

Before you install make sure that you have an up to date version of python installed. We recommend you use 3.8.2 or newer. Python can be downloaded and installed from On Windows you may also need to install the C++ commandline build tools as some cryptographic libraries need to be recompiled in 3.8.2 or newer. The installation of cls is optional and only needed for encryption.

Prerequisites for Windows

First check if any of these commands are not installed. If they are not, please install them first. To check if they are available use the where command to check the following commands must return a valid path:

where cls
where ssh
Check and install the prerequisites


Check in CMD.exe

Link for installation document


C:> where cls


C:> where ssh

How to install ssh on Windows

python 3.8.2 (or newer), 64 bit

C:> python –version

How to install python on Windows

Please also run the check if you have the 64 bit vesrsion of python which must return True:

`C:> python -c 'import sys;print("%x" % sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize > 2**32)'`


Likely the code will work with earlier versions starting from 3.7.4. We know that Python 3.6 has bugs and should not be used. Although cloudmesh previously was supported in Python 2.7 and newer, we have removed Python 2 as supported platform.

On Windows 10 you can install cloudmesh by either using

  • a Windows native installation,

  • a Linux Subsystem installation,

  • a Docker installation,


In case you use the docker install you must use use the Professional or the Educational version of Windows, as the Home edition is not supporting it.

Windows Container Approach

The user container for cloudmesh shell is called cmsd (cloudmesh shell docker). It can be installed with pip as follows

pip install cloudmesh-cmsd

Please note that in order for you do develop cloudmesh you need to do this within the container However we do recommend that Windows developer use the Windows native cloudmesh approach. However regular user will have a very transparent acces to cloudmesh as most commands ar just passed along to the container.

The manual page for cmsd is located at ../cmsd

Linux Subsystem Installation Approach

See our separate section on this.

venv Setup on Windows CMD.EXE

On Windows, you run the following command from your home directory at C:UsersUSERNAME:

python -m venv ENV3
source ENV3\Scripts\activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Next, create a Windows system variable named ENV3 and update the variable value to C:UsersUSERNAMEENV3Scriptsactivate.

alternate text

Figure: Setting the ENV3 variable

Then add the ENV3 variable name to the Path variable.

alternate text

Figure: Add the variable to the path

Lastly, to simplify the venv activation call, create a new ENV3.bat file under the default directory, and add the following content to the file.



The same can be done in Windows Powershell by creating a ENV3.ps1 to reference the activation command.

Test the venv activation

We recommend that you test the venv activation. In a command prompt, type ENV3 while under the home directory; or if the bat file was not created, simply reference the system variable %ENV3%.

Example using bat file activation:




Example using Windows environment variable:



In both cases you will see the command prompt starting with (ENV3).

Validate Python and Pip Version in venv

Check if you have the right version of python and pip installed with

python --version
pip --version

Now you are ready to install cloudmesh.