Source code for cloudmesh_client.common.vmname

from cloudmesh_client.default import Default

from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict

[docs]class VMName(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def format(name=None): """ given a name that returns the following information as a tuple. prefix - the prefix of the vm name index - the current index padding - the padding factor to fill the index with leading 0 The input name format is as follows prefix-0011 upon return you will get (prefix, 11, 4) if None is specified the current os user name will be used, the index will start as 1, and we will use four digits all in all for the padding. :param name: the name that derives a format for :return: prefix, index, padding """ raise ValueError("implement me")
[docs] @staticmethod def get(prefix=None, idx=None, user=None): """Return a vm name to use next time. prefix or index can be given to update a vm name (optional) Args: prefix (str, optional): the name of prefix idx (int, str, optional): the index to increment. This can be a digit or arithmetic e.g. +5 or -3 can be used """ user = user or ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh.profile.user"] prefix = prefix or user if type(idx) is not int: idx = int(idx) Default.set('index', idx) return "%{:}_%{:}".format()
[docs] @staticmethod def next(): return VMName.vmname(idx="+1")
""" def vm_name(username, index, n=10000): length = len(str(n)) name = "{0}-{1:0" + str(length) + "d}" return name.format(username, index) def server_name_analyzer(name): ''' standard vm name, unless user gives the name, is prefix_index such as abc_11, this function returns vm name's prefix and index [prefix, index], if the name is not in standard form, returns [input, None] ''' res = [x for x in name.split('_')] l = len(res) if l == 1: return [name, None] index = None try: index = int(res[-1]) except: pass if index is None: return [name, None] prefix = None if l > 2: del res[-1] prefix = "_".join(res) else: prefix = res[0] return [prefix, index] """