
  sys upload
  sys commit MESSAGE
  sys command generate NAME [.]
  sys version VERSION

This command does some useful things.

  MESSAGE   the message to commit
  NAME      the command to generate
  VERSION   the version number

  -f      specify the file

  cms sys command generate NAME

      When you execute this command it
      will generate a  directory tree for a command
      with the name


      To install the command you need to

      cd cloudmesh-NAME
      pip install -e .


      pip install .

  cms sys command generate NAME .

      the code will be installed in the current directory. This is
      helpful, if you already are in a directory fof the name
      cloudmesh-NAME, e.g. if you already created it in github and
      like to add a command in that github directory.

  The commands 'version', 'commit' and 'upload'
  are only to be used by Gregor.

  cms version
      The version command adds a new version to the
      VERSION file for cmd5, common, and sys.
      This helps to keep the versions aligned across
      these modules.

  cms commit
      The commit  command adds a new version and commits

  cms upload
      The upload command uploads the new version to pypi