Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from import Console
from import command, PluginCommand, \
    ShellPluginCommand, CometPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict

[docs]class ColorCommand(PluginCommand, ShellPluginCommand, CometPluginCommand): topics = {"color": "shell"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command color") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_color(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: color FLAG Arguments: FLAG color mode flag ON/OFF Description: Global switch for the console color mode. One can switch the color mode on/off with cm color ON cm color OFF By default, the color mode is ON Examples: color ON color OFF """ # default mode is ON color_mode = True flag = arguments["FLAG"].lower() if flag in ["on", "true"]: color_mode = True Console.set_theme(color=True) elif flag in ["off", "false"]: color_mode = False Console.set_theme(color=False) else: Console.error("Invalid Flag") return # Update the cloudmesh.yaml file config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") config["cloudmesh"]["system"]["console_color"] = color_mode Console.color = color_mode Console.ok("Color {:}".format(str(color_mode))) return ""