chronological order that they added themselves to the waitlist. If you are still on the waitlist there are no spaces free, the batch process has not run for the day, or the student in question has a schedule conflict.

Faculty are not able to selectively choose students from the waitlist.

How long does the waitlist process stay active?: The automated processing of the waitlist ends on THURSDAY morning, August 24th. At this time the waitlist will no longer be processed. Students on the waitlist at that time will remain on the waitlist, but remain there until the student decides to change their registration. Students may not do that, because they get assessed a change schedule fee.

Students tell me they still want to enroll after the first week of classes. How do they do this?

Beginning Monday, August 28th students begin to use the eAdd process to do a late addition of the course. The request is routed to the professor of record on an eDoc and the faculty will be notified via email. Faculty can deny or approve based on whatever criteria they wish to apply. If the faculty member approves, the eDoc is electronically forwarded to the Academic Operations office and we will approve the late add if the room capacity allows the addition, otherwise we must deny the addition because of fire marshal regulations. Many times, there are seats in a classroom/discussion/lab, but because other students have not officially dropped, enrollment is still at capacity.

After everything, a student that was unable to enroll in the class attended all year and completed all course work as if they had enrolled. Can the student get credit and can I give the student a grade?

Yes. There is a provision for a late registration - contact our office if this occurs. Students will be assessed a tuition fee at the time of late or retroactive registration.

1.3.7. Auditing the class


degree seeking students have preference to take this class. If the class is full and degree seeking students are on the waiting list auditing and non-degree students will have to wait till all others have been able to enroll. IF space permits only than auditing and non degree students can enroll.

In case you like to audit the class or like to take it as part of a non-degree program the following applies:

Participation in the class is approved for non degree student and students that like to audit the class under the following conditions:

  1. Due to limited space enrollment in the residential class is not allowed. The class must be taken online.
  2. To assure that the full value of the class is applied all homework (graded and ungraded) must be conducted, however we will not grade your assignments.
  3. For non degree students and students that audit the class an incomplete will not be allowed. The class homework must be completed in the semester as some software and services will only be accessible during the semester.
  4. Accounts and services cannot be shared and will be disabled once the class is over.
  5. It is not allowed to use our services for profit (e.g. just enrolling in the class to use our clouds).
  6. In case of abuse of available compute time on our clouds the student is aware that we will terminate the computer account on our clouds and she may have to conduct the project on a public cloud or his own computer under her own cost. There will be no guarantee that cloud services we offer will be available after the semester is over. Projects can be conducted as part of the class that do not require access to the cloud.
  7. There will not be any recommendation letter be provided based on auditing the class from the instructors. If a certificat of attendance is needed please contact the university administration.

1.3.8. Meeting Times

The classes are published online. Residential students at Indiana University will participate in a discussion taking place at the following time according to the information provided by the registrar.

  • 09:30A-10:45A Friday I523/I423/E534 other residential, I2 150

The Monday class has been moved to Friday

1.3.9. Office Hours

Residential Students:

Residential students participate in the official meeting times. If additional times are required, they have to be done on appointment. As online hours are reserved for online students, residential students should not use them till not all questions have been answered by online students.

  • Mon 4-5 PM (Miao in Smith Research Center)
  • Tue 3-4 PM (Saber in Smith Research Center)
  • Wed 10-11 AM (Juliette in Informatics East Cafe)
  • Thu 3:30-4:30 PM (Juliette in Smith Research Center)
  • Fri 3-4 PM (Saber, Miao in Smith Research Center)

We suggest that you let the TA’s know before you come, in order to make sure there are not too many people coming at the same time.

Residential students can also use the online student meeting times. However, in that case online students will be served first. It is probably good to check into the zoom meeting and identify if the TA has time. They will be in zoom.

If a meeting is needed with Gregor, this is done upon appointment Tue-Thu 10am - 2:30pm. TAs will figure out if a meeting is needed. Please prepare your questions ahead of time, and place them in Piazza first.

Online Students:

Using a doodle poll from the online students, we have identified the following times for the online meetings:

  • Mon 6-7 PM EST (Gregor, Juliette)
  • Mon 7-8 PM EST (Gregor, Juliette)
  • Fri 4-5 PM EST (Saber, Miao)
  • Sat 10-11 AM EST (Saber, Miao)
  • Wed 5-6 PM EST (Juliette, no meeting notes for this meeting time,

The link for joining the meeting on Zoom is https://iu.zoom.us/j/235405252

If a meeting is needed with Gregor, this is done upon appointment Tue-Thu 10am - 2:30pm. TAs will figure out if a meeting is needed. Please prepare your questions ahead of time, and place them in Piazza first.

Online students can also use the residential student meeting times. However, in that case residential students will be served first. It is probably good to check if the TA is free. They will be in zoom.

For more up-to-date details, refer to Piazza.