Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import getpass
import json
import os
import os.path
from builtins import input

from import CloudRegister, Register
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import Config, ConfigDict
from cloudmesh_client.common.Error import Error
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import path_expand
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import yn_choice
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from import command
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from stat import *
from cloudmesh_client.common.ssh_config import ssh_config
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import backup_name
from shutil import copy
import getpass

# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]class RegisterCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"register": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): # super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command register") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_register(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: register info register backup register new [--force] [--dryrun] register clean [--force] register list ssh [--format=FORMAT] register list [--yaml=FILENAME][--info][--format=FORMAT] register cat [--yaml=FILENAME] register edit [--yaml=FILENAME] register user [USERNAME] register cloud [CLOUD] [--force] register remote [CLOUD] [--force] register export HOST [--password] [--format=FORMAT] register source HOST register merge FILEPATH register form [--yaml=FILENAME] register check [--yaml=FILENAME] register test [--yaml=FILENAME] register json HOST register env [--provider=PROVIDER] register ec2 CLOUD EC2ZIP register ENTRY managing the registered clouds in the cloudmesh.yaml file. It looks for it in the current directory, and than in ~/.cloudmesh. If the file with the cloudmesh.yaml name is there it will use it. If neither location has one a new file will be created in ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml. Some defaults will be provided. However you will still need to fill it out with valid entries. Arguments: HOST the host name USER the user name FILEPATH the path of the file CLOUD the cloud name PROVIDER the provider or type of cloud [Default: openstack] USERNAME Username that would be registered in yaml. Defaults to OS username. Options: --provider=PROVIDER Provider to be used for cloud. Values are: openstack, azure, ec2. --version=VERSION Version of the openstack cloud. --openrc=OPENRC The location of the openrc file --password Prints the password --force ignore interactive questions and execute the action Description: register info lists the clouds specified in the cloudmesh.yaml file in the current directory, and then in ~/.cloudmesh register list [--yaml=FILENAME] [--name] [--info] lists the clouds specified in the cloudmesh.yaml file. If info is specified it also prints the location of the yaml file. register list ssh lists hosts from ~/.ssh/config register cat [--yaml=FILENAME] outputs the cloudmesh.yaml file register edit [--yaml=FILENAME] edits the cloudmesh.yaml file register export HOST [--format=FORMAT] prints the contents of an file based on the information found in the cloudmesh.yaml file. register remote CLOUD [--force] reads the Openstack OPENRC file from a remote host that is described in cloudmesh.yaml file. We assume that the file has already a template for this host. If not it can be created from other examples before you run this command. It uses the OS_OPENRC variable to locate the file and copy it onto your computer. register merge FILENAME Replaces the TBD in cloudmesh.yaml with the contents present in the named file register form [--yaml=FILENAME] interactively fills out the form wherever we find TBD. register check [--yaml=FILENAME] checks the yaml file for completness register test [--yaml=FILENAME] checks the yaml file and executes tests to check if we can use the cloud. TODO: maybe this should be in a test command register json host displays the host details in json format register remote CLOUD registers a remote cloud and copies the openrc file specified in the credentials of the cloudmesh.yaml register CLOUD --dir Copies the entire directory from the cloud and puts it in ~/.cloudmesh/clouds/host For kilo, The directory would be copied to ~/.cloudmesh/clouds/kilo register env [--provider=PROVIDER] [HOSTNAME] Reads env OS_* variables and registers a new cloud in yaml, interactively. Default PROVIDER is openstack and HOSTNAME is localhost. register user [USERNAME] Sets the user in yaml with the value provided. """ # from pprint import pprint # pprint(arguments) def _get_config_yaml_file(arguments): filename = arguments["--yaml"] or "cloudmesh.yaml" filename = Config.find_file(filename) return filename def exists(filename): return os.path.isfile(filename) def export(host, output): config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") credentials = dict( config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host]["credentials"]) if not arguments["--password"]: credentials["OS_PASSWORD"] = "********" if output is None: for attribute, value in credentials.items(): print("export {}={}".format(attribute, value)) elif output == "table": print(Printer.attribute(credentials)) else: print(Printer.write(credentials, output=output)) # TODO: bug csv does not work if arguments["info"]: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) if os.path.isfile(filename): Console.ok("File '{}' exists. ok.".format(filename)) Console.ok("The yaml file contains the following templates:") d = CloudRegister.list(filename,, info=False, output="table") print(d) else: Console.error("File {} does not exist".format(filename)) return "" elif arguments["backup"]: name = backup_name("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml") configfile = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml") print (name) try: copy(configfile, name) Console.ok("Bakup copy created: {}. ok.".format(name)) except: Console.error("Could not create a backup copy from {}".format(configfile)) return "" elif arguments["new"]: import shutil import cloudmesh_client.etc config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") data = dotdict({ 'dir': cloudmesh_client.etc.__file__, 'filename': os.path.join( os.path.dirname(cloudmesh_client.etc.__file__), "cloudmesh.yaml"), 'yamlfile': path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml"), 'dryrun': arguments['--dryrun'] }) Console.ok(data.filename) force = arguments["--force"] if not force: force = yn_choice("Would you like create a new configuration file at {}".format(data.yamlfile)) if force: if not data.dryrun: config.make_a_copy(location=data.yamlfile) shutil.copyfile(data.filename, data.yamlfile) print("copy ") print("From: ", data.filename) print("To: ", data.yamlfile) # filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) # if _exists(filename): # Console.ok("File '{}' exists. ok.".format(filename)) # else: # Console.error("File {} does not exist".format(filename)) return "" elif arguments["clean"]: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) force = arguments["--force"] or False if filename is not None: print(filename, force) if exists(filename): print("Delete cloudmesh.yaml file:", filename) if not force: force = yn_choice("Would you like to delete the " "cloudmesh.yaml file") print(force) if force: os.remove(filename) Console.ok("Deleted the file " + filename + ". ok.") else: Console.ok("Please use Y to delete the file.") pass else: Console.error("File {} does not exist".format(filename)) else: Console.error("No cloudmesh.yaml file found.") return "" elif arguments["cat"]: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) if exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines ="\n") print('\n'.join(lines)) else: Console.error("File {} does not exist".format(filename)) return "" elif arguments["edit"]: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) if exists(filename): try: data = {"editor": os.environ["EDITOR"], "filename": filename} Console.ok("editing file " + filename) os.system("{editor} {filename}".format(**data)) except: Console.error("No operating system environment variable EDITOR set.", traceflag=False) else: Console.error("File {} does not exist".format(filename), traceflag=False) return "" elif arguments['list'] and arguments['ssh']: output = arguments['--format'] or 'table' hosts = CloudRegister.list_ssh() print(Printer.list(hosts, output=output)) return "" elif arguments['list']: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) info = arguments["--info"] or False output = arguments["--format"] or "table" if not filename: Console.error("File {} doesn't exist".format(filename)) else: d = CloudRegister.list(filename,, info=info, output=output) print(d) return "" elif arguments['check']: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) if not filename: Console.error("File {} doesn't exist".format( arguments["--yaml"] or 'cloudmesh.yaml')) else: CloudRegister.check_yaml_for_completeness(filename) return "" elif arguments['merge']: filename = arguments['FILENAME'] CloudRegister.from_file(filename) return "" elif arguments['test']: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) CloudRegister.test(filename) return "" elif arguments['form']: filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) if not filename: Console.error("File {} doesn't exist".format( arguments["--yaml"] or 