Reference Card


Command Description
cm help help
cm man manual pages
cm execute cm commands in script

Shell commands that expire after a session

Command Description
cm color on sets the shell color
cm color off switches off the color
cm refresh on automatic refresh from the clouds
cm refresh off data is only read from the database. Useful for managing thousands of VMs or limit your access to the cloud.
var a=xyx declares a variable
var username=cloudmesh.profile.username reads the variable from the cloudmesh.yaml file
var time=now gets the time and store it in the variable time


Command Description
cm image list list images
cm flavor list list flavors
cm vm list list vms
cm vm boot boot vm
cm vm boot –cloud=kilo boot vm on cloud kilo
cm default cloud=kilo set default cloud to kilo
cm select image select interactively the default image (not implemented yet).
cm select flavor select interactively the default flavor (not implemented yet).
cm select cloud select interactively the default cloud (not implemented yet).



cm comet init

Configure comet endpoint and the authentication. This
will retrieve api key/secret and setup the configuration
file. A comet username/password is required and should
be obtained via sepearate channels.
cm comet ll

Summary list of clusters owned by the authenticated
cm comet cluster

Detailed list of clusters owned by the authenticated
cm comet cluster vc2
List a cluster by name (vc2)
cm comet computeset
List all defined computesets
cm comet computeset 63

Display one computeset by specifying the computeset
id (63)
cm comet power on vc4

Power on the frontend node of the specified cluster
cm comet power off vc4

Power off the frontend node of the specified cluster
cm comet start vc4 vm-vc4-[0-3]

Start a new set of compute nodes in one cluster (vc4).
The nodes will be put into a computeset once succeeded
cm comet start vc4 –count=4
Start an N (4) node computeset in one cluster (vc4)
cm comet start vc4 vm-vc4-[0-3]

Start a set of compute nodes in a cluster (vc4), as
computeset, for a givenwalltime (30m, 3h, 2d, 1w, for
30 minutes, 3 hours, 2 days, 1 week, respectively)
cm comet start vc4 vm-vc4-[0-3]
Start new set of compute nodes with allocation

cm comet start vc4 vm-vc4-7
Start a one-node computeset
cm comet power off vc4 vm-vc4-[0,1]
cm comet power on vc4 vm-vc4-0

You can power off and back on individual nodes of
an active computeset without impacting other nodes
in the same computeset

cm comet power shutdown vc4
shutdown the whole computeset by specifying all nodes.
The nodes can be powered back on again if the
requested walltime hasn’t reached

cm comet terminate 123

Gracefully shutdown all nodes in computeset 123 AND
terminate the resource reservation. A computeset will be
terminated automatically when requested walltime reached
cm comet console vc4
Get console of the frontend, openned in a browser
cm comet console vc4 vm-vc4-0
Get console of a running node
cm comet console –link vc4
Get console of the frontend, URL only
cm comet iso list
Get list of images available to you
cm comet iso upload
Upload an image to the shared public directory on
nucleus server
cm comet iso upload
Upload an image to the shared public directory on
nucleus server with a new image name

cm comet iso attach
newimagename.iso vc2
Attach an image (newimagename.iso) to frontend of
a cluster (vc2), by providing an image name

cm comet iso attach 6 vc2

Attach an image (newimagename.iso) to frontend of
a cluster (vc2), by providing an image index based
on the order from the ‘comet iso list’
cm comet iso attach
newimagename.iso vc2 vm-vc2-0
Attach an image to a compute node (vm-vc2-0) for a
cluster (vc2)
cm comet iso detach vc2

Detach the attached iso image from frontend of a
cluster (vc2)
cm comet iso detach vc2 vm-vc2-0
Detach the attached iso image from a compute node
cm comet iso attach
imagename.iso vc2 vm-vc2-[0-3]
Attach an image to a set of compute node, specified in
hostlist format (vm-vc2-[0-3]) for a cluster (vc2)
cm comet iso detach
vc2 vm-vc2-[0-3]
Detach also works in bulk

cm comet node info vc2

List the detailed information of vc2 frontend node

cm comet node rename vc2
vm-vc2-[0-3] new-[0-3]

Rename a list of compute node (vm-vc2-[0-3]) from a
cluster (vc2) to a list of new names (new-[0-3]).
In hostlist format.


Command Description
cm help Help
cm hpc queue <batch> info about the queue <batch>
cm hpc info information about the queues on the HPC resource
cm hpc run uname -a runs the command uname
cm hpc run list prints the ids of previously run jobs
cm hpc run list prints the ids of previously run jobs
cm hpc run list 11 prints the information regarding the job with the id 11