Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import cmd
import datetime
import os
import string
import sys
import textwrap

from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from cloudmesh_client.common.Error import Error
from cloudmesh_client.common.Shell import Shell
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import path_expand
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.var import Var

# noinspection PyPep8
import cloudmesh_client
from cloudmesh_client.default import Default
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import get_python
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import check_python
import cloudmesh_client
from cloudmesh_client.common.Printer import Printer
from import command
from import PluginCommand
from cloudmesh_client.common.ssh_config import ssh_config
import cloudmesh_client.etc
from import SecGroup
from import Key

from cloudmesh_client.common.StopWatch import StopWatch

from cloudmesh_client.db import CloudmeshDatabase
from cloudmesh_client import setup_yaml

import importlib

cm = CloudmeshDatabase()

[docs]class CloudmeshContext(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__ = kwargs
PluginCommandClasses = type( 'CommandProxyClass', tuple(PluginCommand.__subclasses__()), {}) # print (type(PluginCommand.__subclasses__())) # print (PluginCommand.__subclasses__()) """ # not yet implemented class ConsoleClasses(object): def __init__(self, *command_classes): classes = [] for c in command_classes: classes.append(PluginCommand.__subclasses__()) print (classes) PluginCommandClasses = type( 'CommandProxyClass', tuple(classes), {}) return PluginCommandClasses """ # console = ConsoleFactory(PluginCommand) # noinspection PyBroadException,PyPep8Naming
[docs]class CloudmeshConsole(cmd.Cmd, PluginCommandClasses): # class CloudmeshConsole(cmd.Cmd, # ConsoleClasses(PluginCommand)):
[docs] def precmd(self, line): StopWatch.start("command") return line
[docs] def postcmd(self, stop, line): StopWatch.stop("command") if Default.timer: print("Timer: {:.4f}s ({})".format(StopWatch.get("command"), line.strip())) return stop
[docs] def onecmd(self, line): """Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response to the prompt. This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be; see the precmd() and postcmd() methods for useful execution hooks. The return value is a flag indicating whether interpretation of commands by the interpreter should stop. """ line = self.replace_vars(line) if line is None: return "" if line.startswith("!"): line.replace("!", "! ") line = self.var_replacer(line) if line != "hist" and line: self._hist += [line.strip()] if line.startswith("!") or line.startswith("shell"): self.do_shell_exec(line[1:]) return "" cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line) if not line: return self.emptyline() if os.path.isfile(line): self.do_exec(line) return "" if line.startswith('#') \ or line.startswith('//') \ or line.startswith('/*'): print(line) return self.emptyline() if cmd is None: return self.default(line) self.lastcmd = line if line == 'EOF': self.lastcmd = '' if cmd == '': return self.default(line) else: try: func = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd) except AttributeError: return self.default(line) return func(arg)
[docs] def register_topics(self): topics = {} for command in PluginCommand.__subclasses__(): tmp = command.topics.copy() topics.update(tmp) for name in topics: self.register_command_topic(topics[name], name) for name in ["q", "EOF", "man", "version", "help", "history", "pause", "quit", "var"]: self.register_command_topic("shell", name)
def __init__(self, context): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.variables = {} self.command_topics = {} self.register_topics() self.context = context # TODO get loglevel from DB or yaml file, if not defined set to ERROR self.loglevel = "DEBUG" self._hist = [] if self.context.debug: print("init CloudmeshConsole") self.prompt = 'cm> ' self.doc_header = "Documented commands (type help <command>):" self.banner = textwrap.dedent(""" +=======================================================+ . ____ _ _ _ . . / ___| | ___ _ _ __| |_ __ ___ ___ ___| |__ . . | | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \ . . | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | | | __/\__ \ | | | . . \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/_| |_| . +=======================================================+ Cloudmesh Shell """) # KeyCommands.