Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer
from import CloudProvider
from import command, PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from pprint import pprint

[docs]class CloudCommand(PluginCommand, CloudPluginCommand): topics = {"cloud": "cloud"} def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if self.context.debug: print("init command cloud") # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_cloud(self, args, arguments): """ :: Usage: cloud list [--cloud=CLOUD] [--format=FORMAT] cloud logon CLOUD cloud logout CLOUD cloud activate CLOUD cloud deactivate CLOUD cloud info CLOUD managing the admins test test test test Arguments: KEY the name of the admin VALUE the value to set the key to Options: --cloud=CLOUD the name of the cloud --format=FORMAT the output format [default: table] Description: Cloudmesh contains a cloudmesh.yaml file that contains templates for multiple clouds that you may or may not have access to. Hence it is useful to activate and deactivate clouds you like to use in other commands. To activate a cloud a user can simply use the activate command followed by the name of the cloud to be activated. To find out which clouds are available you can use the list command that will provide you with some basic information. As default it will print a table. Thus the commands:: cloud activate india cloud deactivate aws Will result in +----------------------+--------+-------------------+ | Cloud name | Active | Type | +----------------------+--------+-------------------+ | india | True | Openstack | +----------------------+--------+-------------------+ | aws | False | AWS | +----------------------+--------+-------------------+ To get ore information about the cloud you can use the command cloud info CLOUD It will call internally also the command uses in register See also: register """ cloudname = arguments["--cloud"] or if arguments["logon"]: cloudname = arguments["CLOUD"] provider = CloudProvider(cloudname).provider provider.logon(cloudname) Console.ok("Logged into cloud: " + cloudname) elif arguments["logout"]: cloudname = arguments["CLOUD"] provider = CloudProvider(cloudname).provider provider.logout(cloudname) Console.ok("Logged out of cloud: " + cloudname) elif arguments["activate"]: cloudname = arguments["CLOUD"] provider = CloudProvider(cloudname).provider provider.activate(cloudname) Console.ok("Activated cloud: " + cloudname) elif arguments["deactivate"]: cloudname = arguments["CLOUD"] provider = CloudProvider(cloudname).provider provider.deactivate(cloudname) Console.ok("Deactivated cloud: " + cloudname) elif arguments["list"]: provider = CloudProvider(cloudname).provider clouds = provider.list_clouds() default = active = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["active"] key = Default.key def yes(state): if state: return "*" else: return " " for index in clouds: cloud = clouds[index] cloud["active"] = yes(cloud["cloud"] in active) cloud["default"] = yes(cloud["cloud"] == default) cloud["key"] = key cloud["id"] = index (order, header) = CloudProvider(cloudname).get_attributes("clouds") Console.msg(Printer.write(clouds, order=order, header=header)) return ""