
Contributors can be located from the different versions and packages in the at:

The original author of Cloudmesh is

Large contributions have also been made by

  • Fugang Wang

Many have contributed to Cloudmesh in the past. However, this version has received contributions from a subset of them. Previous contributors are acknowledged once we integrate them into the author script.

Contributors are sorted by the first letter of their combined first name and last name and if not available by their GitHub ID. Please, note that the authors are identified through git logs in addition to some contributors added by hand. The git repository from which this document is derived contains more than the documents included in this document. Thus not everyone in this list may have directly contributed to this document. Furthermore, names may appear that have not contributed to the production code, but to some intermediary code or spelling corrections. However, if you find someone missing that has contributed (they may not have used this particular git), please let us know. We will add you.

The contributors sorted by the firstname that we are aware of include:

Allan Streib, Gregor von Laszewski, baoleary

The following links provide more information about the contributions each package: