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To automate and interact with your cluster you want to use command line tools. This is of especial interest as we typically do not attach monitore nor we run desktop GUI’s on the cluster nodes.

We provide some introductory material for Linux wich is helpful to interact with the cluster, as well as some useful comands and concepts that simplify your experinece to program and use Pi’s. Check especiall out our collection of reference cards.

We have put together the following useful Linux material

1 - Shell

Some useful information about Shells

Some useful information about Shells.

1.1 - Linux Shell

Basic Linux commands in the shell.

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to know the basic commands to work in a Linux terminal.
  • Get familiar with Linux Commands

Topics covered

We introduce you to a number of useful shell commands. You may ask:

“Why is he so keen on telling me all about shells as I do have a beautiful GUI?”

You will soon learn that A GUI may not be that suitable if you like to manage 10, 100, 1000, 10000, … virtual machines. A commandline interface could be mcuh simpler and would allow scripting.


LINUX is a reimplementation by the community of UNIX which was developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories and rewritten in C. An important part of UNIX is what is called the kernel which allows the software to talk to the hardware and utilize it.

In 1991 Linus Torvalds started developing a Linux Kernel that was initially targeted for PC’s. This made it possible to run it on Laptops and was later on further developed by making it a full Operating system replacement for UNIX.


One of the most important features for us will be to access the computer with the help of a shell. The shell is typically run in what is called a terminal and allows interaction to the computer with commandline programs.

There are many good tutorials out there that explain why one needs a linux shell and not just a GUI. Randomly we picked the first one that came up with a google query. This is not an endorsement for the material we point to, but could be a worth while read for someone that has no experience in Shell programming:

Certainly you are welcome to use other resources that may suite you best. We will however summarize in table form a number of useful commands that you may als find even as a RefCard.

We provide in the next table a number of useful commands that you want to explore. For more information simply type man and the name of the command. If you find a useful command that is missing, please add it with a Git pull request.

man commandmanual page for the command
apropos textlist all commands that have text in it
lsDirectory listing
ls -lisalist details
treelist the directories in graphical form
cd dirnameChange directory to dirname
mkdir dirnamecreate the directory
rmdir dirnamedelete the directory
pwdprint working directory
rm fileremove the file
cp a bcopy file a to b
mv a bmove/rename file a to b
cat aprint content of filea
cat -n filenameprint content of filea with
line numbers
less aprint paged content of file a
head -5 aDisplay first 5 lines of file a
tail -5 aDisplay last 5 lines of file a
du -hs .show in human readable form the space used by the current directory
df -hshow the details of the disk file system
wc filenamecounts the word in a file
sort filenamesorts the file
uniq filenamedisplays only uniq entries in the file
tar -xvf dirtars up a compressed version of the directory
rsyncfaster, flexible replacement for rcp
gzip filenamecompresses the file
gunzip filenamecompresses the file
bzip2 filenamecompresses the file with
bunzip2 filenameuncompresses the file with block-sorting
clearclears the terminal screen
touch filenamechange file access and modification times or if file does not exist creates file
whodisplays a list of users that are currently logged on, for each user the login name, date and time of login, tty name, and hostname if not local are displayed
whoamidisplays the users effective id see also id
echo -n stringwrite specified arguments to standard output
datedisplays or sets date & time, when invoked without arguments the current date and time are displayed
logoutexit a given session
exitwhen issued at the shell prompt the shell will exit and terminate any running jobs within the shell
killterminate or signal a process by sending a signal to the specified process usually by the pid
psdisplays a header line followed by all processes that have controlling terminals
sleepsuspends execution for an interval of time specified in seconds
uptimedisplays how long the system has been running
time commandtimes the command execution in seconds
find / [-name] file-name.txtsearches a specified path or directory with a given expression that tells the find utility what to find, if used as shown the find utility would search the entire drive for a file named file-name.txt
diffcompares files line by line
hostnameprints the name of the current host system
whichlocates a program file in the users path
taildisplays the last part of the file
headdisplays the first lines of a file
topdisplays a sorted list of system processes
locate filenamefinds the path of a file
grep ‘word’ filenamefinds all lines with the word in it
grep -v ‘word’ filenamefinds all lines without the word in it
chmod ug+rw filenamechange file modes or Access Control Lists. In this example user and group are changed to read and write
chownchange file owner and group
historya build-in command to list the past commands
sudoexecute a command as another user
susubstitute user identity
unameprint the operating system name
set -o emacstells the shell to use Emacs commands.
chmod go-rwx filechanges the permission of the file
chown username filechanges the ownership of the file
chgrp group filechanges the group of a file
fgrep text filenamesearches the text in the given file
grep -R text .recursively searches for xyz in all files
find . -name *.pyfind all files with .py at the end
pslist the running processes
kill -9 1234kill the process with the id 1234
atque commands for later execution
crondaemon to execute scheduled commands
crontabmanage the time table for execution commands with cron
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrommount a filesystem from a cd rom to /mnt/cdrom
userslist the logged in users
whodisplay who is logged in
whoamiprint the user id
dmesgdisplay the system message buffer
lastindicate last logins of users and ttys
unameprint operating system name
dateprints the current date and time
time commandprints the sys, real and user time
shutdown -h “shut down”shutdown the computer
pingping a host
netstatshow network status
hostnameprint name of current host system
tracerouteprint the route packets take to network host
ifconfigconfigure network interface parameters
hostDNS lookup utility
whoisInternet domain name and network number directory service
digDNS lookup utility
wgetnon-interactive network downloader
curltransfer a URL
sshremote login program
scpremote file copy program
sftpsecure file transfer program
watch commandrun any designated command at regular intervals
awkprogram that you can use to select particular records in a file and perform operations on them
sedstream editor used to perform basic text transformations
xargsprogram that can be used to build and execute commands from STDIN
cat some_file.json | python -m json.toolquick and easy JSON validator

The command man

On Linux you find a rich set of manual pages for thes commands. Try to pick one and execute:

$ man ls

You will see somthing like this

LS(1)                     BSD General Commands Manual                    LS(1)

     ls -- list directory contents

     ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUW@abcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]

     For each operand that names a file of a type other than directory,
     ls displays its name as well as any requested, associated
     information.  For each operand that names a file of type directory,
     ls displays the names of files contained within that directory, as
     well as any requested, associated information.

     If no operands are given, the contents of the current directory are
     displayed.  If more than one operand is given, non-directory
     operands are displayed first; directory and non-directory operands
     are sorted separately and in lexicographical order.

     The following options are available:

     -@      Display extended attribute keys and sizes in long (-l) output.

     -1      (The numeric digit ``one''.)  Force output to be one entry
             per line.  This is the default when output is not to a terminal.

     -A      List all entries except for . and ...  Always set for the

     -a      Include directory entries whose names begin with a dot (.).

     ... on purpose cut ... instead try it yourslef

Multi-command execution

One of the important features is that one can execute multiple commands in the shell.

To execute command 2 once command 1 has finished use

command1; command2

To execute command 2 as soon as command 1 forwards output to stdout use

command1; command2

To execute command 1 in the background use

command1 &

Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts will come in handy. Note that many overlap with emacs short cuts.

Up ArrowShow the previous command
Ctrl + zStops the current command
Resume with fg in the foreground
Resume with bg in the background
Ctrl + cHalts the current command
Ctrl + lClear the screen
Ctrl + aReturn to the start of the line
Ctrl + eGo to the end of the line
Ctrl + kCut everything after the cursor to a special clipboard
Ctrl + yPaste from the special clipboard
Ctrl + dLogout of current session, similar to exit

bashrc, bash_profile or zprofile

Usage of a particular command and all the attributes associated with it, use man command. Avoid using rm -r command to delete files recursively. A good way to avoid accidental deletion is to include the following in the file .bash_profile or .zprofile on macOS or .bashrc on other platforms:

alias rm='rm -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias h='history'


Makefiles allow developers to coordinate the execution of code compilations. This not only includes C or C++ code, but any translation from source to a final format. For us this could include the creation of PDF files from latex sources, creation of docker images, and the creation of cloud services and their deployment through simple workflows represented in makefiles, or the coordination of execution targets.

As makefiles include a simple syntax allowing structural dependencies they can easily adapted to fulfill simple activities to be executed in repeated fashion by developers.

An example of how to use Makefiles for docker is provided at

An example on how to use Makefiles for LaTeX is provided at

Makefiles include a number of rules that are defined by a target name. Let us define a target called hello that prints out the string “Hello World”.

    @echo "Hello World"

Important to remember is that the commands after a target are not indented just by spaces, but actually by a single TAB character. Editors such as emacs will be ideal to edit such Makefiles, while allowing syntax highlighting and easy manipulation of TABs. Naturally other editors will do that also. Please chose your editor of choice. One of the best features of targets is that they can depend on other targets. Thus, iw we define

hallo: hello
    @echo "Hallo World"

our makefile will first execute hello and than all commands in hallo. As you can see this can be very useful for defining simple dependencies.

In addition we can define variables in a makefile such as

HELLO="Hello World"

    @echo $(HELLO)

and can use them in our text with $ invocations.

Moreover, in sophisticated Makefiles, we could even make the targets dependent on files and a target rules could be defined that only compiles those files that have changed since our last invocation of the Makefile, saving potentially a lot of time. However, for our work here we just use the most elementary makefiles.

For more information we recommend you to find out about it on the internet. A convenient reference card is available at


The chmod command stand for change mode and changes the access permissions for a given file system object(s). It uses the following syntax: chmod [options] mode[,mode] file1 [file2…]. The option parameters modify how the process runs, including what information is outputted to the shell:

-f, --silent, --quietForces process to continue even if errors occur
-v, --verboseOutputs for every file that is processed
-c, --changesOutputs when a file is changed
--reference=RFileUses RFile instead of Mode values
-R, --recursiveMake changes to objects in subdirectories as well
--helpShow help
--versionShow version information

Modes specify which rights to give to which users. Potential users include the user who owns the file, users in the file’s Group, other users not in the file’s Group, and all, and are abbreviated as u, g, o, and a respectively. More than one user can be specified in the same command, such as chmod –v ug(operator)(permissions) file.txt . If no user is specified, the command defaults to a. Next, a + or - indicates whether permissions should be added or removed for the selected user(s). The permissions are as follows:

xExecute file or access directory
XExecute only if the object is a directory
sSet the user or group ID when running
tRestricted deletion flag or sticky mode
uSpecifies the permissions the user who owns the file has
gSpecifies the permissions of the group
oSpecifies the permissions of users not in the group

More than one permission can be also be used in the same command as follows:

$ chmod –v o+rw file.txt

Multiple files can also be specified:

$ chmod a-x,o+r file1.txt file2.txt



Familiarize yourself with the commands


Find more commands that you find useful and add them to this page.


Use the sort command to sort all lines of a file while removing duplicates.


Should there be other commands listed in the table with the Linux commands If so which? Create a pull request for them.


Write a section explaining chmod. Use letters not numbers


Write a section explaining chown. Use letters not numbers


Write a section explaining su and sudo


Write a section explaining cron, at, and crontab

1.2 - Perl One Liners

Manipulating files with convenient perl one line commands.

Learning Objectives

  • Familiarize yourself with manipulating files by using Perl one line commands.

Topics covered

Perl is a programming language that used to be very popular with system administrators. It predates Python. It has some very powerful regular expression abilities allowing you to easily do things on the commandline that woul otherwise thake many hours. Here ar some useful perl one line commands.

Strip trailing whitespace from a file

$ perl -lpe 's/\s*$//' FILENAME

Replace wrong quote

$ perl -i -p -e "s/’/'/g;"  *.md

Remove ^M from file

$ perl -p -i -e 's/\r\n$/\n/g'

1.3 - ZSH

Introduction to using zsh.

Learning Objectives

  • Get to know about zsh
  • Use it if you must. It is default on macOS, but not the PI

You may use zsh on the PI, but we find it better to just use a default shell such as bash. The reaon we have included it is that it became default on macOS and many are accessing the Pis from the Mac.

Topics covered


Z shell (zsh) is an alternative to bash. It is used as an interactive shell or command interpreter. Zsh has been chosen by apple as a replacement for bash. A large number of plugins for zsh is avalable at the Web site Oh My Zsh.

Features of zsh include:

  • commandline completion
  • global history that can be shared in shells
  • build in file globing
  • multiline commands
  • spell correction
  • compatibillity modes to impersonate other shells
  • themes for prompts
  • in addition to which a wher ecommand
  • shortcut to names directories with ~

In principal it does not matter much whcih shell you use as long as you use to set up your envireonment properly. While bash zupporst .bash_profile and .bashrc, zsh supports ~/.zprofile and ~/.zshrc

A good overview of the loading process is documented at

Setting up zsh on an older OSX is relatively simple.

$ brew install zsh

To add Oh My Zsh you can do:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

To chnge the default shell to zsh you can than execute

$ chsh -s $(which zsh)

To activate the shell you can as usal do

$ source ~/.zshrc

However if you start a new terminal, you do not have to do this as it is added automatically.

To use a number of useful plugins, you can activate them with

$ plugins=(osx git colored-man colorize pip python brew zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)

If you like to change the theme you can find a large number at

Using zsh on your operating systems

For other operationg systems see

zsh on Windows 10

To install zsh on Windows 10, please look at

2 - SSH

Some useful SSH information

Some useful SSH information.

We have put together the following useful SSH material

2.1 - Introduction to SSH

A brief introduction to SSH.

Learning Objectives

For distributed computing understanding SSH is an important goal. It allows you to securely log in to your nodes on the cluster.

  • This is a very important topic, studdy it carefully.
  • Learn how to use SSH keys
  • Learn how to use ssh-add and ssh-keycahin so you only have to type in your password once
  • Understand that each computer needs its own ssh key

Topics Covered

Secure Shell is a network protocol allowing users to securely connect to remote resources over the internet. In many services we need to use SSH to assure that we protect he messages send between the communicating entities. Secure Shell is based on public key technology requiring to generate a public-private key pair on the computer. The public key will than be uploaded to the remote machine and when a connection is established during authentication the public private key pair is tested. If they match authentication is granted. As many users may have to share a computer it is possible to add a list of public keys so that a number of computers can connect to a server that hosts such a list. This mechanism builds the basis for networked computers.

In this section we will introduce you to some of the commands to utilize secure shell. We will reuse this technology in other sections to for example create a network of workstations to which we can log in from your laptop. For more information please also consult with the SSH Manual.

Warning Whatever others tell you, the private key should never be copied to another machine. You almost always want to have a passphrase protecting your key.


The first thing you will need to do is to create a public private key pair. Before you do this check whether there are already keys on the computer you are using:

ls ~/.ssh

If there are files named or, then the keys are set up already, and we can skip the generating keys step. However you must know the passphrase of the key. If you forgot it you will need to recreate the key. However you will lose any ability to connect with the old key to the resources to which you uploaded the public key. So be careful.

To generate a key pair use the command ssh-keygen. This program is commonly available on most UNIX systems and most recently even Windows 10.

To generate the key, please type:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C <comment>

The comment will remind you where the key has been created, you could for example use the hostname on which you created the key.

In the following text we will use localname to indicate the username on your computer on which you execute the command.

The command requires the interaction of the user. The first question is:

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/localname/.ssh/id_rsa):

We recommend using the default location ~/.ssh/ and the default name id_rsa. To do so, just press the enter key.

The second and third question is to protect your ssh key with a passphrase. This passphrase will protect your key because you need to type it when you want to use it. Thus, you can either type a passphrase or press enter to leave it without passphrase. To avoid security problems, you MUST chose a passphrase.

It will ask you for the location and name of the new key. It will also ask you for a passphrase, which you MUST provide. Please use a strong passphrase to protect it appropriately. Some may advise you (including teachers and TA’s) to not use passphrases. This is WRONG as it allows someone that gains access to your computer to also gain access to all resources that have the public key. Only for some system related services you may create passwordless keys, but such systems need to be properly protected.

Warning Not using passphrases poses a security risk!

Make sure to not just type return for an empty passphrase:

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):


Enter same passphrase again:

If executed correctly, you will see some output similar to:

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/localname/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/localname/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/localname/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:

+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|.+...Eo= .       |
| ..=.o + o +o    |
|O.  = ......     |
| = .   . .       |

Once, you have generated your key, you should have them in the .ssh directory. You can check it by:

$ cat ~/.ssh/

If everything is normal, you will see something like:


The directory ~/.ssh will also contain the private key id_rsa which you must not share or copy to another computer.

Warning Never, copy your private key to another machine or check it into a repository!

To see what is in the .ssh directory, please use

$ ls ~/.ssh

Typically you will se a list of files such as


In case you need to change your change passphrase, you can simply run ssh-keygen -p command. Then specify the location of your current key, and input (old and) new passphrases. There is no need to re-generate keys:

ssh-keygen -p

You will see the following output once you have completed that step:

Enter file in which the key is (/home/localname/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter old passphrase:
Key has comment '/home/localname/.ssh/id_rsa'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.


Often you wil find wrong information about passphrases on the internet and people recommending you not to use one. However it is in almost all cases better to create a key pair and use ssh-add to add the key to the current session so it can be used in behalf of you. This is accomplished with an agent.

The ssh-add command adds SSH private keys into the SSH authentication agent for implementing single sign-on with SSH. ssh-add allows the user to use any number of servers that are spread across any number of organizations, without having to type in a password every time when connecting between servers. This is commonly used by system administrators to login to multiple server.

ssh-add can be run without arguments. When run without arguments, it adds the following default files if they do exist:

  • ~/.ssh/identity - Contains the protocol version 1 RSA authentication identity of the user.
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa - Contains the protocol version 1 RSA authentication identity of the user.
  • ~/.ssh/id_dsa - Contains the protocol version 2 DSA authentication identity of the user.
  • ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa - Contains the protocol version 2 ECDSA authentication identity of the user.

To add a key you can provide the path of the key file as an argument to ssh-add. For example,

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

would add the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa

If the key being added has a passphrase, ssh-add will run the ssh-askpass program to obtain the passphrase from the user. If the SSH_ASKPASS environment variable is set, the program given by that environment variable is used instead.

Some people use the SSH_ASKPASS environment variable in scripts to provide a passphrase for a key. The passphrase might then be hard-coded into the script, or the script might fetch it from a password vault.

The command line options of ssh-add are as follows:

-cCauses a confirmation to be requested from the user every time the added identities are used for authentication. The confirmation is requested using ssh-askpass.
-DDeletes all identities from the agent.
-dDeletes the given identities from the agent. The private key files for the identities to be deleted should be listed on the command line.
-e pkcs11Remove key provided by pkcs11
-LLists public key parameters of all identities currently represented by the agent.
-lLists fingerprints of all identities currently represented by the agent.
-s pkcs11Add key provided by pkcs11.
-t lifeSets the maximum time the agent will keep the given key. After the timeout expires, the key will be automatically removed from the agent. The default value is in seconds, but can be suffixed for m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, or w for weeks.
-XUnlocks the agent. This asks for a password to unlock.
-xLocks the agent. This asks for a password; the password is required for unlocking the agent. When the agent is locked, it cannot be used for authentication.

SSH Add and Agent

To not always type in your password, you can use ssh-add as previously discussed

It prompts the user for a private key passphrase and add it to a list of keys managed by the ssh-agent. Once it is in this list, you will not be asked for the passphrase as long as the agent is running.with your public key. To use the key across terminal shells you can start an ssh agent.

To start the agent please use the following command:

$ eval `ssh-agent`

or use

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

It is important that you use the backquote, located under the tilde (US keyboard), rather than the single quote. Once the agent is started it will print a PID that you can use to interact with later

To add the key use the command

$ ssh-add

To remove the agent use the command


To execute the command upon logout, place it in your .bash_logout (assuming you use bash).

On OSX you can also add the key permanently to the keychain if you do toe following:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Modify the file .ssh/config and add the following lines:

Host *
  UseKeychain yes
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Using SSH on Mac OS X

Mac OS X comes with an ssh client. In order to use it you need to open the application. Go to Finder, then click Go in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Now click Utilities and then open the Terminal application.

Using SSH on Linux

All Linux versions come with ssh and can be used right from the terminal.

Using SSH on Raspberry Pi 3/4

SSH is available on Raspbian. However, to ssh into the PI you have to activate it via the configuration menu.

Accessing a Remote Machine

Once the key pair is generated, you can use it to access a remote machine. To dod so the public key needs to be added to the authorized_keys file on the remote machine.

The easiest way to do tis is to use the command ssh-copy-id.

$ ssh-copy-id user@host

Note that the first time you will have to authenticate with your password.

Alternatively, if the ssh-copy-id is not available on your system, you can copy the file manually over SSH:

$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@host 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

Now try:

$ ssh user@host

and you will not be prompted for a password. However, if you set a passphrase when creating your SSH key, you will be asked to enter the passphrase at that time (and whenever else you log in in the future). To avoid typing in the password all the time we use the ssh-add command that we described earlier.

$ ssh-add

SSH Port Forwarding :o2:

:o2: TODO: Add images to illustrate the concepts

SSH Port forwarding (SSH tunneling) creates an encrypted secure connection between a local computer and a remote computer through which services can be relayed. Because the connection is encrypted, SSH tunneling is useful for transmitting information that uses an unencrypted protocol.


