analytics ========= .. parsed-literal:: Usage: analytics help FUNCTION analytics manual SERVICE analytics codegen function FILENAME --service=NAME [--dir=DIR] [--port=PORT] [--host=HOST] analytics codegen sklearn MODEL --service=NAME [--port=PORT] [--dir=DIR] [--host=HOST] analytics server start --service=NAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--dir=DIR] [--detached] analytics server stop SERVICE [--service=NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] analytics file put SERVICE FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] analytics file list SERVICE [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] analytics file get SERVICE FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] analytics file run SERVICE PARAMETERS... FILENAME [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v] analytics run SERVICE PARAMETERS... [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v] analytics SERVICE [--cloud=CLOUD] [--port=PORT] [-v] This command manages the cloudmesh analytics server on the given cloud. If the cloud is not spified it is run on localhost Options: --cloud=CLOUD The name of the cloud as specified in the cloudmesh.yaml file --dir=DIR The directory in which the service is to be placed [default=./build] --port=PORT The port of the service [default=8000] --host=HOST The hostname to run this server on [default=] --service=NAME The name of the service (should than not just be name?) Arguments: SERVICE the name of the service PARAMETERS the PARAMETERS to be send toy the service Description: Examples: cms analytics manual LinearRegression cms analytics help LinearRegression cms analytics help sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression