As we have so far a tight integrated group, we are typically not forking the repository, but cloning it directly. Members are than able to work on the clones. We may change this in case we see need for forks.
The project is open source and if you like you can help. Here are some contribution guidelines:
we use the Apache 2.0 licence
we recommend to use pycharm for editing and utlize the Inspect Code feature regularly on the files you modify and fix the sensible pep8 warnings. Look at other warnings and errors
we disallow editing with notepad
instead of%
in print statementsuse
from __future__ import print_function
at the beginning of the file and useprint("msg")
instead ofprint msg
class name(object):
and not justclass name:
when printing errors if you develop a command for the commandlineuse
when printing something that confirms the action is ok. In many cases you may not want o use print, but Console.ok. Please note that Console.ok, takesa string argument.use
when reading yaml files. It even allows you to read a yaml file in order, make changes to it and write it backuse nosetests and pytest for testing your programs
An example is provided in
:nosetests -v --nocapture tests/test_sample.py py.test tests/test_sample.py
you can copy this to
and then replace in that file the occurrence of_sample
make sure to create meaningful tests.
use RST to write documentation http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
do not include fancy self tests in the documentation, instead write nosetests
we are using https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gitchangelog for creating changelogs automatically. Thus you need to use a prefix in any commit. It includes the type and the user for which the commit is relevant. Examples are:
chg: usr: simple changes relevant for users (spelling, ...) fix: usr: major changes for users new: usr: new feature for users chg: dev: simple changes relevant for developers (spelling, ...) fix: dev: major changes for developers new: dev: new feature for developers
use as much python 3 like code but use python 2 for development to also make the code portable on python 2
look at http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html for tips to make python 2 look more like python 3. Be careful with dicts to make them not inefficient.
import six d = dict( foo=1, bar=2 ) for k, v in six.iteritems(d): print(k, v)
Prioritizations of tasks can be established while using the first line of an issue body. Here you can use a tag such as:
Where the number behind p identifies the priority. As normal github does not support priority tasks, They can be printed from cloudmesh dev branch, if you use the command:
We will enhance the tools to print priority lists gradually as needed.
an output will look like:
P N title assignee milestone labels 1 202 cm refresh on/off gregor 2016/03/31 bug, Gregor 999 201 cm cluster fugang priority Fugang
which easily renders in MD. If you are only interested in a particular milestone, you can fgrep for it:
bin/git-priority,py | fgrep priority
An example for sorting and selection is:
bin/git-priority.py | sort -t "|" -k 1 | fgrep priority
Requirements file¶
There are two primary requirements files:
- ``requirements-open.txt` are unbounded requirements to be used during development and testing
requirements.txt` are the frozen requirements generated by ``pip freeze
. This should be updated for every release
Use PyCharam.
We made bad experience with people using editors other than emacs, vi, and PyCharm. When working on Windows make sure your editor handles newlines properly with git.
Creating the documentation with sphinx is easy
pip install -r requirements-doc.txt make doc
View the documentation
make view
We assume that you checked out the newest version from cloudmesh client and base from source and that they are located in:
We assume you have tox installed
pip install tox
in the client directory you call tox
cd ~/github/cloudmesh/client tox
Nose tests can be started with
Individual nosetests can be started with (here an example frm test_list.py is used):
pip install -U .; nosetests -v --nocapture tests/test_list.py:Test_list.test_001
Closing Issues via Commit Messages¶
To close an issue on github issues, you can use it in your commit messages as follows
git commit -m “Fix problem xyz, fixes #12”
SSH keys¶
You can get a list of public ssh keys in plain text format by visiting:
Empty Commits¶
Commits can be pushed with no code changes by adding –allow-empty:
git commit -m "Big-ass commit" --allow-empty
Styled Git Log¶
git log --all --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
Tags are only created by Gregor von Laszewski.
Create a tag. Always use x.y.z
make tag
Remove a tag
make rmtag
from cloudmesh_client.common.LogUtil import LogUtil
log = LogUtil.get_logger()
log.info("Cloud: " + cloud + ", Arguments: " + str(arguments))