Windows Cloudmesh Ubuntu Subsystem Environment

It is trivial to set up cloudmesh on Windows when leveraging the Ubuntu subsystem. First you need to install the Linux subsystem from

Next you launch the Ubuntu 18.04TLS image from the Microsoft App store

Once you have started the Ubuntu subsystem, you need to execute the following to update to a new version of python. We want to use python 3.7.4:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make
sudo apt install -y emacs
sudo apt install -y git
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install -y python3.7
python -m venv ENV3 --without-pip
curl -o
python --user
python3.7 --version
pip --version

Setup git

Next configure your github identity. It is important you do this or your may not get proper credit as we obtain user information form github

git config --global "user_name"
git config --global "email_id"
git config --global core.editor emacs


At the end of your .bashrc place the following lines so that your environment will be always activated when you start a new ubuntu terminal.

emacs ~/.bashrc

Add the following line to it so whenever you start the the ubuntu shell, it just jumps right into your development directory and replace user with your username

# the default ls has some uggly colors, so lets improve this
export LS_COLORS="$LS_COLORS:ow=1;34:tw=1;34:"
# lets us make python 3.7 available via python
alias python='python3.7'
# let us cd to the cloudmesh working directory upon login
cd /mnt/c/Users/<USER>/cm
# set ENV3 to be the default python
alias ENV3="source ~/ENV3/bin/activate"

Pycharm different terminal

go to Settings->tools->terminal




"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\bin\sh.exe " –login -i




  • Next we install an easy cloudmesh-installer program that we use to clone the cloudmesh repositories

    pip install cloudmesh-installer
  • Let us check out the needed repositories. Cloudmesh is distributed in bundles for development. One of the most comprehensive bundles is the storage bundles. Let us clone it with

    mkdir cm
    cd cm
    cloudmesh-installer git clone storage
  • Do a dir and you will see something like

    (ENV3) C:\Users\yourname\cm>dir
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is B215-C79C
     Directory of C:\Users\blue\cm
    05/13/2019  12:09 PM    <DIR>          .
    05/13/2019  12:09 PM    <DIR>          ..
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-box
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-cloud
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-cmd5
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-common
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-inventory
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-manual
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-storage
    05/13/2019  12:06 PM    <DIR>          cloudmesh-sys
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                  11 Dir(s)  965,946,884,096 bytes free

If you like to explore other bundles, you can do this with

(ENV3) C:\Users\blue\cm>cloudmesh-installer bundles

Which will return you a list of the different development combinations. Please note that they are here just for developer convenience and you do not have to think about which bundles you need. Get in contact with us to find out mor. We even can create you a custom bundle. If you are a user, you naturally will be able to use a pip install once the package has been released and the dependencies will be discovered automatically.

        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-batch cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-storage cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-box cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-storage cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-emr cloudmesh-comet
        cloudmesh-openapi cloudmesh-nn cloudmesh-nist cloudmesh-conda
        cloudmesh-azure cloudmesh-aws cloudmesh-box cloudmesh-redshift
        about get cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-flow cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-common cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-sys cloudmesh-cloud
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-emr cloudmesh-manual
        cloudmesh-box cloudmesh-cloud cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-common
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-manual cloudmesh-storage cloudmesh-sys
        cloudmesh-box cloudmesh-cloud cloudmesh-cmd5 cloudmesh-common
        cloudmesh-inventory cloudmesh-manual cloudmesh-storage cloudmesh-sys

Development with pyCharm

Pycharm is a great editor with many features. It is worthwhile to spend some time with it and explore. Please install pycharm community edition from

Start it up and say Open Project. Locate the cm directory and open it. All repositories will be imported and you can use them for development.

Next we want to configure the python interpreter. Go to

  • File->Settings->Project:cm->Project Interpreter

Click on project interpreter and select All add the interpreter with the location

  • C:\USers\yourusername\venv

It will add your interpreter to pycharm

Github use

cloudmesh-installer is best used with ssh keys. Generate one in the terminal while saying


It is very important that you do not create a password less key out of security reasons. If we find out you do, you will get all repository access revoked in case you have write access. Look at the public key with in gitbash

$ cat ~/.ssh/

and upload the key to

As you can directly commit from pycharm you can set up git hub access also in pycharm.

Git Pull requests

In case you do not have direct access to github cloudmesh, you can create yourself a local clone and create pull requests. Please note it is of utmost important that you do not wait for 10 weeks with your pull request, we want to see your git updates on a weekly basis.

Compiling the code

To avoid compiling the code all the time you can visit each directory and issue the command

pip install -e .

or you can apply it an a bundle with

cloudmesh-installer install storage -e

where we assume that your bundle is storage. This will take quire a while as we install lots of libraries to give you access to lots of clouds.

To see if this installed cloudmesh you can do

cms help