Burning a Preconfigured Pi Cluster from your OS (not approved yet)
2022.05.29 in Tutorials
In this tutorial, we explain how to easily set up a preconfigured cluster of Pis using Raspberry PI OS while burning SD Cards from either a Windows 10 desktop/Laptop or a PI 4 using Raspberry PI OS 64 bit. The cluster is ready to boot after all …
Hugo Pages
2022.04.03 in Tutorials
Here comes a small abstract Learning Objectives here comes a list of learning objectives Topics covered Documentation GUI components 1. Introduction 3. Tabs Table Expand Mermaid Pie Chart Gantt Chart Sequence Diagram Flow Chart Fontawsome …
Deploy MPI for Python (mpi4py) on your Pi Cluster
2021.09.01 in Tutorials
In this tutorial we will deploy and demonstrate MPI for use across a cluster of Raspberry Pis. The Pis can run Ubuntu or Raspberry OS. This tutorial is part ofa larger effort to use Python for MPI programming. Learning Objectives Learn how to …
Deploy K3S on a Pi Cluster
2021.05.07 in Tutorials
Install, manage, operate, and uninstall K3s on a cluster of Raspberry Pis running Raspberry OS or Ubuntu. Learning Objectives Learn how to easily install, manage, operate, and unisntall a K3S cluster using cms. Topics covered 1. Introduction 2. …
Create and Deploy a Container and OpenAPI Service with Docker and K3s
2021.05.07 in Tutorials
In this tutorial we will use a cms-burn created cluster to install Docker, create a Docker container for the cloudmesh-openapi service, deploy the container on Docker, install K3s, deploy the container on K3s, and enable access to the container …
Analytics Services
2021.04.22 in Tutorials
Photo: Gregor von Laszewski / CC-BY-CA On this page, we will deploy a Pipeline Anova SVM onto our openapi server, and subsequently train the model with data and make predictions from said data. All code needed for this is provided in the [cloudmesh-openapi](https://github. …
Burning a set of pre-configured Raspberry OS cards for Raspberry Pis with Wifi Access
2021.03.31 in Tutorials
In this tutorial, we explain how to easily set up a preconfigured cluster of Pis using RaspberryOS while only burning SD Cards. The cluster is ready to boot after all cards have been burned. No other configuration is needed. Learning Objectives …
Burning a set of Ubuntu Server Cards for Raspberry Pis with Internet Access
2021.03.30 in Tutorials
In this tutorial, we explain how to easily set up a cluster of Pis with pre-configured Ubuntu cards initialized with custom cloud-init configurations. Learning Objectives Learn how to use cloudmesh-burn to create an ubuntu cluster Test the cluster …
Burning a Cluster using Cloudmesh Burn GUI
2021.03.29 in Tutorials
In this tutorial, we explain how to easily set up a preconfigured cluster of Pis using RaspberryOS or Ubuntu while only burning SD Cards. The cluster is ready to boot after all cards have been burned. No other configuration is needed. Learning …
Command gh
2021.03.15 in Tutorials
Figure 1: GitHub Command gh. GitHub provides an extended gh commandline tool that allow easy interaction of forking repositories directly from github. IT also provides additional fimctionality to interact with other advanced features that are …