Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from import command, PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default

[docs]class DebugCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"debug": "shell"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command debug") try: value = Default.get_debug() except: Default.set_debug("off") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_debug(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: debug on debug off debug list switches on and off the debug messages """ if arguments["on"]: Default.set_debug("on") Console.ok("Switch debug on") elif arguments["off"]: Default.set_debug("off") Console.ok("Switch debug off") elif arguments["list"]: debug = Default.debug() Console.ok("Debug is switched {}".format(debug)) return ""