  • Before you begin, you need to check if forwarding is allowed on the SSH server you will connect to.
  • You also need to have a SSH client on the computer you are working on.

If you are using the OpenSSH server:

$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and look and change the following:

AllowTcpForwarding = Yes
GatewayPorts = Yes

Set the GatewaysPorts variable only if you are going to use remote port forwarding (discussed later in this tutorial). Then, you need to restart the server for the change to take effect.

How to Restart the Server

If you are on:

  • Linux, depending upon the init system used by your distribution, run:

     $ sudo systemctl restart sshd
     $ sudo service sshd restart

    Note that depending on your distribution, you may have to change the service to ssh instead of sshd.

  • Mac, you can restart the server using:

    $ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
    $ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
  • Windows and want to set up a SSH server, have a look at MSYS2 or Cygwin.

Types of Port Forwarding

There are three types of SSH Port forwarding:

Local Port Forwarding

Local port forwarding lets you connect from your local computer to another server. It allows you to forward traffic on a port of your local computer to the SSH server, which is forwarded to a destination server. To use local port forwarding, you need to know your destination server, and two port numbers.

Example 1:

$ ssh -L <host>

Where <host> should be replaced by the name of your laptop. The -L option specifies local port forwarding. For the duration of the SSH session, pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/ would send you to

Example 2:

This example opens a connection to the jump server, and forwards any connection to port 80 on the local machine to port 80 on

$ ssh -L

Example 3:

By default, anyone (even on different machines) can connect to the specified port on the SSH client machine. However, this can be restricted to programs on the same host by supplying a bind address:

$ ssh -L

Example 4:

$ ssh -L -L <host>

This would forward two connections, one to, the other to Pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/ would download pages from, and pointing your browser to http://localhost:12345/ would download pages from

Example 5:

The destination server can even be the same as the SSH server.

$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 <host>

The LocalForward option in the OpenSSH client configuration file can be used to configure forwarding without having to specify it on command line.

Remote Port Forwarding

Remote port forwarding is the exact opposite of local port forwarding. It forwards traffic coming to a port on your server to your local computer, and then it is sent to a destination. The first argument should be the remote port where traffic will be directed on the remote system. The second argument should be the address and port to point the traffic to when it arrives on the local system.

$ ssh -R 9000:localhost:3000

SSH does not by default allow remote hosts to forwarded ports. To enable remote forwarding add the following to: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

GatewayPorts yes
$ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and restart SSH

$ sudo service ssh restart

After completing the previous steps you should be able to connect to the server remotely, even from your local machine. ssh -R first creates an SSH tunnel that forwards traffic from the server on port 9000 to your local machine on port 3000.

Dynamic Port Forwarding

Dynamic port forwarding turns your SSH client into a SOCKS proxy server. SOCKS is a little-known but widely-implemented protocol for programs to request any Internet connection through a proxy server. Each program that uses the proxy server needs to be configured specifically, and reconfigured when you stop using the proxy server.

$ ssh -D 5000

The SSH client creates a SOCKS proxy at port 5000 on your local computer. Any traffic sent to this port is sent to its destination through the SSH server.

Next, you’ll need to configure your applications to use this server. The Settings section of most web browsers allow you to use a SOCKS proxy.

ssh config

Defaults and other configurations can be added to a configuration file that is placed in the system. The ssh program on a host receives its configuration from

  • the command line options
  • a user-specific configuration file: ~/.ssh/config
  • a system-wide configuration file: /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Next we provide an example on how to use a config file


Use SSH keys

  • You will need to use ssh keys to access remote machines

No blank passphrases

  • In most cases you must use a passphrase with your key. In fact if we find that you use passwordless keys to futuresystems and to chameleon cloud resources, we may elect to give you anF for the assignment in question. There are some exceptions, but they will be clearly communicated to you in class. You will as part of your cloud drivers license test explain how you gain access to futuresystems and chameleon to explicitly explain this point and provide us with reasons what you can not do.

A key for each server

  • Under no circumstances copy the same private key on multiple servers. This violates security best practices. Create for each server a new private key and use their public keys to gain access to the appropriate server.

Use SSH agent

  • So as to not to type in all the time the passphrase for a key, we recommend using ssh-agent to manage the login. This will be part of your cloud drivers license.

    But shut down the ssh-agent if not in use

keep an offline backup, put encrypt the drive

  • You may for some of our projects need to make backups of private keys on other servers you set up. If you like to make a backup you can do so on a USB stick, but make sure that access to the stick is encrypted. Do not store anything else on that key and look it in a safe place. If you lose the stick, recreate all keys on all machines.


SSH Exercises


Create an SSH key pair


Upload the public key to git repository you use.


What is the output of a key that has a passphrase when executing the following command. Test it out on your key

 $ grep ENCRYPTED ~/.ssh/id_rsa


Get an account on (if you are authorized to do so). Upload your key to Login to Note that this could take some time as administrators need to approve you. Be patient.


What can happen if you copy your private key to a machine on the network?


Should I share my provate key with others?


Assume I participate in a video conference call and I accidently share my private key. What should I do?


Assume I participate in a video conference call and I accidently share my public key. What should I do?

2.2 - SSH on Windows

Using SSH on Windows.

Learning Objectives

For distributed computing understanding SSH is an important goal. It allows you to securely log in to your nodes on the cluster.

  • This is a very important topic, study it carefully.
  • Learn how to use SSH keys
  • Learn how to use ssh-add and ssh-keycahin so you only have to type in your password once
  • Understand that each computer needs its own ssh key
  • Note that you also need to read our Introduction to SSH section

Topics Covered

For this class we recommend that you use a virtual machine via virtual box and use the Linux ssh instructions. The information here is just provided for completeness and no support will be offered for native windows support.

Windows users need to have some special software to be able to use the SSH commands. If you have one that you are comfortable with and know how to setup key pairs and access the contents of your public key, please feel free to use it.

On Windows you have a couple of options on running Linux commands such as ssh. At this time it may be worth while to try the OpenSSH Client available for Windows, although it is in beta. If you like to use other methods we have included alternatives.

OpenSSH Client on Windows

software to be able to run it directly from the Windows commandline including PowerShell.

However it is as far as we know not activated by default so you need to follow some setup scripts. Also this software is considered beta and its development and issues can be found at

Fortunately, the software is already distributed with Winodws 10, but may not yet been activated. What you have to do is to install it by going to Settings > Apps and click Manage optional features under Apps & features.

Next, Click on the Add feature. You will be presented with a list in which you scroll down, till you find OpenSSH Client (Beta). Click on it and invoke Install.

After the install has completed, you can use the ssh command. Just type it in the commandshell or PowerShell

PS C:\Users\gregor> ssh

Naturally you can now use it just as on Linux or macOS. and use it to login to other resources

PS C:\Users\gregor> ssh

see also the MS SSH Guide for the newest up dates.

Due to the availability of SSH on Windows 10, we no longer recommend using Cygwin SSH, PuTTY or Chocolatey. However we kept thise sections here for completness.


A realy great tool for Windows is made avalable via

Here you can find gitbash that provides you with a terminal in which you can natively execute linux commands such as cd, ls and many more. It also includes ssh and ssh-keygen. which you will need if you want o interface with Linux machines hosted in a cloud.

You can also enable the Git GUI as you may be used to doing things form GUI’s. However soon you will find out why in this class we typicaly do not much via GUIs. However if you like them you can also integrate git in the Windows Explorer. This could be beneficial fo you during development of your project or keep up with what others do on git.

Makefiles on Windows

Makefiles can easily be accessed also on windows while installing gitbash. Please reed to the internet or search in this handbook for more information about gitbash.

:o2: Please contribute to this section on how to install make on wondows natively. Here is some information to start with Make on Windows

Using SSH from Cygwin

One established way of using ssh is from using cygwin. Cygwin contains a collection of GNU and Open Source tools providing Linux like functionality on Windows. A DLL is available that exposes the POSIX API functionality.

A list of supported commands is available at Please be minded that in order for cygwin to function easily the Windows user name should not include spaces. However, as the setup in windows encourages to use the full name when you buy and setup a machine it may not be convenient to use. However, we just recommend that you create yourself a new username and use this if you like to use cygwin.

You can selectively install from the cygwin setup terminal which software you like to use, obviously you may want to use ssh

SSH from putty

As you will see the process is somewhat cumbersome and when you compare it with the commandline tools available, we do recommend using them instead.

PuTTY allows you to access the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin network protocols from windows. Although PuTTY has been out there for many years and served the community well, it is not following the standard ssh command line syntax when invoked from a command shell.

putty -ssh

In addition to using ssh, it also provides a copy command.

pscp"\"remote filename with spaces\"" local_filename

Putty is best known for its GUI configuration application to manage several machines as demonstrated next. Once you have downloaded it and opened PuTTYgen, you will be presented with a a key generator window (images provided by chameleon cloud) (see Figure [F:putty-key]{reference-type=“ref” reference=“F:putty-key”}).

