Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from import Console
from import command, PluginCommand, \
    CloudPluginCommand, CometPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.LogUtil import LogUtil

logger = LogUtil.get_logger()

[docs]class DefaultCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand, CometPluginCommand): topics = {"default": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command default") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_default(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: default default list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] [--all] default delete KEY [--cloud=CLOUD] default KEY [--cloud=CLOUD] default KEY=VALUE [--cloud=CLOUD] Arguments: KEY the name of the default VALUE the value to set the key to Options: --cloud=CLOUD the name of the cloud --format=FORMAT the output format. Values include table, json, csv, yaml. --all lists all the default values Description: Cloudmesh has the ability to manage easily multiple clouds. One of the key concepts to manage multiple clouds is to use defaults for the cloud, the images, flavors, and other values. The default command is used to manage such default values. These defaults are used in other commands if they are not overwritten by a command parameter. The current default values can by listed with default list --all Via the default command you can list, set, get and delete default values. You can list the defaults with default list A default can be set with default KEY=VALUE To look up a default value you can say default KEY A default can be deleted with default delete KEY To be specific to a cloud you can specify the name of the cloud with the --cloud=CLOUD option. The list command can print the information in various formats iv specified. Examples: default lists the default for the current default cloud default list --all lists all default values default list --cloud=kilo lists the defaults for the cloud with the name kilo default image=xyz sets the default image for the default cloud to xyz default image=abc --cloud=kilo sets the default image for the cloud kilo to xyz default image list the default image of the default cloud default image --cloud=kilo list the default image of the cloud kilo default delete image deletes the value for the default image in the default cloud default delete image --cloud=kilo deletes the value for the default image in the cloud kilo """ #print(arguments) #print (">", args, "<") """ For these keys, the 'cloud' column in db will always be 'general'. """ general_keys = ["cloud", "cluster", "queue", "key", "group", "user", "secgroup", "vm", "refresh", "debug", "interactive", "purge"] """ If the default cloud has been set (eg. default category=xxx), then subsequent defaults for any key (eg. default image=yyy), will have 'cloud' column in db as the default cloud that was set. (eg. image=yyy for category=xxx). """ if arguments["KEY"] in general_keys: cloud = "general" elif args == '': cloud = "general" arguments["--cloud"] = cloud arguments["list"] = True order = ['name', 'value'] output_format = arguments["--format"] result = Default.list(category=cloud, order=order, output=output_format) print(result) return "" else: cloud = arguments["--cloud"] or Default.get(name="cloud", category="general") or "general" if arguments["list"]: output_format = arguments["--format"] or Default.output or 'table' if arguments['--all'] or arguments["--cloud"] is None: cloud = None result = Default.list(category=cloud, output=output_format) if result is None: Console.error("No default values found") else: print(result) return "" elif arguments["delete"]: key = arguments["KEY"] if key in general_keys: cloud = "general" result = Default.delete(key, cloud) if not result : Console.error("default {} not present".format(key)) else: Console.ok("Deleted key {} for cloud {}. ok.".format(key, cloud)) return "" elif "=" in arguments["KEY"]: key, value = arguments["KEY"].split("=") if key in general_keys: cloud = "general" if key in "debug": Default.set_debug(value) else: Default.set(key, value, category=cloud) Console.ok( "set default {}={}. ok.".format(key, value)) return "" elif arguments["KEY"]: key = arguments["KEY"] if key in general_keys: cloud = "general" result = Default.get(name=key, category=cloud) if result is None: Console.error("No default values found") else: Console.ok("{}".format(result)) return ""