Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import getpass
import socket

import pyaml
import time
from import command
from import Console
from import Vm
from import SecGroup
from import Network
from import Group
from import Counter
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import Username
from import CloudProvider
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.Error import Error
from cloudmesh_client.common.LibcloudDict import LibcloudDict
from builtins import input
from cloudmesh_client.common.hostlist import Parameter
from cloudmesh_client.common.Shell import Shell
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from import Image
from import Ip
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import search
from cloudmesh_client.db.CloudmeshDatabase import CloudmeshDatabase

[docs]class VmCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"vm": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command vm") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_vm(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: vm default [--cloud=CLOUD][--format=FORMAT] vm refresh [all][--cloud=CLOUD] vm boot [--name=NAME] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--username=USERNAME] [--image=IMAGE] [--flavor=FLAVOR] [--group=GROUP] [--public] [--secgroup=SECGROUP] [--key=KEY] [--dryrun] vm boot [--n=COUNT] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--username=USERNAME] [--image=IMAGE] [--flavor=FLAVOR] [--group=GROUP] [--public] [--secgroup=SECGROUP] [--key=KEY] [--dryrun] vm ping [NAME] [N] vm console [NAME] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--force] vm start [NAMES] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--force] vm stop [NAMES] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--force] vm terminate [NAMES] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--force] vm delete [NAMES] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--keep] [--dryrun] vm ip assign [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] vm ip show [NAMES] [--group=GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--refresh] vm ip inventory [NAMES] [--header=HEADER] [--file=FILE] vm ssh [NAME] [--username=USER] [--quiet] [--ip=IP] [--cloud=CLOUD] [--key=KEY] [--command=COMMAND] [--modify-knownhosts] vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [--force] [--dryrun] vm list [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUDS|--active] [--group=GROUP] [--format=FORMAT] [--refresh] vm status [NAMES] vm wait [--cloud=CLOUD] [--interval=SECONDS] vm info [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] vm check NAME vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [--cloud=CLOUD] Arguments: COMMAND positional arguments, the commands you want to execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ';', you will get a return of executing result instead of login to the server, note that type in -- is suggested before you input the commands NAME server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database. NAMES server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database. KEYPAIR_NAME Name of the openstack keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is not a path to key. NEWNAMES New names of the VM while renaming. OLDNAMES Old names of the VM while renaming. Options: -H --modify-knownhosts Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file when ssh'ing into a machine --username=USERNAME the username to login into the vm. If not specified it will be guessed from the image name and the cloud --ip=IP give the public ip of the server --cloud=CLOUD give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected or default cloud will be used --count=COUNT give the number of servers to start --detail for table print format, a brief version is used as default, use this flag to print detailed table --flavor=FLAVOR give the name or id of the flavor --group=GROUP give the group name of server --secgroup=SECGROUP security group name for the server --image=IMAGE give the name or id of the image --key=KEY specify a key to use, input a string which is the full path to the private key file --keypair_name=KEYPAIR_NAME Name of the openstack keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is not a path to key. --user=USER give the user name of the server that you want to use to login --name=NAME give the name of the virtual machine --force rename/ delete vms without user's confirmation --command=COMMAND specify the commands to be executed Description: commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud vm default [options...] Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either on the default cloud or the specified cloud. vm boot [options...] Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set default values of a cloud: cloud help vm start [options...] Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance. vm stop [options...] Stops a vm instance . vm delete [options...] Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud, give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names. Or user may specify more options to narrow the search vm floating_ip_assign [options...] assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud vm ip show [options...] show the ips of VMs vm ssh [options...] login to a server or execute commands on it vm list [options...] same as command "list vm", please refer to it vm status [options...] Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it. Tip: give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3'] sample[1-3,18] => ['sample1', 'sample2', 'sample3', 'sample18'] Quoting commands: cm vm login gvonlasz-004 --command=\"uname -a\" """ """ # terminate # issues a termination to the cloud, keeps vm in database # delete # issues a terminate if not already done # (remember you do not have to go to cloud if state is already terminated) # deletes the vm from database # # bulk rename rename abc[0-1] def[3-4] renames the abc0,abc1 -> def3,def4 if arguments["rename"]: oldnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["OLDNAME"]) newnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["NEWNAME"]) # check if new names ar not already taken # to be implemented if len(oldnames) == len(newnames): for i in range(0, len(oldnames)): oldname = oldnames[i] newname = newnames[i] if newname is None or newname == '': print("New node name cannot be empty") else: print(Cluster.rename_node(clusterid, oldname, newname)) """ cm = CloudmeshDatabase() def _print_dict(d, header=None, output='table'): return Printer.write(d, order=["id", "name", "status"], output=output, sort_keys=True) def _print_dict_ip(d, header=None, output='table'): return Printer.write(d, order=["network", "version", "addr"], output=output, sort_keys=True) def _refresh_cloud(cloud): try: msg = "Refresh VMs for cloud {:}.".format(cloud) if Vm.refresh(cloud=cloud): Console.ok("{:} OK.".format(msg)) else: Console.error("{:} failed".format(msg), traceflag=False) except Exception as e: Console.error("Problem running VM refresh", traceflag=False) def _get_vm_names(): vm_list = cm.find(kind="vm") vms = [vm["name"] for vm in vm_list] names = pattern = arguments["NAMES"] if pattern is not None: if "*" in pattern: names = search(vms, pattern) else: names = Parameter.expand(names) if names == ['last'] or names is None: names == [Default.vm] return vm_list, names cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") active_clouds = config["cloudmesh"]["active"] def _refresh(cloud): all = arguments["all"] or None if all is None: _refresh_cloud(cloud) else: for cloud in active_clouds: _refresh_cloud(cloud) arg = dotdict(arguments) = arguments["--cloud"] or arg.image = arguments["--image"] or Default.get(name="image", arg.flavor = arguments["--flavor"] or Default.get(name="flavor", = arguments["--group"] or arg.secgroup = arguments["--secgroup"] or Default.secgroup arg.key = arguments["--key"] or Default.key arg.dryrun = arguments["--dryrun"] = arguments["--name"] arg.format = arguments["--format"] or 'table' arg.refresh = Default.refresh or arguments["--refresh"] arg.count = int(arguments["--n"] or 1) arg.dryrun = arguments["--dryrun"] arg.verbose = not arguments["--quiet"] # # in many cases use NAMES # if arg.NAMES is not None: # arg.names = Parameter.expand(arg.NAMES) # gvonlasz[001-002] gives ["gvonlasz-001", "gvonlasz-002"] # else: # arg.names = None # if arguments["boot"]: arg.username = arguments["--username"] or Image.guess_username_from_category(, arg.image) is_name_provided = is not None arg.user = Default.user for index in range(0, arg.count): vm_details = dotdict({ "cloud":, "name": Vm.generate_vm_name(), "image": arg.image, "flavor": arg.flavor, "key": arg.key, "secgroup": arg.secgroup, "group":, "username": arg.username, "user": arg.user }) try: if arg.dryrun: print(Printer.attribute(vm_details, output=arg.format)) msg = "dryrun info. OK." Console.ok(msg) else: vm_id = Vm.boot(**vm_details) if vm_id is None: msg = "info. failed." Console.error(msg, traceflag=False) return "" # set name and counter in defaults Default.set_vm( if is_name_provided is False: Default.incr_counter("name") # Add to group if vm_id is not None: Group.add(, species="vm",, msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # error -> warning: probably vm launched with minor errors Console.warning("Problem booting instance {name}".format(**vm_details))"%s" % e) Console.error("Problem booting instance {name}".format(**vm_details), traceflag=False) elif arguments["username"]: arg.username = arguments["--username"] or Image.guess_username(arg.image) cloud = username = arg.USERNAME if arg.NAMES is None: names = [Default.vm] else: names = Parameter.expand(arg.NAMES) if len(names) == 0: return for name in names: = name Console.ok("Set username for {cloud}:{name} to {USERNAME}".format(**arg)) Vm.set_login_user(name=name, cloud=cloud, username=username) elif arguments["default"]: try: count = Default.get_counter() prefix = Username() if prefix is None or count is None: Console.error("Prefix and Count could not be retrieved correctly.", traceflag=False) return vm_name = prefix + "-" + str(count).zfill(3) arg = { "name": vm_name, "cloud": arguments["--cloud"] or } for attribute in ["image", "flavor"]: arg[attribute] = Default.get(name=attribute, category=cloud) for attribute in ["key", "group", "secgroup"]: arg[attribute] = Default.get(name=attribute, category='general') output = arguments["--format"] or "table" print(Printer.attribute(arg, output=output)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) ValueError("default command not implemented properly. Upon " "first install the defaults should be read from yaml.") except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem listing defaults", traceflag=False) elif arguments["ping"]: try: if arguments["NAME"] is None and arguments["N"] is None: name = arguments["NAME"] or Default.vm n = arguments["N"] or 1 elif arguments["NAME"].isdigit(): n = arguments["NAME"] name = Default.vm else: name = arguments["NAME"] or Default.vm n = arguments["N"] or 1 print("Ping:", name, str(n)) vm = dotdict(Vm.list(name=name, category=cloud, output="dict")["dict"]) ip = vm.floating_ip result =, count=n) print(result) except Exception as e: Console.error(e.message, traceflag=False) elif arguments["console"]: try: name = arguments["NAME"] or Default.vm vm = dotdict(Vm.list(name=name, category=cloud, output="dict")["dict"]) cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider vm_list = cloud_provider.list_console(vm.uuid) print(vm_list) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem retrieving status of the VM", traceflag=False) elif arguments["status"]: try: cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider vm_list = cloud_provider.list_vm(cloud) vms = [vm_list[i]["name"] for i in vm_list ] print ("V", vms) pattern = arguments["NAMES"] if pattern is not None: if "*" in pattern: print ("serach") names = search(vms, pattern) else: names = Parameter.expand() for i in vm_list: if vm_list[i]["name"] in names: print("{} {}".format(vm_list[i]["status"], vm_list[i]["name"])) else: print("{} {}".format(vm_list[0]["status"], vm_list[0]["name"])) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem retrieving status of the VM", traceflag=True) elif arguments["wait"]: interval = arguments["--interval"] or 5 try: cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider for i in range(1,10): vm_list = cloud_provider.list_vm(cloud) time.sleep(float(1)) d = {} for id in vm_list: vm = vm_list[id] d[vm["name"]] = vm["status"] print (d) print("{} {}".format(vm_list[0]["status"], vm_list[0]["name"])) if vm_list[0]["status"] in ['ACTIVE']: return except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem retrieving status of the VM", traceflag=True) elif arguments["info"]: try: cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider vms = cloud_provider.list_vm(cloud) vm = vms[0] output_format = arguments["--format"] or "table" print(Printer.attribute(vm, output=output_format)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem retrieving status of the VM", traceflag=False) elif arguments["check"]: test = {} try: names = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAME"]) id = 0 for name in names: print("Not implemented: {}".format(name)) # TODO: check the status of the vms status = "active" # TODO: check if they have a floating ip # TODO: get ip floating_ip = "" ip = True # ping # TODO: ping the machine with the shell command ping = True # check if one can login and run a command check = False try: r = Shell.execute("uname", "-a") # do a real check check = True except: check = False test[name] = { "id": id, "name": name, "status": status, "ip": ip, "ping": ping, "login": check } id += 1 pprint(test) print(Printer.write(test, order=["id", "name", "status", "ip", "ping", "login"], output="table", sort_keys=True)) msg = "not yet