Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict

from import sanity_check, ProjectDB, ProjectFactory
from import command
from import Console
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict

[docs]def cleanup_overrides(overrides): """Cleanup shell-parameterized overrides definitions :param overrides: list of [(play:k1=v1,k2=v2)...] :returns: :rtype: dict[play] -> dict[key] -> value """ result = defaultdict(dict) for definition in overrides: play, defs = definition.split(':', 1) pairs = defs.split(',') for pair in pairs: k, v = pair.split('=', 1) result[play][k] = v return result
[docs]class Command(object):
[docs] def check(self): sanity_check()
[docs] def init(self, stackname='bds', activate=True, name=None, username=None, branch=None, overrides=None, playbooks=None, ips=None, force=False, update=False): factory = ProjectFactory() if stackname == 'bds': factory.use_bds() else: raise NotImplementedError(stackname) factory\ .set_project_name(name)\ .set_user_name(os.getenv('USER') if username is '$USER' else username)\ .set_branch(branch)\ .set_ips(ips)\ .set_overrides(overrides)\ .set_playbooks(playbooks)\ .activate(activate)\ .set_force(force=force)\ .set_update(update) project = factory()'Created project {}'.format(
[docs] def deploy(self, project_name=None, force=False): db = ProjectDB() project = db.lookup(project_name) project.deploy(force=force) db.update(project)
[docs] def project(self, list_projects=False, name=None): db = ProjectDB() # set if name is given if name: project = db.lookup(name) db.activate(project) # list of asked to do so if list_projects: for project in db: isactive = '>' if db.isactive(project) else '' ctime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', project.ctime) msg = '' msg += '{isactive:3s}' msg += '{}' msg += 'created: {ctime}' msg += 'stack: {project.stack.__class__.__name__:16s}' msg += 'deployed: {project.is_deployed}' msg = msg.format(isactive=isactive, project=project, ctime=ctime)
[docs]class StackCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"stack": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command stack") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_stack(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: stack check stack init [-fU] [--no-activate] [-s STACK] [-n NAME] [-u NAME] [-b NAME] [-o DEFN]... [-p PLAY] <ip>... stack deploy [-f] [-n NAME] stack project [-l] [<name>] Commands: check Sanity check init Initialize a stack deploy Deploy a stack project List and activate projects Arguments: STACK Name of the stack. Options: (bds) NAME Alphanumeric name DEFN In the form: play1:k1=v1,k2=v2,... PLAY In the form: playbook,playbook,... Options: -v --verbose --no-activate Do not activate a project upon creation -s STACK --stack=STACK The stack name [default: bds] -n NAME --name=NAME Name of the project (if not specified during creation, generated). -u NAME --username=NAME Name of login user to cluster [default: $USER] -b NAME --branch=NAME Name of the stack's branch to clone from [default: master] -o DEFN --overrides=DEFN Overrides for a playbook, may be specified multiple times -p PLAY --playbooks=PLAY Playbooks to run -f --force Force rerunning a command to continue -U --update Update the stack -l --list List Examples: The following example assumes that a cluster (Ubuntu 14.04) has been launched already and can be accessed by the 'ubuntu` user at addresses,, and # verify the environment cm stack check # create a project for the cluster with given username and addresses cm stack init -u ubuntu -p play-hadoop.yml,addons/spark.yml # deploy hadoop, spark to the cluster cm stack deploy """ a = dotdict(arguments) cmd = Command() print(a) if a.check: cmd.check() if a.init: defns = cleanup_overrides( a['--overrides']) if a['--overrides'] else None plays = a['--playbooks'].split(',') if a['--playbooks'] else None cmd.init(stackname=a['--stack'], name=a['--name'], branch=a['--branch'], username=a['--username'], activate=not a['--no-activate'], overrides=defns, playbooks=plays, ips=a['<ip>'], force=a['--force'], update=a['--update'], ) if a.deploy: cmd.deploy(project_name=a['--name'], force=a['--force'], ) if a.project: cmd.project(list_projects=a['--list'], name=a['<name>'], ) return ""