Cloudmesh Workflow

  • This project can also be taken as independent study or as part of the Cloud Engineering class


In this project you will be developing a workflow framework allowing cloudmesh shell tasks to be executed in a workflow engine. The workflow engine will be integrated with the cloudmesh backend database.

Workflows will bes specified with the help of python functions. These functions will than be added to a quue. Futures are used to identify runable functions which will be executed as soon as their parameters are defined.

A graphical user interface based on javascript Electron needs to be developed as part of this project. A preliminary code is available in github at

The current implementation does not have parameter management included.


  • Strong knowledge of python of the student working on the backend.

  • Knowledge of javascript of teh student working on the graphical interface


  • moderate: The complexity of this project is moderate and allows you to look at advanced python language concepts as well as basic javascript features for rendering the workflow in real time. You will need to understand multiprocessing in python. An example is provided in the class in cloudmesh-cloud


  • Working benchmarks in form of reproducable workflows embedded in pytests

  • checkins into github by all team members. If only one team member checks in all other team members will not get credit.

  • benchmark of the tasks while reporting the results into the database

  • Definition of the objects stored in the database.