analytics help FUNCTION
analytics manual SERVICE
analytics codegen function FILENAME --service=NAME
analytics codegen sklearn MODEL --service=NAME
analytics server start --service=NAME
analytics server stop SERVICE [--service=NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD]
analytics file put SERVICE FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT]
analytics file list SERVICE [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT]
analytics file get SERVICE FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT]
analytics file run SERVICE PARAMETERS... FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v]
analytics run SERVICE PARAMETERS... [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v]
analytics SERVICE [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v]
This command manages the cloudmesh analytics server on the given cloud.
If the cloud is not spified it is run on localhost
--cloud=CLOUD The name of the cloud as specified in the
cloudmesh.yaml file
--dir=DIR The directory in which the service is to be
placed [default=./build]
--port=PORT The port of the service [default=8000]
--host=HOST The hostname to run this server on
--service=NAME The name of the service (should than not just
be name?)
SERVICE the name of the service
PARAMETERS the PARAMETERS to be send toy the service
cms analytics manual LinearRegression
cms analytics help LinearRegression
cms analytics help sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression