Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
from azure.servicemanagement import *
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_client.common.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from cloudmesh_client.common.util import generate_password
from import AzureDict
from import Console
from import CloudProviderBase
import base64
import sys
import traceback

[docs]class CloudProviderAzureAPI(CloudProviderBase): def __init__(self, cloud_name, cloud_details, user=None): super(CloudProviderAzureAPI, self).__init__(cloud_name, user=user) self.cloud_type = "azure" self.kind = ["image", "flavor", "vm"] self.provider = None self.default_image = None self.default_flavor = None = None self.cloud_details = None self.initialize(cloud_name, cloud_details)
[docs] def initialize(self, cloudname, user=None): """ reads the details for the initialization from the cloudname defined in the yaml file Azure cloud requires subscription_id and service management certificate to initialize the provider :param cloudname: :param user: :return: """ confd = ConfigDict("cloudmesh.yaml") cloudcred = confd['cloudmesh']['clouds']['azure']['credentials'] subscription_id = cloudcred['subscriptionid'] certificate_path = cloudcred['managementcertfile'] # DEBUGGING INFO # pprint("subscriptionid:"+subscription_id) # pprint("certificate_path:"+certificate_path) self.provider = ServiceManagementService(subscription_id, certificate_path) self.default_image = confd['cloudmesh']['clouds']['azure']['default']['image'] self.default_flavor = confd['cloudmesh']['clouds']['azure']['default']['flavor'] = "azure" self.cloud_details = confd['cloudmesh']['clouds']['azure'] self.location = confd["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]["azure"]["default"]["location"]
def _to_dict(self, dict_list): final_dict = dict() for index, result_dict in enumerate(dict_list): # pprint("index"+str(index)) final_dict[index] = result_dict return final_dict
[docs] def list_flavor(self, cloudname, **kwargs): result = self.provider.list_role_sizes() flavor_dict_list = [] for index, role_size in enumerate(result): # print("SIZE ", index) flavor_dict = AzureDict.convert_to_flavor_dict(role_size) flavor_dict_list.append(flavor_dict) return self._to_dict(flavor_dict_list)
[docs] def list_image(self, cloudname, **kwargs): result = self.provider.list_os_images() image_dict_list = [] for index, image in enumerate(result): # print("IMAGE ", index) image_dict = AzureDict.convert_to_image_dict(image) image_dict_list.append(image_dict) return self._to_dict(image_dict_list)
[docs] def list_vm(self, cloudname, **kwargs): """ List the VMs or Deployments in Azure Cloud :param cloudname: :param kwargs: :return: """ # pprint("In list_vm for Azure") result = self.provider.list_hosted_services() vm_dict_list = [] for hosted_service in result: # DEBUGGING INFO # pprint("Detail of:" + hosted_service.service_name) hosted_service_detail = self.provider.get_hosted_service_properties(hosted_service.service_name, embed_detail=True) for key, deployment in enumerate(hosted_service_detail.deployments): # print("Dict of the VM Object", key) vm_dict = AzureDict.convert_to_vm_dict(hosted_service, deployment) vm_dict_list.append(vm_dict) return self._to_dict(vm_dict_list)
[docs] def list_secgroup_rules(self, cloudname): Console.TODO("not yet implemented")
[docs] def list_secgroup(self, cloudname): Console.TODO("not yet implemented")
[docs] def add_certificate(self, service_name, certificate_path): """ :param service_name: Hosted service name in Azure cloud to which the certificate needs to be added :param certificate_path: PFX(PKCS encoded) certificate Path :return: """ with open(certificate_path, "rb") as bfile: print("Adding the PFX certificate") cert_data = base64.b64encode( cert_format = 'pfx' # THIS PASSWORD SHOULD BE DEFINED IN cloudmesh.yml cert_password = '' cert_res = self.provider.add_service_certificate(service_name=service_name, data=cert_data, certificate_format=cert_format, password=cert_password) print(cert_res) self.provider.wait_for_operation_status(cert_res.request_id, timeout=30)
def _get_storage_name(self): """ Fetches the default storage service name from the Azure cloud :return: """ result = self.provider.list_storage_accounts() if len(result) > 0:"{0} storage found ".format(result[0].service_name)) return result[0].service_name Console.warning("No Storage Accounts found") return None def _create_storage_account(self): """ Storage service is required to create a disk space for a VM Reference: SimpleAzure """ # Note that it is better to create a storage account with a VM name included. # And have a unique name to avoid conflict # TODO: Get a unique readable storage account name # Tips: no dash(-) or space is allowed in naming temp_name = "cloudmesh" name = temp_name[:24].replace("-","") description = name + "description" label = name + "label" result = self.provider.create_storage_account(service_name=name, description=description, label=label, location=self.get_location()) operation_result = self.provider.get_operation_status(result.request_id)"Storage Account creation: " + operation_result.status)
[docs] def get_location(self): return self.location