__init__(self, context) # # set default cloud and default group if they do not exist # use the first cloud in cloudmesh.yaml as default # Console.set_debug(Default.debug) filename = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml") # moved to import cloudmesh_client # create_cloudmesh_yaml(filename) setup_yaml() # Initialize Logging # LogUtil.initialize_logging() # sys,exit(1) # ################## # DEFAULTS # # # SET DEFAULT CLOUD # value = Default.get(name='cloud', category='general') if value is None: config = ConfigDict(filename=filename)["cloudmesh"] if 'active' in config: cloud = config["active"][0] else: clouds = config["clouds"] cloud = list(clouds.keys())[0] Default.set('cloud', cloud, category='general') # # NOT SURE WHAT THIS IS FOR # value = Default.get(name='default', category='general') if value is None: Default.set('default', 'default', category='general') # # SET DEFAULT CLUSTER # ''' cluster = ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["active"][0] value = Default.get(name='cluster', category='general') if value is None: try: hosts = ssh_config().names() if hosts is not None: cluster = hosts[0] except: pass # use the hardcoded cluster else: cluster = value Default.set('cluster', cluster, category='general') ''' # # SET DEFAULT GROUP # group = if group is None: Default.set_group("default") # # LOAD DEFAULTS FROM YAML # Default.load("cloudmesh.yaml") try: d = Key.get_from_dir("~/.ssh", store=False) except Exception as e: Console.error(e.message) # # SET DEFAULT TIMER # on = Default.timer # # SET DEFUALT SECGROUP # # # SET DEFAULT REFRESH # # r = Default.refresh # print ("REFRESH", r) # if r is None: # Default.set_refresh("on") # # SET DEFAULT USER # user = Default.user if user is None: user = ConfigDict(filename=filename)["cloudmesh"]["profile"]["user"] Default.set_user(user) r = Default.secgroup if r is None: SecGroup.reset_defaults() ''' #secgroup = "{}-default".format(Default.user) secgroup = "default" Default.set_secgroup(secgroup) SecGroup.add_rule_to_db(group=secgroup, name="ssh",from_port="22",to_port="22",protocol="tcp", cidr="") SecGroup.add_rule_to_db(group=secgroup, name="http",from_port="80",to_port="80",protocol="tcp", cidr="") SecGroup.add_rule_to_db(group=secgroup, name="https", from_port="443", to_port="443", protocol="tcp", cidr="") SecGroup.add_rule_to_db(group=secgroup, name="ping", from_port="0", to_port="0", protocol="icmp", cidr="") ''' """ try: sshm = SSHKeyManager() m = sshm.get_from_yaml( load_order="~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml") d = dict(m.__keys__) sshdb = SSHKeyDBManager() for keyname in m.__keys__: filename = m[keyname]["path"] try: sshdb.add(filename, keyname, source="yaml", uri="file://" + filename) except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: Console.error("Problem adding keys from yaml file") """ for c in CloudmeshConsole.__bases__[1:]: # noinspection PyArgumentList c.__init__(self, context)
[docs] def preloop(self): """adds the banner to the preloop""" if self.context.splash: lines = textwrap.dedent(self.banner).split("\n") for line in lines: # Console.cprint("BLUE", "", line) print(line)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def do_EOF(self, args): """ :: Usage: EOF Description: Command to the shell to terminate reading a script. """ return True
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def do_quit(self, args): """ :: Usage: quit Description: Action to be performed whne quit is typed """ return True
do_q = do_quit
[docs] def emptyline(self): return
[docs] def load_instancemethod(self, location): module_name, class_name = location.rsplit(".", 1) f = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_name), class_name) setattr(self, f.__name__, f)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def do_context(self, args): """ :: Usage: context Description: Lists the context variables and their values """ """ :param args: :return: """ print(self.context.__dict__)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal @command def do_version(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: version [--format=FORMAT] [--check=CHECK] Options: --format=FORMAT the format to print the versions in [default: table] --check=CHECK boolean tp conduct an additional check [default: True] Description: Prints out the version number """ python_version, pip_version = get_python() try: git_hash_version = Shell.execute('git', 'log -1 --format=%h', traceflag=False, witherror=False) except: git_hash_version = 'N/A' versions = { "cloudmesh_client": { "name": "cloudmesh_client", "version": str(cloudmesh_client.__version__) }, # "cloudmesh_base": { # "name": "cloudmesh_base", # "version": str(cloudmesh_base.__version__) # }, "python": { "name": "python", "version": str(python_version) }, "pip": { "name": "pip", "version": str(pip_version) }, "git": { "name": "git hash", "version": str(git_hash_version) } } print(Printer.write(versions, output=arguments["--format"], order=["name", "version"])) if arguments["--check"] in ["True"]: check_python()
