Source code for cloudmesh_client.common.hostlist

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Changes:
# * June 2015, Gregor von Laszewski, using new style raise of exceptions
# * June 2015, We assume we can redictibute it under LGPL license, we contacted the authors
#              but have not yet heard back from them. We asked if we can distribute under
#              apache license.
# * June 2015  added class wrapper Parameter
# Hostlist library
# Copyright (C) 2008 Kent Engström <>,
#                    Thomas Bellman <> and
#                    Pär Andersson <>,
#                    National Supercomputer Centre
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.

"""Handle hostlist expressions.
This module provides operations to expand and collect hostlist
The hostlist expression syntax is the same as in several programs
developed at LLNL ( However in
corner cases the behaviour of this module have not been compared for
compatibility with pdsh/dshbak/SLURM et al.

__version__ = "1.14"

import re
import itertools

# Exception used for error reporting to the caller
[docs]class BadHostlist(Exception): pass
# Configuration to guard against ridiculously long expanded lists MAX_SIZE = 100000 # Hostlist expansion
[docs]class Parameter(object):
[docs] @classmethod def expand(cls, parameter, allow_duplicates=False, sort=False): return expand_hostlist(parameter, allow_duplicates=False, sort=False)
''' def expand(cls, *args, **kwargs): allow_duplicates = False sort = False if "allow_duplicates" in kwargs: allow_duplicates = kwargs["allow_duplicates"] if "sort" in kwargs: sort = kwargs["sort"] parameters = ','.join(*args) return expand_hostlist(parameters, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates, sort=sort) '''
[docs]def expand_hostlist(hostlist, allow_duplicates=False, sort=False): """Expand a hostlist expression string to a Python list. Example: expand_hostlist("n[9-11],d[01-02]") ==> ['n9', 'n10', 'n11', 'd01', 'd02'] Unless allow_duplicates is true, duplicates will be purged from the results. If sort is true, the output will be sorted. """ results = [] bracket_level = 0 part = "" for c in hostlist + ",": if c == "," and bracket_level == 0: # Comma at top level, split! if part: results.extend(expand_part(part)) part = "" bad_part = False else: part += c if c == "[": bracket_level += 1 elif c == "]": bracket_level -= 1 if bracket_level > 1: raise BadHostlist("nested brackets") elif bracket_level < 0: raise BadHostlist("unbalanced brackets") if bracket_level > 0: raise BadHostlist("unbalanced brackets") if not allow_duplicates: results = remove_duplicates(results) if sort: results = numerically_sorted(results) return results
[docs]def expand_part(s): """Expand a part (e.g. "x[1-2]y[1-3][1-3]") (no outer level commas).""" # Base case: the empty part expand to the singleton list of "" if s == "": return [""] # Split into: # 1) prefix string (may be empty) # 2) rangelist in brackets (may be missing) # 3) the rest m = re.match(r'([^,\[]*)(\[[^\]]*\])?(.*)', s) (prefix, rangelist, rest) =, 2, 3) # Expand the rest first (here is where we recurse!) rest_expanded = expand_part(rest) # Expand our own part if not rangelist: # If there is no rangelist, our own contribution is the prefix only us_expanded = [prefix] else: # Otherwise expand the rangelist (adding the prefix before) us_expanded = expand_rangelist(prefix, rangelist[1:-1]) # Combine our list with the list from the expansion of the rest # (but guard against too large results first) if len(us_expanded) * len(rest_expanded) > MAX_SIZE: raise BadHostlist("results too large") return [us_part + rest_part for us_part in us_expanded for rest_part in rest_expanded]
[docs]def expand_rangelist(prefix, rangelist): """ Expand a rangelist (e.g. "1-10,14"), putting a prefix before.""" # Split at commas and expand each range separately results = [] for range_ in rangelist.split(","): results.extend(expand_range(prefix, range_)) return results
[docs]def expand_range(prefix, range_): """ Expand a range (e.g. 1-10 or 14), putting a prefix before.""" # Check for a single number first m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', range_) if m: return ["%s%s" % (prefix, range_)] # Otherwise split low-high m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$', range_) if not m: raise BadHostlist("bad range") (s_low, s_high) =, 2) low = int(s_low) high = int(s_high) width = len(s_low) if high < low: raise BadHostlist("start > stop") elif high - low > MAX_SIZE: raise BadHostlist("range too large") results = [] for i in xrange(low, high + 1): results.append("%s%0*d" % (prefix, width, i)) return results
[docs]def remove_duplicates(l): """Remove duplicates from a list (but keep the order).""" seen = set() results = [] for e in l: if e not in seen: results.append(e) seen.add(e) return results
# Hostlist collection
[docs]def collect_hostlist(hosts, silently_discard_bad=False): """Collect a hostlist string from a Python list of hosts. We start grouping from the rightmost numerical part. Duplicates are removed. A bad hostname raises an exception (unless silently_discard_bad is true causing the bad hostname to be silently discarded instead). """ # Split hostlist into a list of (host, "") for the iterative part. # (Also check for bad node names now) # The idea is to move already collected numerical parts from the # left side (seen by each loop) to the right side (just copied). left_right = [] for host in hosts: # We remove leading and trailing whitespace first, and skip empty lines host = host.strip() if host == "": continue # We cannot accept a host containing any of the three special # characters in the hostlist syntax (comma and flat brackets) if'[][,]', host): if silently_discard_bad: continue else: raise BadHostlist("forbidden character") left_right.append((host, "")) # Call the iterative function until it says it's done looping = True while looping: left_right, looping = collect_hostlist_1(left_right) return ",".join([left + right for left, right in left_right])
