Source code for

import os.path

from cloudmesh_client.platform.virtual_cluster.cluster import Cluster
from cloudmesh_client.common.dotdict import dotdict
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.deployer.ansible.inventory import Inventory
from cloudmesh_client.deployer.ansible.role import AnsibleRole
from cloudmesh_client.deployer.ansible.playbook import AnsiblePlaybook
from import (CloudPluginCommand, PluginCommand,
from import Console

[docs]class AnsibleCommand(object):
[docs] def playbook(self, cluster=None, path=None): Console.debug_msg('NotImplementedError')
[docs] def role(self, cluster=None, uris=None, hostsPattern='all', become=True, username=None, modifyKnownHosts=True): """Deploy a role to all the nodes in the cluster :param str cluster: cluster name (default is the active cluster) :param str path: path to the role (default is current working directory) :param str username: login username of the nodes (overrides autodetected value) :param modifyKnownHosts: whether to update ~/.ssh/known_hosts """ uris = uris or [] assert len(uris) > 0, uris cluster = Cluster.from_name(cluster or Default.cluster) inventory = Inventory.from_cluster(cluster) roles = [AnsibleRole(uri, become=become, hosts=hostsPattern) for uri in uris] play = AnsiblePlaybook( roles=roles, inventory=inventory, username=username, modifyKnownHosts=modifyKnownHosts, subprocess_kwargs=dict(stdout=None, stderr=None), )
[docs]class DeployCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {'deploy': 'cluster'} def __init__(self, context): Console.debug_msg("init command deploy") @command def do_deploy(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: deploy ansible role [-c CLUSTER] [-u NAME] [-N] [-H HOST] [-b] URI... Commands: ansible Ansible deployment Ansible Commands: playbook Deploy a pre-prepared playbook role Deploy a role to all nodes Arguments: CLUSTER Cluster name to deploy to NAME Alphanumeric name COUNT Integer > 0 URI Location of the item as a uri HOST Host matching pattern Options: -c --cluster=CLUSTER Cluster name to operate on (defaults to active) -N --no-modify-known-hosts Don't let ssh update ~/.ssh/known_hosts -u --username=NAME Username of the nodes to manage -H HOST --hosts=HOST Host matching pattern [default: all] -b --no-become Don't become privileged user """ arguments = dotdict(arguments) from pprint import pprint pprint(arguments) if arguments.ansible and arguments.role: ansible = AnsibleCommand() ansible.role( cluster = arguments.CLUSTER, hostsPattern = arguments['--hosts'], uris = arguments.URI, become = not arguments['--no-become'], username = arguments['--username'], modifyKnownHosts = not arguments['--no-modify-known-hosts'], )
if __name__ == '__main__': from docopt import docopt print(docopt(DeployCommand.do_deploy.__doc__)) # import sys # rolepath = sys.argv[1] # c = AnsibleCommand() # c.role(path=rolepath)