Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from import Group
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from import command
from import Console
from import PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_client.common.hostlist import Parameter

[docs]class GroupCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"group": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command group") @command def do_group(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: group list [GROUPNAME] [--format=FORMAT] group remove NAMES [--group=GROUPNAME] group add NAMES [--type=TYPE] [--group=GROUPNAME] group delete GROUPS group copy FROM TO group merge GROUPA GROUPB MERGEDGROUP manage the groups Arguments: NAMES names of object to be added GROUPS names of a groups FROM name of a group TO name of a group GROUPA name of a group GROUPB name of a group MERGEDGROUP name of a group Options: --format=FORMAT the output format --type=TYPE the resource type --name=NAME the name of the group --id=IDS the ID(s) to add to the group Description: Todo: design parameters that are useful and match description Todo: discuss and propose command cloudmesh can manage groups of resource related objects. As it would be cumbersome to for example delete many virtual machines or delete VMs that are in the same group, but are running in different clouds. Hence it is possible to add a virtual machine to a specific group. The group name to be added to can be set as a default. This way all subsequent commands use this default group. It can also be set via a command parameter. Another convenience function is that the group command can use the last used virtual machine. If a vm is started it will be automatically added to the default group if it is set. If finer grained deletion is needed, it can be achieved with the delete command that supports deletion by name It is also possible to remove a VM from the group using the remove command, by supplying the ID Note: The type is internally called for the group species, we may eliminate the species column and just use the type column for it, Example: default group mygroup group add --type=vm --id=albert-[001-003] adds the vms with the given name using the Parameter see base group add --type=vm adds the last vm to the group group delete --name=mygroup deletes all objects in the group """ # pprint(arguments) if arguments["list"]: output = arguments["--format"] or Default.get(name="format", category="general") or "table" name = arguments["GROUPNAME"] if name is None: result = Group.list(output=output) if result: print(result) else: print("No groups found other than the default group but it has no members.") else: result = Group.list(name=name, output=output) if result: print(result) else: msg_a = ("No group found with name `{name}` found in the " "category `{category}`.".format(**locals())) ''' # find alternate result = Group.get(name=name) msg_b = "" if result is not None and len(result) < 0: msg_b = " However we found such a variable in " \ "category `{category}`. Please consider " \ "using --category={category}".format(**locals()) Console.error(msg_a + msg_b) else: Console.error("No group with name {name} exists.".format(**locals())) ''' return "" elif arguments["add"]: # group add NAME... [--type=TYPE] [--category=CLOUD] [--group=GROUP] print ("AAA", arguments["NAMES"]) members = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) print ("MMMM", members) data = dotdict({ "species": arguments["--type"] or "vm", "name": arguments["--group"] or }) print ("DDD", data) for member in members: data.member = member pprint(data) Group.add(**data) return "" elif arguments["delete"]: groups = Parameter.expand(arguments["GROUPS"]) for group in groups: result = Group.delete(group) if result: Console.ok(result) else: Console.error( "delete group {}. failed.".format(group)) return "" elif arguments["remove"]: members = Parameter.expand(arguments["NAMES"]) group = arguments["--group"] or for member in members: result = Group.remove(group, member) if result: Console.ok(result) else: Console.error( "remove {} from group {}. failed.".format(group, member)) return "" elif arguments["copy"]: _from = arguments["FROM"] _to = arguments["TO"] Group.copy(_from, _to) return "" elif arguments["merge"]: _groupA = arguments["GROUPA"] _groupB = arguments["GROUPB"] _mergedGroup = arguments["MERGEDGROUP"] Group.merge(_groupA, _groupB, _mergedGroup) return ""