[docs]def collect_hostlist_1(left_right): """Collect a hostlist string from a list of hosts (left+right). The input is a list of tuples (left, right). The left part is analyzed, while the right part is just passed along (it can contain already collected range expressions). """ # Scan the list of hosts (left+right) and build two things: # *) a set of all hosts seen (used later) # *) a list where each host entry is preprocessed for correct sorting sortlist = [] remaining = set() for left, right in left_right: host = left + right remaining.add(host) # Match the left part into parts m = re.match(r'^(.*?)([0-9]+)?([^0-9]*)$', left) (prefix, num_str, suffix) =, 2, 3) # Add the right part unprocessed to the suffix. # This ensures than an already computed range expression # in the right part is not analyzed again. suffix = suffix + right if num_str is None: # A left part with no numeric part at all gets special treatment! # The regexp matches with the whole string as the suffix, # with nothing in the prefix or numeric parts. # We do not want that, so we move it to the prefix and put # None as a special marker where the suffix should be. assert prefix == "" sortlist.append(((host, None), None, None, host)) else: # A left part with at least an numeric part # (we care about the rightmost numeric part) num_int = int(num_str) num_width = len(num_str) # This width includes leading zeroes sortlist.append(((prefix, suffix), num_int, num_width, host)) # Sort lexicographically, first on prefix, then on suffix, then on # num_int (numerically), then... # This determines the order of the final result. sortlist.sort() # We are ready to collect the result parts as a list of new (left, # right) tuples. results = [] needs_another_loop = False # Now group entries with the same prefix+suffix combination (the # key is the first element in the sortlist) to loop over them and # then to loop over the list of hosts sharing the same # prefix+suffix combination. for ((prefix, suffix), group) in itertools.groupby(sortlist, key=lambda x: x[0]): if suffix is None: # Special case: a host with no numeric part results.append(("", prefix)) # Move everything to the right part remaining.remove(prefix) else: # The general case. We prepare to collect a list of # ranges expressed as (low, high, width) for later # formatting. range_list = [] for ((prefix2, suffix2), num_int, num_width, host) in group: if host not in remaining: # Below, we will loop internally to enumate a whole range # at a time. We then remove the covered hosts from the set. # Therefore, skip the host here if it is gone from the set. continue assert num_int is not None # Scan for a range starting at the current host low = num_int while True: host = "%s%0*d%s" % (prefix, num_width, num_int, suffix) if host in remaining: remaining.remove(host) num_int += 1 else: break high = num_int - 1 assert high >= low range_list.append((low, high, num_width)) # We have a list of ranges to format. We make sure # we move our handled numerical part to the right to # stop it from being processed again. needs_another_loop = True if len(range_list) == 1 and range_list[0][0] == range_list[0][1]: # Special case to make sure that n1 is not shown as n[1] etc results.append((prefix, "%0*d%s" % (range_list[0][2], range_list[0][0], suffix))) else: # General case where high > low results.append((prefix, "[" + \ ",".join([format_range(l, h, w) for l, h, w in range_list]) + \ "]" + suffix)) # At this point, the set of remaining hosts should be empty and we # are ready to return the result, together with the flag that says # if we need to loop again (we do if we have added something to a # left part). assert not remaining return results, needs_another_loop
[docs]def format_range(low, high, width): """Format a range from low to high inclusively, with a certain width.""" if low == high: return "%0*d" % (width, low) else: return "%0*d-%0*d" % (width, low, width, high)
# Sort a list of hosts numerically
[docs]def numerically_sorted(l): """Sort a list of hosts numerically. E.g. sorted order should be n1, n2, n10; not n1, n10, n2. """ return sorted(l, key=numeric_sort_key)
nsk_re = re.compile("([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)")
[docs]def numeric_sort_key(x): return [handle_int_nonint(i_ni) for i_ni in nsk_re.findall(x)]
[docs]def handle_int_nonint(int_nonint_tuple): if int_nonint_tuple[0]: return int(int_nonint_tuple[0]) else: return int_nonint_tuple[1]
# Parse SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE into a list of task numbers # # Description from the SLURM sbatch man page: # Number of tasks to be initiated on each node. Values # are comma separated and in the same order as # SLURM_NODELIST. If two or more consecutive nodes are # to have the same task count, that count is followed by # "(x#)" where "#" is the repetition count. For example, # "SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE=2(x3),1" indicates that the first # three nodes will each execute three tasks and the # fourth node will execute one task.
[docs]def parse_slurm_tasks_per_node(s): res = [] for part in s.split(","): m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)(\(x([0-9]+)\))?$', part) if m: tasks = int( repetitions = if repetitions is None: repetitions = 1 else: repetitions = int(repetitions) if repetitions > MAX_SIZE: raise BadHostlist("task list repetitions too large") for i in range(repetitions): res.append(tasks) else: raise BadHostlist("bad task list syntax") return res
# # Keep this part to tell users where the command line interface went # if __name__ == '__main__': import os, sys sys.stderr.write("The command line utility has been moved to a separate 'hostlist' program.\n") sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE)