Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import platform
import textwrap

try:  # python3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:  # python2
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib import urlopen

from cloudmesh_client.common.Shell import Shell
from import Console
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict, Config
from cloudmesh_client.common import Printer
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import path_expand
from builtins import input
import cloudmesh_client
from pprint import pprint
import sys
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import banner

[docs]class Register(object):
[docs] @classmethod def entry(cls, name): banner("Register {}".format(name)) name = str(name) etc_config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml", etc=True) config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") clouds = config["cloudmesh.clouds"] clusters = config["cloudmesh.hpc.clusters"] if name in clouds: name = "cloudmesh.clouds.{}.credentials".format(name) elif name in clusters: name = "cloudmesh.hpc.clusters.{}.credentials".format(name) elif not name.startswith("cloudmesh."): name = "cloudmesh." + name try: etc = etc_config[name] yaml = config[name] # walk yaml for key in etc: if etc[key] == "TBD": result = input("Enter {:} ({:}): ".format(key, yaml[key])) if result != '': yaml[key] = result except Exception as e: Console.error("Could not find {} in the yaml file".format(name), traceflag=False)
[docs]class CloudRegister(object):
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, cloud): config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") if cloud in config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]: return dict(config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud]) else: return None
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, filename, cloud, info=False, output='table'): """ lists clouds from cloudmesh.yaml file :param filename: :type filename: string :return: """ config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") clouds = config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"] if info: Console.ok("Cloudmesh configuration file: {}".format(filename)) print("") d = {} for i, key in enumerate(clouds.keys()): d[i] = { "id": i, "cloud": key, "iaas": config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][key]["cm_type"], "version": config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][key]["cm_type_version"] or "", # "active": "*" if key in config["cloudmesh"]["active"] else "", "active": config["cloudmesh"]["active"].index(key) + 1 if key in config["cloudmesh"]["active"] else "", "default": "*" if key == cloud else "" } return Printer.Printer.write(d, order=['id', 'default', 'cloud', 'iaas', 'version', 'active'], output=output)
[docs] @classmethod def list_ssh(cls): """ lists hosts from ~/.ssh/config :return: """ filename = Config.path_expand("~/.ssh/config") with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines ="\n") hosts = [] for line in lines: if "Host " in line: host = line.strip().replace("Host ", "", 1).replace(" ", "") dhost = {"host": host} hosts.append(dhost) return hosts
[docs] @classmethod def read_rc_file(cls, host, openrc, force=False): """ :param host: the host name :type host: string :param openrc: the file name :type openrc: string :return: """ openrc = Config.path_expand(openrc) # check if file exists if not os.path.isfile(openrc): Console.error("File not found.") return with open(openrc, 'r') as f: lines ="\n") config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") credentials = {} for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("export "): line = line.replace("export ", "") key, value = line.split("=", 1) credentials[key] = value if host not in config["cloudmesh.clouds"] or force: config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host] = { "credentials": credentials, "cm_heading": "TBD", "cm_host": "TBD", "cm_label": "TBD", "cm_type": "TBD", "cm_type_version": "TBD"} return config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host]["credentials"]
[docs] @classmethod def check_yaml_for_completeness(cls, filename): """ outputs how many values has to be fixed in cloudmesh.yaml file :param filename: the file name :type filename: string :return: """ if filename is None: filename = "cloudmesh.yaml" config = ConfigDict(filename) content = config.yaml Console.ok("Checking the yaml file") count = 0 output = [] for line in content.split("\n"): if "TBD" in line: output.append(textwrap.dedent(line)) count += 1 if count > 0: Console.error("The file has {:} values to be fixed".format(count)) print("") for line in output: Console.error(" " + line, prefix=False)
[docs] @classmethod def make_dir(cls, directory): if not os.path.exists(Config.path_expand(directory)): os.makedirs(Config.path_expand(directory))
[docs] @classmethod def remote(cls, host, force=False): """ TODO: there is a bug in the instalation of kilo the openrc file on the remote machine is not called but contains username and project number. :param host: the remote host :param force: :return: """ config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") host_spec = config["cloudmesh.clouds." + host] host_credentials = host_spec["credentials"] if 'cm_openrc' in host_spec: Console.ok("looking for openrc") else: Console.error("no cm_openrc specified in the host") return hostname = config["cloudmesh.clouds." + host + ".cm_host"] Console.ok("fetching information from {:} ...".format(host)) openrc = host_spec["cm_openrc"] directory = os.path.dirname(openrc) base = os.path.basename(openrc) _from_dir = "{:}:{:}".format(hostname, directory + "/*").replace("~/", "") # _to_dir = os.path.dirname(Config.path_expand(directory)) # FIX: Issues with path expanding on Windows _to_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.expanduser(directory) ) ''' In Windows, SCP fails with path such as C:\\Users\\..., and passes with '~/.cloudmesh/...' But on Linux machines, it fails with ~/.cloudmesh/... and passes with /home/user/... Hence, adding OS check below for SCP copy directory ''' os_type = platform.system().lower() if 'windows' not in os_type: directory = _to_dir # FIX: fix for scp not working on Windows, because scp does not # understand # paths in format: "C:/Users/<>", rather expects "~/.cloudmesh/<>" # openrc_file = Config.path_expand(openrc) openrc_file = os.path.realpath( os.path.expanduser(openrc) ) print("From: ", _from_dir) print("To: ", _to_dir) print("Openrc:", openrc_file) cls.make_dir(_to_dir) r = "" Console.ok("Reading rc file from {}".format(host)) try: r = Shell.scp('-r', _from_dir, directory) except Exception as e: print(e) return # # TODO: the permission are not yet right # os.chmod(_to_dir, 0o700) for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(_to_dir): for d in dirs: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), 0o700) # # END PERMISSION # with open(openrc_file, 'r') as f: lines ="\n") config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("export"): line = line.replace("export ", "") key, value = line.split("=", 1) config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host]["credentials"][key] = value host_spec = config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host] credentials = host_spec["credentials"] if "cm_openrc" in host_spec: openrc = host_spec["cm_openrc"] for attribute in credentials: if attribute in openrc: openrc.replace(attribute, credentials[attribute]) config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") return config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][host]["credentials"]
[docs] @classmethod def ec2(cls, cloud, zipfile): def sanitize(name): return name.replace(".zip", "").replace("@", "_") def find_exports(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: content = data = {} for line in content.split("\n"): if line.startswith("export "): line = line.replace("export ", "") attribute, value = line.split("=", 1) value = value.replace("${NOVA_KEY_DIR}/", "") # remove comments data[attribute] = value.split("#")[0].strip() return data base = sanitize(os.path.basename(zipfile)) dest = sanitize(os.path.join( path_expand("~"), ".cloudmesh", "clouds", cloud, os.path.basename(zipfile))) Console.msg("Unzip file {} -> {}".format(zipfile, dest)) r = Shell.unzip(zipfile, dest) rcfile = os.path.join(dest, "") data = find_exports(rcfile) data["DEST"] = dest data["CLOUD"] = cloud d = { "cm_heading": "{CLOUD}, EC2".format(**data), "cm_host": None, "cm_label": "{CLOUD}_ec2".format(**data), "cm_type": "ec2", "cm_type_version": "ec2", "credentials": { "EC2_ACCESS_KEY": "{EC2_ACCESS_KEY}".format(**data), "EC2_SECRET_KEY": "{EC2_SECRET_KEY}".format(**data), "keyname": "TBD_not_used", "userid": "TBD_not_used", "EC2_URL": "{EC2_URL}".format(**data), "EC2_USER_ID": "{EC2_USER_ID}", "EC2_PRIVATE_KEY": "{DEST}/pk.pem".format(**data), "EC2_CERT": "{DEST}/cert.pem".format(**data), "NOVA_CERT": "{DEST}/cacert.pem".format(**data), "EUCALYPTUS_CERT": "{DEST}/cacert.pem".format(**data), }, "default": { "flavor": "m1.small", "image": "None", } } config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud] = d
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls, filename): """ TODO :param filename: :type filename: string :return: """ config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") print(config) Console.ok("register") print(filename) raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
[docs] @classmethod def fill_out_form(cls, filename): """ edits profile and clouds from cloudmesh.yaml :param filename: :type filename: string :return: """ Console.ok("Filling out form") print(filename) config = ConfigDict(filename) # # edit profile # profile = config["cloudmesh"]["profile"] keys = list(profile.keys()) # TODO: test this and delete this comment # get input that works in python 2 and 3 # replaced by # from builtins import input # input = None # try: # input = input # except NameError: # pass for key in keys: if profile[key] == "TBD": result = input("Please enter {:}[{:}]:".format(key, profile[key])) or profile[key] profile[key] = result config["cloudmesh"]["profile"] = profile # edit clouds clouds = config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"] for cloud in list(clouds.keys()): print("Editing the credentials for cloud", cloud) credentials = clouds[cloud]["credentials"] for key in credentials: if key not in ["OS_VERSION", "OS_AUTH_URL"] and credentials[key] == "TBD": result = input("Please enter {:}[{:}]:".format(key, credentials[key])) or credentials[key] credentials[key] = result config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud]["credentials"] = credentials
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """ Replaces the TBD in cloudmesh.yaml with the contents present in FILEPATH's FILE :param filename: :return: """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(filename)): Console.error("{} doesn't exist".format(filename)) return # BUG should use path separator path, filename = filename.rsplit("/", 1) # Config file to be read from from_config_file = ConfigDict(filename, [path]) config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") # Merging profile profile = config["cloudmesh"]["profile"] for profile_key in list(profile.keys()): if profile[profile_key] == "TBD": profile[profile_key] = \ from_config_file["cloudmesh"]["profile"][profile_key] # Merging clouds clouds = config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"] for cloud in list(clouds.keys()): cloud_element = clouds[cloud] for key in list(cloud_element.keys()): if cloud_element[key] == "TBD": cloud_element[key] = \ from_config_file["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud][key] config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud] = cloud_element credentials = clouds[cloud]["credentials"] for key in credentials: if credentials[key] == "TBD": credentials[key] = \ from_config_file["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud][ "credentials"][key] config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud]["credentials"] = credentials defaults = clouds[cloud]["default"] for key in defaults: if defaults[key] == "TBD": defaults[key] = \ from_config_file["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud][ "default"][ key] config["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloud]["default"] = defaults Console.ok( "Overwritten the TBD of cloudmesh.yaml with {} contents".format( filename))
[docs] @classmethod def read_env_config(cls): """ Function that will read OS_* vairables from environment and populate dict env_config_data. :return: env_config_data dict """ env_config_data = {"OS_AUTH_URL": None} for x in os.environ: if x.startswith("OS_"): # print("{:} = {:}".format(x, os.environ[x])) env_config_data[x] = os.environ[x] # print(env_config_data) return env_config_data
[docs] @classmethod def from_environ(cls, provider): """ Reads env OS_* variables and registers a new cloud in yaml, interactively. :return: """ yaml_data = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") env_config_data = cls.read_env_config() if env_config_data["OS_AUTH_URL"] is None: print("ERROR: Cloud credentials not set in environment") return cloudname_suggest = urlparse(env_config_data["OS_AUTH_URL"]).hostname # Command line inputs cloudname_to_use = input( "Name of the cloud (Default: {:}): ".format( cloudname_suggest)) or cloudname_suggest cm_label = input( "Label for the cloud (Default: {:}): ".format(cloudname_to_use)) or "{:}".format(cloudname_to_use) cm_heading = input( "Heading for the cloud (Default: {:} Cloud): ".format(cm_label)) or "{:} Cloud".format(cm_label) cm_host = input("Cloud host name (Default: {:}): ".format(cloudname_suggest)) or "{:}" \ .format(cloudname_suggest) if provider is None: # TODO: Check if the suggestion can be determined dynamically cm_type = input("Type of the cloud- openstack/azure/ec2 " "(Default: openstack): ") or "openstack" else: cm_type = provider while cm_type not in ["openstack", "azure", "ec2"]: print("\nType of cloud '{:}' is invalid and should be one " "of openstack/ azure/ ec2.\n" .format(cm_type)) cm_type = input("Type of the cloud- openstack/azure/ec2 " "(Default: openstack): ") or "openstack" cm_type_version = input( "Version of type {:} (Default: null): ".format(cm_type)) or None # Populate the dict with the data fetched from env yaml_data["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloudname_to_use] = \ {"cm_heading": cm_heading, "cm_host": cm_host, "cm_label": cm_label, "cm_type": cm_type, "cm_type_version": cm_type_version, "credentials": env_config_data } # Get defaults from user default_flavor = input("Default flavor for the cloud instances" "(Default: null): ") or None default_image = input("Default image for the cloud instances" " (Default: null): ") or None default_location = input( "Default location for the cloud instances " "(Default: null): ") or None yaml_data["cloudmesh"]["clouds"][cloudname_to_use]["default"] = \ {"flavor": default_flavor, "image": default_image, "location": default_location } # Save data in yaml print("New cloud config exported to {:}".format(yaml_data.filename))
[docs] @classmethod def set_username(cls, username): """ Method that sets the username in yaml. :param username: :return: """ config = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") config['cloudmesh']['profile']['user'] = username