Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from import command
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from import SecGroup
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer

[docs]class SecgroupCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"secgroup": "security"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command secgroup") def _delete(self, arg): if is None: Console.ok("Delete secgroup {GROUP}".format(**arg)) SecGroup.delete(group=arg.GROUP) else: Console.ok("Delete secgroup {cloud}:{GROUP}".format(**arg)) result = SecGroup.delete_secgroup(name=arg.GROUP, if result is not None: Console.ok("Security Group={GROUP} in cloud={cloud} deleted successfully." .format(**arg)) else: Console.error("Failed to delete Security Group={GROUP} in cloud={cloud}" .format(**arg)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_secgroup(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: secgroup list [--format=FORMAT] secgroup list --cloud=CLOUD [--format=FORMAT] secgroup list GROUP [--format=FORMAT] secgroup add GROUP RULE FROMPORT TOPORT PROTOCOL CIDR secgroup delete GROUP [--cloud=CLOUD] secgroup delete GROUP RULE secgroup upload [GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD] Options: --format=FORMAT Specify output format, in one of the following: table, csv, json, yaml, dict. The default value is 'table'. --cloud=CLOUD Name of the IaaS cloud e.g. kilo,chameleoon. The clouds are defined in the yaml file. If the name "all" is used for the cloud all clouds will be selected. Arguments: RULE The security group rule name GROUP The label/name of the security group FROMPORT Staring port of the rule, e.g. 22 TOPORT Ending port of the rule, e.g. 22 PROTOCOL Protocol applied, e.g. TCP,UDP,ICMP CIDR IP address range in CIDR format, e.g., Description: security_group command provides list/add/delete security_groups for a tenant of a cloud, as well as list/add/delete of rules for a security group from a specified cloud and tenant. Examples: secgroup list secgroup list --cloud=kilo secgroup add my_new_group webapp 8080 8080 tcp seggroup delete my_group my_rule secgroup delete my_unused_group --cloud=kilo secgroup upload --cloud=kilo Description: Security groups are first assembled in a local database. Once they are defined they can be added to the clouds. secgroup list [--format=FORMAT] lists all security groups and rules in the database secgroup list GROUP [--format=FORMAT] lists a given security group and its rules defined locally in the database secgroup list --cloud=CLOUD [--format=FORMAT] lists the security groups and rules on the specified clouds. secgroup add GROUP RULE FROMPORT TOPORT PROTOCOL CIDR adds a security rule with the given group and the details of the security ruls secgroup delete GROUP [--cloud=CLOUD] Deletes a security group from the local database. To make the change on the remote cloud, using the 'upload' command afterwards. If the --cloud parameter is specified, the change would be made directly on the specified cloud secgroup delete GROUP RULE deletes the given rule from the group. To make this change on the remote cloud, using 'upload' command. secgroup upload [GROUP] [--cloud=CLOUD...] uploads a given group to the given cloud. If the cloud is not specified the default cloud is used. If the parameter for cloud is "all" the rules and groups will be uploaded to all active clouds. This will synchronize the changes (add/delete on security groups, rules) made locally to the remote cloud(s). """ arg = dotdict(arguments) if arguments["--cloud"] is not None: is_cloud = True = arguments["--cloud"] or else: is_cloud = False arg.FORMAT = arguments["--format"] or 'table' # list all security-groups in cloud if arguments["list"]: if not is_cloud: if arg.RULE is None: print(SecGroup.list(group=arg.GROUP, name=arg.RULE, output=arg.FORMAT)) else: print(SecGroup.list(group=arg.GROUP, output=arg.FORMAT)) else: print(SecGroup.list(, output=arg.FORMAT)) elif arguments["add"]: try: SecGroup.add_rule_to_db( name=arg.RULE, group=arg.GROUP, from_port=arg.FROMPORT, to_port=arg.TOPORT, protocol=arg.PROTOCOL, cidr=arg.CIDR) except: Console.error("Problem adding security group to db") # Delete a security-group elif arguments["delete"]: if arg["RULE"] is not None: SecGroup.delete_rule_from_db(group=arg["GROUP"], name=arg["RULE"]) else: self._delete(arg) elif arguments["upload"]: # rewrite the _delete # # upload does not implicitly deleting a secgroup anymore # instead, it will check and update the rules only # self._delete(arg) SecGroup.upload(, group=arg.GROUP) return ""
''' # Create a security-group elif arguments["create"]: # If default not set, terminate if is not None: Console.error("Default cloud not set.") return # Create returns uuid of created sec-group uuid = SecGroup.create(arg.label, if uuid: Console.ok("Created a new security group={label} with UUID={uuid}" .format(**arg)) else: Console.error("Exiting!") return "" '''