Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from import Console
from import command
from import menu_return_num
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from import Image
from import Flavor
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from import Key

# noinspection PyBroadException,PyBroadException
[docs]class SelectCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"select": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command select") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_select(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: select image [CLOUD] [--refresh] select flavor [CLOUD] [--refresh] select cloud [CLOUD] select key [CLOUD] selects interactively the default values Arguments: CLOUD the name of the cloud Options: --refresh refreshes the data before displaying it from the cloud """ # pprint(arguments) cloud = arguments["CLOUD"] or if arguments["image"]: try: refresh = arguments['--refresh'] or Default.refresh if refresh: Image.refresh(cloud) image_dict = Image.list(cloud, format="dict") image_names = list() for image in list(image_dict.values()): image_names.append(image["name"]) number = menu_return_num(title="Select an Image", menu_list=image_names, tries=10, with_display=True) if number == "q": pass else: image = image_names[number] print("Selected image " + image) Default.set("image", image, category=cloud) except: print("ERROR: could not set image.") elif arguments["flavor"]: try: refresh = arguments['--refresh'] or Default.refresh if refresh: Flavor.refresh(cloud) flavor_dict = Flavor.list(cloud, format="dict") flavor_names = list() for flavor in list(flavor_dict.values()): flavor_names.append(flavor["name"]) number = menu_return_num(title="Select a Flavor", menu_list=flavor_names, tries=10, with_display=True) if number == "q": pass else: flavor = flavor_names[number] print("Selected flavor " + flavor) Default.set("flavor", flavor, category=cloud) except: print("ERROR: could not set flavor.") elif arguments["cloud"]: try: config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") clouds = config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"] for key in clouds: Console.ok(" " + key) number = menu_return_num(title="Select a cloud", menu_list=list(clouds), tries=10, with_display=True) if number == "q": pass else: cloud = list(clouds)[number] print("Selected cloud " + cloud) Default.set("cloud", cloud, "general") except: print("ERROR: could not set cloud.") elif arguments["key"]: try: #db = SSHKeyDBManager() key_dict = Key.all(output='dict') key_names = list() for key in key_dict.values(): key_names.append(key["name"]) number = menu_return_num(title="Select a Key", menu_list=key_names, tries=10, with_display=True) if number == "q": pass else: key = key_names[number] print("Selected key " + key) # TODO Fix default key setting in key DB # db.set_default(key) Default.set("key", key, category=cloud) except: print("ERROR: could not set key") return ""