implemented. failed." Console.error(msg, traceflag=False) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem retrieving status of the VM", traceflag=False) elif arguments["start"]: try: servers = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) # If names not provided, take the last vm from DB. if len(servers) == 0: last_vm = Default.vm if last_vm is None: Console.error("No VM records in database. Please run vm refresh.", traceflag=False) return "" name = last_vm["name"] # print(name) servers = list() servers.append(name) group = arguments["--group"] force = arguments["--force"] # if default cloud not set, return error if not cloud: Console.error("Default cloud not set.", traceflag=False) return "" Vm.start(cloud=cloud, servers=servers) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem starting instances", traceflag=False) elif arguments["stop"]: try: servers = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) # If names not provided, take the last vm from DB. if servers is None or len(servers) == 0: last_vm = Default.vm if last_vm is None: Console.error("No VM records in database. Please run vm refresh.", traceflag=False) return "" name = last_vm["name"] # print(name) servers = list() servers.append(name) group = arguments["--group"] force = arguments["--force"] # if default cloud not set, return error if not cloud: Console.error("Default cloud not set.", traceflag=False) return "" Vm.stop(cloud=cloud, servers=servers) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem stopping instances", traceflag=False) elif arguments["refresh"]: _refresh(cloud) elif arguments["delete"]: dryrun = arguments["--dryrun"] group = arguments["--group"] force = not arguments["--keep"] cloud = arguments["--cloud"] vms, servers = _get_vm_names() if servers in [None, []]: Console.error("No vms found.", traceflag=False) return "" for server in servers: if dryrun: Console.ok("Dryrun: delete {}".format(server)) else: Vm.delete(servers=[server], force=force) return "" elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["assign"]: if arguments["NAMES"] is None: names = [Default.vm] else: names = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) for name in names: # ip = Network.get_floatingip(....) vm = dotdict(Vm.list(name=name, category=cloud, output="dict")["dict"]) if vm.floating_ip is None: Console.ok("Assign IP to {}".format(name)) try: floating_ip = Network.find_assign_floating_ip(cloudname=cloud, instance_id=name) Vm.refresh(cloud=cloud) if floating_ip is not None: print( "Floating IP assigned to {:} is {:}".format( name, floating_ip)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Console.error("Problem assigning floating ips.", traceflag=False) else: Console.error("VM {} already has a floating ip: {}".format(name, vm.floating_ip), traceflag=False) elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["inventory"]: vms, names = _get_vm_names() if names in [None, []]: if str(Default.vm) in ['None', None]: Console.error("The default vm is not set.", traceflag=False) return "" else: names = [Default.vm] header = arguments["--header"] or "[servers]" filename = arguments["--file"] or "inventory.txt" try: vm_ips = [] for vm in vms: if vm["name"] in names: print (vm["name"]) vm_ips.append(vm["floating_ip"]) result = header + "\n" result += '\n'.join(vm_ips) Console.ok("Creating inventory file: {}".format(filename)) Console.ok(result) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(result) except Exception as e: Console.error("Problem getting ip addresses for instance", traceflag=True) elif arguments["ip"] and arguments["show"]: if arguments["NAMES"] is None: if str(Default.vm) in ['None', None]: Console.error("The default vm is not set.", traceflag=False) return "" else: names = [Default.vm] else: names = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) group = arguments["--group"] output_format = arguments["--format"] or "table" refresh = arguments["--refresh"] try: ips = Ip.list(, output=output_format, names=names) print(ips) except Exception as e: Console.error("Problem getting ip addresses for instance", traceflag=False) elif arguments["ssh"]: def _print(msg): if arg.verbose: Console.msg(msg) chameleon = "chameleon" in ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][][ "cm_host"] # TODO # username should be fetched from --username parameter or from definition in yaml file in any cloud if chameleon: arg.username = "cc" elif == "azure": arg.username = arguments["--username"] or ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]["azure"]["default"]["username"] else: if arg.username is None: Console.error("Could not guess the username of the vm", traceflag=False) return