Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from import command
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer
from import Reservation

from import Console

import json
import pyaml

from timestring import Date

from cloudmesh_client.common.todo import TODO

from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.Error import Error

[docs]class ReservationCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"reservation": "todo"} def __init__(self, context): # super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command reservation") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_reservation(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: reservation info --user=USER --project=PROJECT reservation list [--name=NAME] [--user=USER] [--project=PROJECT] [--hosts=HOSTS] [--start=TIME_START] [--end=TIME_END] [--format=FORMAT] reservation delete [all] [--user=USER] [--project=PROJECT] [--name=NAME] [--start=TIME_START] [--end=TIME_END] [--hosts=HOSTS] reservation delete --file=FILE reservation update --name=NAME [--start=TIME_START] [--end=TIME_END] [--user=USER] [--project=PROJECT] [--hosts=HOSTS] [--description=DESCRIPTION] reservation add --name=NAME [--start=TIME_START] [--end=TIME_END] [--user=USER] [--project=PROJECT] [--hosts=HOSTS] [--description=DESCRIPTION] reservation add --file=FILE Arguments: NAME Name of the reservation USER Registration will be done for this user PROJECT Project to be used HOSTS Hosts to reserve TIME_START Start time of reservation TIME_END End time of reservation FORMAT Format of output DESCRIPTION Description for reservation FILE File that contains reservation data to be added/ deleted Options: --name=NAME Names of the reservation --user=USER user name --project=PROJECT project id --start=TIME_START Start time of the reservation, in MM/DD/YYYY at hh:mm aa format. (default value: 01/01/1901 at 12:00 am]) --end=TIME_END End time of the reservation, in MM/DD/YYYY at hh:mm aa format. (default value: 12/31/2100 at 11:59 pm]) --host=HOSTS host name --description=DESCRIPTION description summary of the reservation --file=FILE Adding multiple reservations from one file --format=FORMAT Format is either table, json, yaml or csv [default: table] Description: reservation info lists the resources that support reservation for a given user or project. """ # print (arguments) def _print_dict(d, header=None, format='table'): if format == "json": return json.dumps(d, indent=4) elif format == "yaml": return pyaml.dump(d) elif format == "table": return Printer.write(d, order=["id", "name", "start_time", "end_time", "user", "project", "hosts", "description", "cloud"], output="table", sort_keys=True) elif format == "csv": TODO.implement() else: return d # return Printer.write(d,order=['cm_id, name, fingerprint']) def _get_db_date_format(date): """ Utility Function that accepts instance of Date object and returns a string with Datetime for DB. :param date: Date object :return: Date as string with format expected in DB. """ db_date = "{:}-{:}-{:} {:}:{:}".format(str(date.month).zfill(2), str(, str(date.year).zfill(4), str(date.hour).zfill(2), str(date.minute).zfill(2)) return db_date if arguments["info"]: TODO.implement() elif arguments["list"]: try: _name = arguments['--name'] _user = arguments['--user'] _project = arguments['--project'] _format = arguments['--format'] _hosts = arguments['--hosts'] _start = arguments['--start'] _end = arguments['--end'] _format = arguments['--format'] reserve = Reservation() dictionary = reserve.list(_name, _start, _end, _user, _project, _hosts) print(_print_dict(dictionary, format=_format)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem listing reservations") elif arguments["delete"]: if arguments["all"]: try: reserve = Reservation() reserve.delete() msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem deleting all reservations") else: try: _name = arguments['--name'] _user = arguments['--user'] _project = arguments['--project'] _format = arguments['--format'] _hosts = arguments['--hosts'] _start = arguments['--start'] _end = arguments['--end'] _format = arguments['--format'] reserve = Reservation() reserve.delete(_name, _start, _end, _user, _project, _hosts) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem deleting reservations") elif arguments["add"]: if arguments["--file"] is None: name = None try: name = arguments["--name"] hosts = arguments["--hosts"] user = arguments["--user"] project = arguments["--project"] description = arguments["--description"] start_time = arguments["--start"] or "01/01/1901 at 07:30 pm" end_time = arguments["--end"] or "12/31/2100 at 11:59 pm" stime = Date(start_time) etime = Date(end_time) reserve = Reservation() reserve.add(name, _get_db_date_format(stime), _get_db_date_format(etime), hosts=hosts, user=user, project=project, description=description) print("Reservation {:} added successfully".format(name)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) Console.error( "Problem adding reservation {:}".format(name)) else: try: TODO.implement() """ with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], arguments["--file"])) as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: reservations = Reservation(cm_id=row[0], label=row[1], user=row[2], project=row[3], start_time=row[4], end_time=row[5], host=row[6], summary=row[7]) db.add() """ except Exception as e: print("Error in adding from file. ", e) elif arguments["update"]: name = None try: name = arguments["--name"] hosts = arguments["--hosts"] user = arguments["--user"] project = arguments["--project"] description = arguments["--description"] start_time = arguments["--start"] or "01/01/1901 at 07:30 pm" end_time = arguments["--end"] or "12/31/2100 at 11:59 pm" stime = Date(start_time) etime = Date(end_time) reserve = Reservation() reserve.update(name, _get_db_date_format(stime), _get_db_date_format(etime), hosts=hosts, user=user, project=project, description=description) print("Reservation {:} updated successfully".format(name)) msg = "info. OK." Console.ok(msg) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) Console.error("Problem updating reservation {:}".format(name)) return ""