'cloudmesh.yaml')) else: CloudRegister.fill_out_form(filename) return "" elif arguments['source']: host = arguments['HOST'] config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") credentials = dict( config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host]["credentials"]) # unset variables = list(os.environ) for attribute in variables: if attribute.startswith("OS_"): print("x ", attribute) del os.environ[attribute] # set for attribute, value in credentials.items(): os.putenv(attribute, value) print("+ ", attribute) export(host, "table") return "" elif arguments['export']: output = arguments['--format'] host = arguments['HOST'] try: variables = list(os.environ) for attribute in variables: if attribute.startswith("OS_"): print("unset ", attribute) del os.environ[attribute] export(host, output) except: Console.error ("The export may not include all values", traceflag=False) return "" elif arguments['json']: host = arguments['HOST'] result = CloudRegister.get(host) if result: print(json.dumps(result, indent=4)) else: print("Cloud {:} is not described in cloudmesh.yaml".format( host)) return "" elif arguments['remote']: force = arguments['--force'] cloud = arguments['CLOUD'] if cloud is None: # clouds = [ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["active"][0]] clouds = ["kilo"] # hardcode to kilo for now else: clouds = [cloud] for cloud in clouds: CloudRegister.remote(cloud, force) export(cloud, "table") config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") if config["cloudmesh.profile.user"] == "TBD": name = config["cloudmesh.clouds.kilo.credentials.OS_USERNAME"] config["cloudmesh"]["profile"]["user"] = name return "" elif arguments['ec2']: cloud = arguments['CLOUD'] zipfile = arguments['EC2ZIP'] if cloud is None: clouds = [ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["active"][0]] else: clouds = [cloud] for cloud in clouds: CloudRegister.ec2(cloud, zipfile) export(cloud, "table") return "" elif arguments['env']: try: CloudRegister.from_environ(arguments['--provider']) except Exception as e: Error.traceback(e) return "" elif arguments['cloud']: """ if arguments['--dir']: cloud = arguments['--name'] directory = arguments['--dir'] Console.ok(directory), directory) else: """ values_to_replace = ['tbd', 'null', 'tbd_not_used'] cloud = arguments['CLOUD'] if cloud is None: clouds = [ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["active"][0]] else: clouds = [cloud] for cloud in clouds: config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") cloud_config = config["cloudmesh.clouds"][cloud] # Checking credentials print("Checking cloud credentials...") for prop in cloud_config["credentials"]: if cloud_config["credentials"][prop].lower() in values_to_replace: value = input(prop + "(" + cloud_config["credentials"][prop] + "): ") cloud_config["credentials"][prop] = value # Checking defaults print("Checking cloud defaults...") for prop in cloud_config["default"]: if cloud_config["default"][prop].lower() in values_to_replace: value = input(prop + "(" + cloud_config["default"][prop] + "): ") cloud_config["default"][prop] = value export(cloud, "table") return "" elif arguments['user']: username = arguments["USERNAME"] or getpass.getuser() CloudRegister.set_username(username) Console.ok("Setting profile user to {} in the yaml file.".format(username)) hosts = ssh_config() hosts.generate(key="india", username=username, verbose=True) return "" elif arguments['ENTRY'].lower() in ['chameleon']: config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") credentials = dotdict(config["cloudmesh.clouds.chameleon.credentials"]) default = credentials.OS_USERNAME username = input("Please enter the username for {:} [{}]: ".format("chameleon", default)) username = username or default while True: default = credentials.OS_PROJECT_NAME project = input("Please enter the project id for {:} [{}]: ".format("chameleon", default)) project = project or default if project.isdigit(): project = "CH-{}".format(project) break else: try: prefix, number = project.split("-") if not (prefix in ["CH"] and number.isdigit()): Console.error("This is not a valid cloud project", traceflag=False) else: break except: Console.error("This is not a valid cloud project", traceflag=False) password = getpass.getpass("Please enter the password for {:}: ".format("chameleon", credentials.OS_PASSWORD)) credentials.OS_TENENT_ID = credentials.OS_PROJECT_NAME credentials.OS_TENENT_NAME = credentials.OS_PROJECT_NAME credentials.OS_USERNAME = username credentials.OS_PASSWORD = password return "" elif arguments['ENTRY'] is not None: name = arguments['ENTRY'] Register.entry(name) return "" # if all fails do a simple list filename = _get_config_yaml_file(arguments) CloudRegister.list(filename) pass