\FIGURE{htb} {0.5} {images/chameleon/putty2.png} {Key generation window} {F:putty-key}

To generate a key you click the Generate button which is blue. The PuTTY Key Generator (see Figure [F:putty-pass]{reference-type=“ref” reference=“F:putty-pass”}) will then ask you to move your mouse around the program’s blank space to generate “randomness” for your key. You must enter a “Key passphrase” and then confirm the passphrase.

\FIGURE{htb} {0.5} {images/chameleon/putty3.png} {Key generation window} {F:putty-pass}

Next you need to save both the public and private keys into a file of your choice using the “Save public key” and “Save private key” buttons. We suggest you name something obvious like “” and “private_key” so that you can distinguish between the two.

Before closing this window, select the entire public key and copy it with “Control-C”. Please note that everything should be copied, including “ssh-rsa”. This will be used when importing the key pair to Openstack.

At this time, the public key has been created and copied. Now you can use the public key and upload it to systems you like to login to.


Another approach is to use it in Powershell with the help of chocolatey. Other options may be better suited for you and we leave it up to you to make this decision.

Chocolatey is a software management tool that mimics the install experience that you have on Linux and macOS. It has a repository with many packages. The packages are maintained by the community and you need to evaluate security implications when installing packages hosted on chocolatey just as you have to do if you install software on Linux and macOS from their repositories. Please be aware that there could be malicious code offered in the chocolatey repository although the distributors try to remove them.

The installation is sufficiently explained at Once installed you have a command choco and you should make sure you have the newest version with:

choco upgrade chocolatey

Now you can browse packages at Search for openssh and see the results. You may find different versions. Select the one that most suits you and satisfies your security requirements as well as your architecture. Lets assume you chose the Microsoft port, than you can install it with:

choco install openssh

Naturally, you can also install cygwin and ptty over chocolatey. A list of packages can be found at Packages of interest include

  • emacs: choco install emacs
  • pandoc: choco install pandoc
  • LaTeX: choco install miktex
  • jabref: choco install jabref
  • pycharm: choco install pycharm-community
  • lyx: choco install lyx
  • python 2: choco install python2
  • python 3: choco install python
  • pip: choco install pip
  • virtualbox: choco install virtualbox
  • vagrant: choco install vagrant

Before installing any of them evaluate if you need them and identify security risks.

3 - Recordings

Sometimes it is useful to develop tutorials that showcase typed in actions on a terminal. We show you how to record with various tools.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to record your terminal sessions.
  • Learn how to take screenshots.
  • Do not use screenshots when filing bugs.

Topics covered

In Linux and OSX it is possible to easly record and replay a terminal session. There are several programs that can do this. A good overview article about it is given at

From these programs we have tried

  • script, which is preinstalled and you do not have it immediatly available
  • TermRecord that also depends on ttyrec, so you need to install this as well



$ brew install ttyrec
$ pip install TermRecord

To use it simply invoke

$ TermRecord -o recording.html

To replay open the html page in a browser. Befor eyou publish it for example in the docs folder in a github repository, please make sure you have not exposed any information that allows others to compromise your system.

In case you use chrome you can replay it also from the commandline with

$ google-chrome /tmp/test.html


On macOS you can use the screen capture command use

OSX SHIT-COMMAND - 4 Screen capture

or say on the commandline

$ screencapture a.gif

Do not use screenshots when filing bugs

In general it is a bad practice to use screenshots whne filing bugs. The reason is that they can not easily parsed or content can be copied to replicate the bug. Thus avoid using screenshots when using for example github issues if you can.

4 - Refcards

A list of refernce cards and cheatsheets covering useful topics. They help thos with little time to read a comprehensive manual, or to have a reminder in case you forgot some details about a technology to look it up quckily.

Learning Objectives

  • Obtain quickly information about technical aspects with the help of reference cards.

Topics covered

We present you with a list of useful short reference cards. This cards can be extremely useful to remind yourself about some important commands and features. Having them could simplify your interaction with the systems, We not only collected here some refcards about Linux, but also about other useful tools and services.

If you like to add new topics, let us know via your contribution (see the contribution section).