[docs] def register_command_topic(self, topic, command_name): try: tmp = self.command_topics[topic] except: self.command_topics[topic] = [] self.command_topics[topic].append(command_name)
[docs] def do_help(self, arg): """ :: Usage: help help COMMAND Description: List available commands with "help" or detailed help with "help COMMAND".""" if arg: try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + arg) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + arg).__doc__ if doc: self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(doc)) return except AttributeError: pass self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.nohelp % (arg,))) return func() else: names = self.get_names() cmds_doc = [] cmds_undoc = [] help_page = {} for name in names: if name[:5] == 'help_': help_page[name[5:]] = 1 names.sort() # There can be duplicates if routines overridden prevname = '' for name in names: if name[:3] == 'do_': if name == prevname: continue prevname = name cmd = name[3:] if cmd in help_page: cmds_doc.append(cmd) del help_page[cmd] elif getattr(self, name).__doc__: cmds_doc.append(cmd) else: cmds_undoc.append(cmd) self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.doc_leader)) self.print_topics(self.doc_header, cmds_doc, 15, 80) self.print_topics(self.misc_header, list(help_page.keys()), 15, 80) self.print_topics(self.undoc_header, cmds_undoc, 15, 80) for topic in self.command_topics: topic_cmds = sorted(self.command_topics[topic], key=str.lower) self.print_topics(string.capwords(topic + " commands"), topic_cmds, 15, 80)
[docs] def help_help(self): """ :: Usage: help NAME Prints out the help message for a given function """ print(textwrap.dedent(self.help_help.__doc__))
[docs] def do_exec(self, filename): """ :: Usage: exec FILENAME executes the commands in the file. See also the script command. Arguments: FILENAME The name of the file """ if not filename: Console.error("the command requires a filename as parameter") return if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: for line in f: if self.context.echo: Console.ok("cm> {:}".format(str(line))) self.precmd(line) stop = self.onecmd(line) self.postcmd(stop, line) else: Console.error('file "{:}" does not exist.'.format(filename)) sys.exit()
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def do_shell_exec(self, args): # just ignore arguments and pass on args command = path_expand(args) try: os.system(command) except Exception as e: Console.error(e.msg, traceflag=False)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal # BUG: this does not for some reason execute the arguments @command def do_shell(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: shell ARGUMENTS... Description: Executes a shell command """ # just ignore arguments and pass on args command = path_expand(args) try: os.system(command) except Exception as e: Console.error(e, traceflag=False) # # VAR #
[docs] def update_time(self): time ="%H:%M:%S") date ="%Y-%m-%d") self.variables['time'] = time self.variables['date'] = date
[docs] def var_finder(self, line, c='$'): line = line.replace('$', ' $').strip() words = line.replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ').split(" ") variables = [] for word in words: if word.startswith('$'): variables.append(word) vars = { "normal": [], "os": [], "dot": [] } for word in variables: word = word.replace('$', "") if word.startswith('os.'): vars["os"].append(word) elif '.' in word: vars["dot"].append(word) else: vars["normal"].append(word) return vars
[docs] def var_replacer(self, line, c='$'): vars = self.var_finder(line, c=c) for v in vars["normal"]: value = str(Var.get(v)) line = line.replace(c + v, value) # replace in line the variable $v with value for v in vars["os"]: name = v.replace('os.', '') if name in os.environ: value = os.environ[name] line = line.replace(c + v, value) else: Console.error("can not find environment variable {}".format( v)) if c + v in line: value = os.environ(v) # replace in line the variable $v with value for v in vars["dot"]: try: config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") print(config["cloudmesh.profile"]) value = config[v] line = line.replace(c + v, value) except Exception as e: Console.error("can not find variable {} in cloudmesh.yaml".format(value)) return line
[docs] def replace_vars(self, line): self.update_time() newline = line variables = Var.list(output='dict') if len(variables) is not None: for v in variables: v = str(v) name = str(variables[v]["name"]) value = str(variables[v]["value"]) newline = newline.replace("$" + name, value) # for v in os.environ: # newline = newline.replace("$" +, os.environ[v]) newline = path_expand(newline) return newline