arg.username = arguments["--username"] or Image.guess_username(arg.image) arg.command = arguments["--command"] data = dotdict({ 'name': arguments["NAME"] or Default.vm, 'username': arg.username, 'cloud':, 'command': arg.command }) _print("login {cloud}:{username}@{name}".format(**data)) vm = Vm.get(, Vm.set_login_user(,, username=data.username) data.floating_ip = vm.floating_ip data.key = arguments["--key"] or Default.key _print(Printer.attribute(data)) ''' if vm.username is None: user_from_db = Vm.get_login_user(, user_suggest = user_from_db or Default.user username = input("Username (Default: {}):".format(user_suggest)) or user_suggest Vm.set_login_user(, cloud=cloud, username=data.username) ''' ip = arguments["--ip"] commands = arguments["--command"] ip_addresses = [] cloud_provider = CloudProvider(cloud).provider ip_addr = cloud_provider.get_ips( ipaddr_dict = Vm.construct_ip_dict(ip_addr, cloud) for entry in ipaddr_dict: ip_addresses.append(ipaddr_dict[entry]["addr"]) if len(ip_addresses) > 0: if ip is not None: if ip not in ip_addresses: Console.error("IP Address specified does not match with the host.", traceflag=False) return "" else: _print("Determining IP Address to use with a ping test.") # This part assumes that the ping is allowed to the machine. for ipadd in ip_addresses: _print("Checking {:}...".format(ipadd)) try: # Evading ping test, as ping is not enabled for VMs on Azure cloud # socket.gethostbyaddr(ipadd) # ip will be set if above command is successful. ip = ipadd except socket.herror: _print("Cannot reach {:}.".format(ipadd)) if ip is None: _print("Unable to connect to the machine") return "" else: _print("IP to be used is: {:}".format(ip)) # # TODO: is this correctly implemented # if not cloud == 'azure': SecGroup.enable_ssh(cloud=cloud) if arg.verbose:"Connecting to Instance at IP:" + format(ip)) # Constructing the ssh command to connect to the machine. sshcommand = "ssh" if arg.key is not None: sshcommand += " -i {:}".format(arg.key) sshcommand += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" sshcommand += '' if arguments['--modify-knownhosts'] else ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' sshcommand += " {:}@{:}".format(data.username, ip) if commands is not None: sshcommand += " \"{:}\"".format(commands) # print(sshcommand) os.system(sshcommand) else: Console.error("No Public IPs found for the instance", traceflag=False) elif arguments["list"]: # groups = Group.list(output="dict") arg = dotdict(arguments) arg.names = arguments["NAMES"] = arguments["--group"] if is None: = [] else: = Parameter.expand(arguments["--group"]) arg.refresh = arguments["--refresh"] or Default.refresh if arg.NAMES is not None: arg.names = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) else: arg.names = ["all"] _format = arguments["--format"] or "table" if arguments["--active"]: clouds = active_clouds else: if arguments["--cloud"]: clouds = Parameter.expand(arguments["--cloud"]) else: clouds = [] try: d = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") for cloud in clouds: if arg.refresh: _refresh(cloud) Console.ok("Listing VMs on Cloud: {:}".format(cloud)) vms = Vm.list(category=cloud, output="raw") # print ("XXX", type(vms), vms) if vms is None: break result = [] if "all" in arg.names: if result is None: result = [] else: result = vms elif is not None and len( > 0: for vm in vms: if vm["group"] in result.append(vm) elif arg.names is not None and len(arg.names) > 0: for vm in vms: if vm["name"] in arg.names: result.append(vm) if len(result) > 0: # print(result) (order, header) = CloudProvider(cloud).get_attributes("vm") print(Printer.write(result, order=order, output=_format) ) else: Console.error("No data found with requested parameters.", traceflag=False) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem listing all instances", traceflag=False) elif arguments["rename"]: try: oldnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["OLDNAMES"]) newnames = Parameter.expand(arguments["NEWNAMES"]) force = arguments["--force"] if oldnames is None or newnames is None: Console.error("Wrong VMs specified for rename", traceflag=False) elif len(oldnames) != len(newnames): Console.error("The number of VMs to be renamed is wrong", traceflat=False) else: for i in range(0, len(oldnames)): oldname = oldnames[i] newname = newnames[i] if arguments["--dryrun"]: Console.ok("Rename {} to {}".format(oldname, newname)) else: Vm.rename(cloud=cloud, oldname=oldname, newname=newname, force=force ) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: # Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem deleting instances", traceflag=False) return ""