
Some useful resources for creating Web Pages

We provide here an incomplete list of contributors. It includes members that contributed and allowed us to list their Bios here.

Contributors are listed at:

To add your bio if you contributed, please create a GitHub pull request and add a new file with your information while using one of the other once as template.

Erin Seliger

Undergradute Student at IU

Fidel Leal

Graduate Student at IU

Gregor von Laszewski

Gregor von Laszewski is an Assistant Director in the Digital Science Center (DSC) in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. He holds a position as Adjunct Professor in the Intelligent Systems Engineering Department.

Venkata Sai Dhakshesh Kolli

Gradute Student at IU

Last modified June 7, 2021: change to colapsible menu (c83e57b)