Source code for cloudmesh_client.common.util

from __future__ import print_function
from contextlib import contextmanager
from string import Template
import inspect
import glob
import os
import shutil
import collections
# import pip
import time
import tempfile
import sys
import re

from builtins import input
from past.builtins import basestring
import random

[docs]@contextmanager def tempdir(*args, **kwargs): """A contextmanager to work in an auto-removed temporary directory Arguments are passed through to tempfile.mkdtemp example: >>> with tempdir() as path: ... pass """ d = tempfile.mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs) try: yield d finally: shutil.rmtree(d)
[docs]def exponential_backoff(fn, sleeptime_s_max=30*60): """Calls `fn` until it returns True, with an exponentially increasing wait time between calls""" sleeptime_ms = 500 while True: if fn() == True: return True else: print ('Sleeping {} ms'.format(sleeptime_ms)) time.sleep(sleeptime_ms / 1000.0) sleeptime_ms *= 2 if sleeptime_ms/1000.0 > sleeptime_s_max: return False
[docs]def grep(pattern, filename): """Very simple grep that returns the first matching line in a file. String matching only, does not do REs as currently implemented. """ try: # for line in file # if line matches pattern: # return line return next((L for L in open(filename) if L.find(pattern) >= 0)) except StopIteration: return ''
[docs]def path_expand(text): """ returns a string with expanded variable. :param text: the path to be expanded, which can include ~ and $ variables :param text: string """ template = Template(text) result = template.substitute(os.environ) result = os.path.expanduser(result) return result
[docs]def convert_from_unicode(data): if isinstance(data, basestring): return str(data) elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): return dict(map(convert_from_unicode, data.items())) elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable): return type(data)(map(convert_from_unicode, data)) else: return data
[docs]def yn_choice(message, default='y', tries=None): """asks for a yes/no question. :param message: the message containing the question :param default: the default answer """ #""" choices = 'Y/n' if default.lower() in ('y', 'yes') else 'y/N' if tries is None: choice = input("%s (%s) " % (message, choices)) values = ('y', 'yes', '') if default == 'y' else ('y', 'yes') return True if choice.strip().lower() in values else False else: while tries > 0: choice = input("%s (%s) (%s)" % (message, choices, "'q' to discard")) choice = choice.strip().lower() if choice in ['y', 'yes']: return True elif choice in ['n', 'no', 'q']: return False else: print("Invalid input...") tries -= 1
[docs]def str_banner(txt=None, c="#", debug=True): """prints a banner of the form with a frame of # arround the txt:: ############################ # txt ############################ . :param txt: a text message to be printed :type txt: string :param c: the character used instead of c :type c: character """ str = "" if debug: str += "\n" str += "# " + 70 * c if txt is not None: str += "# " + txt str += "# " + 70 * c return str
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def HEADING(txt=None): """ Prints a message to stdout with #### surrounding it. This is useful for nosetests to better distinguish them. :param txt: a text message to be printed :type txt: string """ frame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe()) filename = frame[1][1].replace(os.getcwd(), "") line = frame[1][2] - 1 method = frame[1][3] msg = "{}\n# {} {} {}".format(txt, method, filename, line) print() banner(msg)
[docs]def backup_name(filename): """ :param filename: given a filename creates a backup name of the form filename.bak.1. If the filename already exists the number will be increased as much as needed so the file does not exist in the given location. The filename can consists a path and is expanded with ~ and environment variables. :type filename: string :rtype: string """ location = path_expand(filename) n = 0 found = True backup = None while found: n += 1 backup = "{0}.bak.{1}".format(location, n) found = os.path.isfile(backup) return backup
[docs]def auto_create_version(class_name, version, filename=""): version_filename = "{0}/{1}".format(class_name, filename) with open(version_filename, "r") as f: content = if content != '__version__ = "{0}"'.format(version): banner("Updating version to {0}".format(version)) with open(version_filename, "w") as text_file: text_file.write('__version__ = "{0:s}"'.format(version))
[docs]def auto_create_requirements(requirements): """ creates a requirement.txt file form the requirements in the list. If the file exists, it get changed only if the requirements in the list are different from the existing file :param requirements: the requirements in a list """ banner("Creating requirements.txt file") try: with open("requirements.txt", "r") as f: file_content = except: file_content = "" setup_requirements = '\n'.join(requirements) if setup_requirements != file_content: with open("requirements.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(setup_requirements)
[docs]def copy_files(files_glob, source_dir, dest_dir): """ :param files_glob: *.yaml :param source_dir: source directiry :param dest_dir: destination directory :return: """ files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(source_dir, files_glob)) for filename in files: if os.path.isfile(filename): shutil.copy2(filename, dest_dir)
[docs]def dict_replace(content, replacements=None): if replacements is None: replacements = {} for key in replacements: content = content.replace("\{key\}".format(replacements[key])) return content
[docs]def readfile(filename): with open(path_expand(filename), 'r') as f: content = return content
[docs]def writefile(filename, content): outfile = open(path_expand(filename), 'w') outfile.write(content) outfile.close()
[docs]def get_python(): python_version = sys.version_info[:3] v_string = [str(i) for i in python_version] python_version_s = '.'.join(v_string) # pip_version = pip.__version__ pip_version = "8.1.2" return python_version_s, pip_version
[docs]def check_python(): python_version = sys.version_info[:3] v_string = [str(i) for i in python_version] python_version_s = '.'.join(v_string) if (python_version[0] == 2) and (python_version[1] >= 7) and (python_version[2] >= 9): print("You are running a supported version of python: {:}".format(python_version_s)) else: print("WARNING: You are running an unsupported version of python: {:}".format(python_version_s)) print(" We recommend you update your python") # pip_version = pip.__version__ pip_version = "8.1.2" if int(pip_version.split(".")[0]) >= 7: print("You are running a supported version of pip: " + str(pip_version)) else: print("WARNING: You are running an old version of pip: " + str(pip_version)) print(" We recommend you update your pip with \n") print(" pip install -U pip\n")
# Reference:
[docs]def generate_password(length=8, lower=True, upper=True, number=True): lletters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" uletters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # This doesn't guarantee both lower and upper cases will show up alphabet = lletters + uletters digit = "0123456789" mypw = "" def _random_character(texts): return texts[random.randrange(len(texts))] if not lower: alphabet = uletters elif not upper: alphabet = lletters for i in range(length): # last half length will be filled with numbers if number and i >= (length / 2): mypw = mypw + _random_character(digit) else: mypw = mypw + _random_character(alphabet) return mypw