[docs] def boot_vm(self, name, group=None, image=None, flavor=None, cloud=None, cert_thumbprint=None, pub_key_path=None, cert_path=None, pfx_path=None, secgroup=None, meta=None, nics=None, **kwargs): """ Boots up a new VM Instance. Steps involved: creating a hosted(Cloud) Service, adding the PFX certificate file, get default storage name, creating a configuration set, adding an endpoint(SSH by default), and finally creating a VM deployment :param name: Hosted Service Name and VM instance name :param group: :param image: :param flavor: :param cloud: :param cert_thumbprint: :param pub_key_path: :param cert_path: :param pfx_path: :param secgroup: :param meta: :param nics: :param kwargs: :return: """ location = ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]["azure"]["default"]["location"] or 'Central US' try: self.provider.create_hosted_service(service_name=name, label=name, location=location) except: Console.error("Failed to create hosted service in Azure: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) try:"service name: " + name)"location name: " + location)"cert_thumbprint: " + cert_thumbprint)"pub_key_path: " + pub_key_path)"cert_path: " + cert_path)"pfx_path:" + pfx_path)"Image:" + image)"Flavor:" + flavor)"Certificate adding") # Disabled - not required to start Virtual Machine #self.add_certificate(name, pfx_path)"Certificate added") except Exception as e: Console.warning(" error: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) storage_name = self._get_storage_name() if storage_name is None: self._create_storage_account() storage_name = self._get_storage_name() media_link = 'https://{0}{1}.vhd'.format( storage_name, name) os_hd = OSVirtualHardDisk(image, media_link) username = ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]["azure"]["default"]["username"] password = ConfigDict(filename="cloudmesh.yaml")["cloudmesh"]["clouds"]["azure"]["default"]["password"] # Auto-generated Password in case of TBD if username.lower() in ["tbd"]: username = "azure"; if password.lower() in ["tbd"]: password = generate_password(16)"Username: "+username)"password: "+password) # TODO: current case handles only for linux guest VMs, implementation needed for Windows VMs # SSH key configuration does not work properly - DISABLED linux_config = LinuxConfigurationSet(name, username, password, False) linux_config.ssh = SSH() public_key = PublicKey(cert_thumbprint, pub_key_path) #linux_config.ssh.public_keys.public_keys.append(public_key) pair = KeyPair(cert_thumbprint, cert_path) #linux_config.ssh.key_pairs.key_pairs.append(pair) # Endpoint configuration network = ConfigurationSet() network.configuration_set_type = 'NetworkConfiguration' network.input_endpoints.input_endpoints.append( ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint('SSH', 'tcp', '22', '22'))"blob storage location: {0} ".format(media_link)) try: vm_create_result = self.provider.create_virtual_machine_deployment(service_name=name, deployment_name=name, deployment_slot='production', label=name, role_name=name, system_config=linux_config, os_virtual_hard_disk=os_hd, network_config=network, role_size=flavor) # pprint(vm_create_result) self.provider.wait_for_operation_status(vm_create_result.request_id, timeout=30)"{0} created successfully".format(name)) except: Console.error("Failed to start Azure Virtual Machine: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) return name
[docs] def get_ips(self, name, group=None, force=None): """ Returns the ip of the instance indicated by name :param name: :param group: :param force: :return: IP address of the instance """ #pprint("In get_ips::") result = self.provider.list_hosted_services() for hosted_service in result: # pprint("Detail of:" + hosted_service.service_name) hosted_service_detail = self.provider.get_hosted_service_properties(hosted_service.service_name, embed_detail=True) for key, deployment in enumerate(hosted_service_detail.deployments): vm_dict = AzureDict.convert_to_vm_dict(hosted_service, deployment) instance_name = vm_dict['instance_name'] if instance_name == name: vip_list = [] vip_list.append(vm_dict['public_ips']) return vip_list return None
[docs] def delete_vm(self, name, group=None, force=None): """ Delete a VM instance whose hosted service name and instance name is given by name :param name: :param group: :param force: :return: """ self.provider.delete_deployment(service_name=name, deployment_name=name) # Wait a sec before deleting hosted service? import time time.sleep(10) self.provider.delete_hosted_service(service_name=name)"{0} deleted".format(name))
[docs] def assign_ip(self, name): Console.TODO("not yet implemented")
[docs] def attributes(self, kind): layout = { 'vm': { 'order': [ 'id', 'uuid', 'label', 'status', 'public_ips', 'private_ips', 'image_name', 'key', 'availability', 'instance_type', 'user', 'category', 'updated_at' ], 'header': [ 'id', 'uuid', 'label', 'status', 'public_ips', 'private_ips', 'image_name', 'key', 'availability', 'instance_type', 'user', 'cloud', 'updated' ] }, 'image': { 'order': [ 'uuid', 'affinity_group', 'category', 'label', 'media_link', 'os', 'vm_image', 'image_family' ], 'header': [ 'uuid', 'affinity_group', 'category', 'label', 'media_link', 'os', 'vm_image', 'image_family' ] }, 'flavor': { 'order': [ 'uuid', 'label', 'web_worker_resource_disk_size', 'virtual_machine_resource_disk_size', 'ram', 'cores', 'max_data_disks' ], 'header': [ 'uuid', 'label', 'web_worker_resource_disk_size', 'virtual_machine_resource_disk_size', 'ram', 'cores', 'max_data_disks' ] } } if kind in layout: order = layout[kind]['order'] header = layout[kind]['header'] else: order = None header = None return order, header
# # All other must methods defined bellow so we can discuss #