Source code for cloudmesh_client.common.GitInfo

"""managing information from GIT"""
from __future__ import print_function
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_client.common.Shell import Shell
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import banner

[docs]class GitInfo(object): """This class can be used to return some elementary information about the git hub directory. This includes the: * version number of the code * the list of people contributing to the code * emails of the people contributing * a statistic about canged code by person Example:: gitinfo = GitInfo() print gitinfo.authors() pprint(gitinfo.authors("dict")) pprint(gitinfo.emails()) pprint(gitinfo.emails("dict")) pprint( print gitinfo.stat("") stats = gitinfo.compute() print stats """ def __init__(self): """init method""" pass
[docs] def version(self): ''' retruns the verison of the code from github :rtype: the git tags ''' return str(Shell.git("describe", "--tags"))[:-1]
[docs] def emails(self, format_arg=None): ''' returns the emails of the authors either as a text or as a dict. The format is specified as an argument. :param format_arg: if "dict" is specified a dict will be returned :rtype: dict or arry of e-mails dependent on format_arg ''' if format_arg is None: format_string = "'%aN' <%cE>" elif format_arg == 'dict': format_string = "%aN\t%cE" #result = Shell.sort(Shell.git("log", # "--all", # "--format=" + format_string, # _tty_in=True, # _tty_out=False, # _piped=True), "-u") result = Shell.execute("git", ["log", "--all", "--format=" + format_string]) if format_arg is None: return result elif format_arg == "dict": result = iter(result.replace("\n", "\t").split("\t")[:-1]) emails = dict(zip(result, result)) for name in emails: emails[name] = emails[name] return emails
[docs] def authors(self, format_arg=None): ''' returns the authors of the authors either as a text or as a dict. The format is specified as an argument. :param format_arg: if "dict" is specified a dict will be returned ''' #result = Shell.git("shortlog", "-s", "-n", _tty_in=True, _tty_out=False) result = Shell.execute("git", ["shortlog", "-s", "-n"]) if format_arg is None: return result elif format_arg == "dict": list_string = result.replace("\n", "\t").split("\t")[:-1] it = iter(list_string[::-1]) authors = dict(zip(it, it)) for name in authors: authors[name] = int(authors[name]) return authors
[docs] def info(self): ''' returns the information about authors, emails, and commits in a dict. :rtype: a dict with the information ''' authors = self.authors("dict") email = self.emails("dict") info = {} for name in authors: info[name] = { "name": name, "commits": authors[name], "email": email[name]} return info
[docs] def stat(self, email): ''' returns a statistic of a git author with the given e_mail. :param email: name of the author :rtype: a dict with the statistics ''' sums = [0, 0, 0] for line in Shell.git("log", "--all", "--stat", '--author={0}'.format(email), _tty_in=True, _tty_out=False, _iter=True): line = line[:-1] if " files changed" in line: line = line.replace(" insertions(+)", "") line = line.replace(" insertion(+)", "") line = line.replace(" deletion(-)", "") line = line.replace(" deletions(-)", "") line = line.replace(" files changed", "") line = line.split(",") data = [int(i) for i in line] for index in range(0, len(data)): sums[index] += data[index] return {"email": email, "fileschanged": sums[0], "inserted": sums[1], "deleted": sums[2], "lineschanged": sums[1] + sums[2]}
[docs] def compute(self): ''' computes the statistic of all authors in a git repository and returns the result as a dict. :rtype: a dict with the values ''' emails = set(gitinfo.emails("dict").values()) stats = {} sums = {"fileschanged": 0, "inserted": 0, "deleted": 0, "lineschanged": 0} for email in emails: print("Calculating stats for", email) stats[email] = gitinfo.stat(email) sums["fileschanged"] += stats[email]["fileschanged"] sums["inserted"] += stats[email]["inserted"] sums["deleted"] += stats[email]["deleted"] sums["lineschanged"] += stats[email]["lineschanged"] for email in emails: stats[email] = {'percentage': [ stats[email]["fileschanged"] / float(sums["fileschanged"]), stats[email]["inserted"] / float(sums["inserted"]), stats[email]["deleted"] / float(sums["deleted"]), stats[email]["lineschanged"] / float(sums["lineschanged"]) ]} return stats
if __name__ == "__main__": gitinfo = GitInfo() # print gitinfo.version() banner("a") print(gitinfo.authors()) banner("b") pprint(gitinfo.authors("dict")) banner("c") pprint(gitinfo.emails()) banner("d") pprint(gitinfo.emails("dict")) banner("e") pprint( banner("f") print(gitinfo.stat("")) banner("g") stats = gitinfo.compute() print(stats) banner("h") for email in stats: p = stats[email]["percentage"] print(("{0} {1:.3f}% {2:.3f}% {3:.3f}% {4:.3f}%" .format(email, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])))