Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
from builtins import input

from import PluginCommand, ShellPluginCommand, \
from import command
from import Console
import time

[docs]class TerminalCommands(PluginCommand, ShellPluginCommand, CometPluginCommand): topics = {"clear": "shell", "echo": "shell", "puase": "shell", "banner": "shell"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command clear") print("init command banner") # self.register_command_topic('cloud', 'admin') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_clear(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: clear Clears the screen.""" sys.stdout.write(os.popen('clear').read()) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_sleep(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: sleep SECONDS Clears the screen.""" seconds = arguments["SECONDS"] time.sleep(float(seconds)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_echo(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: echo [-r COLOR] TEXT Arguments: TEXT The text message to print COLOR the color Options: -r COLOR The color of the text. [default: BLACK] Prints a text in the given color """ color = arguments["-r"] or "black" color = color.upper() text = arguments["TEXT"] if color is "black": Console.msg(text) else: Console.cprint(color, "", text) return "" # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_banner(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: banner [-c CHAR] [-n WIDTH] [-i INDENT] [-r COLOR] TEXT... Arguments: TEXT... The text message from which to create the banner CHAR The character for the frame. WIDTH Width of the banner INDENT indentation of the banner COLOR the color Options: -c CHAR The character for the frame. [default: #] -n WIDTH The width of the banner. [default: 70] -i INDENT The width of the banner. [default: 0] -r COLOR The color of the banner. [default: BLACK] Prints a banner form a one line text message. """ Console.ok("banner") n = int(arguments['-n']) c = arguments['-c'] i = int(arguments['-i']) color = arguments['-r'].upper() line = ' '.join(arguments['TEXT']) Console.cprint(color, "", i * " " + str((n - i) * c)) Console.cprint(color, "", i * " " + c + " " + line) Console.cprint(color, "", i * " " + str((n - i) * c)) return "" @command def do_pause(self, arg, arguments): """ :: Usage: pause [MESSAGE] Displays the specified text then waits for the user to press RETURN. Arguments: MESSAGE message to be displayed """ if arguments["MESSAGE"] is None: arg = 'Press ENTER to continue' input(arg + '\n') return "" # # Echo #
[docs] def set_verbose(self, on): # self.echo = on pass
[docs] def set_banner(self, banner): self.banner = banner
# @command # def do_loglevel(self, args, arguments): # """ # :: # # Usage: # loglevel # loglevel critical # loglevel error # loglevel warning # loglevel info # loglevel debug # # Shows current log level or changes it. # # loglevel - shows current log level # critical - shows log message in critical level # error - shows log message in error level including critical # warning - shows log message in warning level including error # info - shows log message in info level including warning # debug - shows log message in debug level including info # # NOTE: # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED # """ # # # if arguments['debug']: # self.loglevel = "DEBUG" # elif arguments['error']: # self.loglevel = "ERROR" # elif arguments['warning']: # self.loglevel = "WARNING" # elif arguments['info']: # self.loglevel = "INFO" # elif arguments['critical']: # self.loglevel = "CRITICAL" # else: # Console.ok("Log level: {0}".format(self.loglevel)) # return "" # Console.ok ("Log level: {0} is set".format(self.loglevel)) # # filename = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml") # config = ConfigDict(filename) # config["cloudmesh.logging.level"] = self.loglevel # config.write("aaa.yaml") # #config.write(filename=filename, output="yaml", attribute_indent=" ") # return "" @command def do_verbose(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: verbose (True | False) verbose NOTE: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. If it sets to True, a command will be printed before execution. In the interactive mode, you may want to set it to False. When you use scripts, we recommend to set it to True. The default is set to False If verbose is specified without parameter the flag is toggled. """ # if args == '': # self.echo = not self.echo # else: # self.echo = arguments['True'] Console.error("verbose NOT YET IMPLEMENTED") return ""