Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from import Vc
from import command, PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from cloudmesh_client.common.hostlist import Parameter
from pprint import pprint

[docs]class VcCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"vc": "todo"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command vc") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_vc(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: vc key add KEYFILE NAMES [--username=USERNAME] [--proxy=PROXY] vc key distribute NAMES [--username=USERNAME] [--proxy=PROXY] vc key list NAMES [--usort] [--username=USERNAME] [--proxy=PROXY] [--format=FORMAT] vc key proxy NAMES [--username=USERNAME] [--proxy=PROXY] Options: --format=FORMAT the output format [default: table] Description: see examples Examples: cm vc key add keys.txt gregor-[001-010] adds the keys in the file keys.txt to the authorized_keys file in the user that is registered for the vm cm vc key add keys.txt gregor-[001-010] --username=ubuntu adds the keys in the file keys.txt to the authorized_keys file in the user ubuntu for each of the vms vc key distribute gregor-[001-010] gathers the keys from the host gathers it into a single file and adds them to the authorized keys file. Duplicated keys will be ignored. vc key list gregor-[001-010] [--usort] creates a table with all keys in authorized_keys from all of the remote machines. If the parameter usort is specified it only lists the key once, but lists in the host column the list of all host on which the key is stored Proxy server vc key proxy NAMES sometimes you may not have enough floating IPs so it is possible to dedicate one machine as a proxy server that has such a floating ip. The way this is done is that you need to set up ssh tunnels via the proxy server in your .ssh/config file. The command will print a template that you could include in your .ssh/config file to gain easily access to your other machines without floating ip. For example it will generate the following for a given PROXY host, USERNAME, and vm1 is the name of the first vm in NAMES Host vm1 User USERNAME Hostname PROXY ProxyCommand ssh nc %h %p ForwardX11 yes Note: this is just a draft and will be improved upon discussion with the team """ arg = dotdict(arguments) arg.usort = arguments["--usort"] arg.format = arguments["--format"] arg.username = arguments["--username"] arg.proxy = arguments["--proxy"] if arg.proxy: Console.error("proxy not yet supported", traceflag=False) if arg.NAMES is not None: arg.names = Parameter.expand(arg.NAMES) else: arg.names = None pprint (arg) if arg.add: print("vc key add KEYFILE NAMES --username=USERNAME") print(arg.username) print(arg.names) print(arg.KEYFILE) print(arg.proxy) Console.TODO("not yet implemented") return "" elif arg.distribute: print("vc key distribute NAMES --username=USERNAME") print(arg.names) print(arg.username) print(arg.proxy) Console.TODO("not yet implemented") return "" elif arg.list: print("vc key list NAMES [--usort] [--format=FORMAT]") print(arg.names) print(arg.username) print(arg.format) print(arg.usort) print(arg.proxy) result = Vc.list(names=arg.names) # dont forget format and sort Console.TODO("not yet implemented") return "" elif arg.proxy: print("vc key proxy NAMES [--username=USERNAME] [--proxy=PROXY]") print(arg.names) print(arg.username) print(arg.format) print(arg.usort) print(arg.proxy) result = Vc.list(names=arg.names) # dont forget format and sort Console.TODO("not yet implemented") return ""