''' def _add_variable(self, name, value): self.variables[name] = value # self._list_variables() def _delete_variable(self, name): self._list_variables() del self.variables[name] # self._list_variables() def _list_variables(self): Console.ok(10 * "-") Console.ok('Variables') Console.ok(10 * "-") for v in self.variables: Console.ok("{:} = {:}".format(v, self.variables[v])) ''' @command def do_var(self, arg, arguments): """ Usage: var list var delete NAMES var NAME=VALUE var NAME Arguments: NAME Name of the variable NAMES Names of the variable separated by spaces VALUE VALUE to be assigned special vars date and time are defined """ if arguments['list'] or arg == '' or arg is None: # self._list_variables() print(Var.list()) return "" elif arguments['NAME=VALUE'] and "=" in arguments["NAME=VALUE"]: (variable, value) = arg.split('=', 1) if value == "time" or value == "now": value ="%H:%M:%S") elif value == "date": value ="%Y-%m-%d") elif value.startswith("default."): name = value.replace("default.", "") value = Default.get(name=name, category="general") elif "." in value: try: config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") value = config[value] except Exception as e: Console.error("can not find variable {} in cloudmesh.yaml".format(value)) value = None # self._add_variable(variable, value) Var.set(variable, value) return "" elif arguments['NAME=VALUE'] and "=" not in arguments["NAME=VALUE"]: try: v = arguments['NAME=VALUE'] # Console.ok(str(self.variables[v])) Console.ok(str(Var.get(v))) except: Console.error('variable {:} not defined'.format(arguments['NAME=VALUE'])) elif arg.startswith('delete'): variable = arg.split(' ')[1] Var.delete(variable) # self._delete_variable(variable) return "" @command def do_history(self, args, arguments): """ Usage: history history list history last history ID """ try: if arguments["list"] or args == "": print("LIST") h = 0 for line in self._hist: print("{}: {}".format(h, self._hist[h])) h += 1 return "" elif arguments["last"]: h = len(self._hist) if h > 1: command = self._hist[h - 2] self.precmd(command) stop = self.onecmd(command) self.postcmd(stop, command) return "" elif arguments["ID"]: h = int(arguments["ID"]) if h in range(0, len(self._hist)): print("{}".format(self._hist[h])) if not args.startswith("history"): command = self._hist[h] self.precmd(command) stop = self.onecmd(command) self.postcmd(stop, command) return "" except: Console.error("could not execute the last command") do_h = do_history
[docs]def simple(): context = CloudmeshContext(debug=False, splash=True) con = CloudmeshConsole(context) con.cmdloop()
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def main(): """cm. Usage: cm --help cm [--echo] [--debug] [--nosplash] [-i] [COMMAND ...] Arguments: COMMAND A command to be executed Options: --file=SCRIPT -f SCRIPT Executes the script -i After start keep the shell interactive, otherwise quit [default: False] --nosplash do not show the banner [default: False] """ # # TODO: There is a bug in opensatck that does not send a Deprecatuon Class # for the warning, so we ignore all warnings for now :( # import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") def manual(): print(main.__doc__) args = sys.argv[1:] arguments = { '--echo': '--echo' in args, '--help': '--help' in args, '--debug': '--debug' in args, '--nosplash': '--nosplash' in args, '-i': '-i' in args} echo = arguments["--echo"] if arguments['--help']: manual() sys.exit() for a in args: if a in arguments: args.remove(a) arguments['COMMAND'] = [' '.join(args)] commands = arguments["COMMAND"] if len(commands) > 0: if ".cm" in commands[0]: arguments["SCRIPT"] = commands[0] commands = commands[1:] else: arguments["SCRIPT"] = None arguments["COMMAND"] = ' '.join(commands) if arguments["COMMAND"] == '': arguments["COMMAND"] = None # noinspection PySimplifyBooleanCheck if arguments['COMMAND'] == []: arguments['COMMAND'] = None splash = not arguments['--nosplash'] debug = arguments['--debug'] interactive = arguments['-i'] script = arguments["SCRIPT"] command = arguments["COMMAND"] context = CloudmeshContext( interactive=interactive, debug=debug, echo=echo, splash=splash) cmd = CloudmeshConsole(context) if script is not None: cmd.do_exec(script) try: if echo: print("cm>", command) if command is not None: cmd.precmd(command) stop = cmd.onecmd(command) cmd.postcmd(stop, command) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: executing command '{0}'".format(command)) print(70 * "=") print(e) print(70 * "=") Error.traceback() if interactive or (command is None and script is None): cmd.cmdloop()
if __name__ == "__main__": main() # simple()