FAQ - Cloudmesh

Where is the manual

A Manual is available at

Having control over your computers

Cloudmesh is easy to install, but we have seen issues with the following that you must solve yourself:

  1. Virus checkers switch on that prevent instalation of programs and containers

  2. Computers managed by a workplace with stricter security rules.

Any of these cases are up to you to find out and solve. We have tested CMS on an operationg system that was downloaded stright from Microsoft and verofied it works.

Install MongoDB

Uninstall older versions of mongo, as they may be incompatible

then install mongo with

cms admin mongo install

Do an update of the source

pip install cloudmesh-installer -U
cloudmes-installer get clone cloud
cms help
cms gui quick
cms test
cms init

Interact with Chameleon CLoud

cms test
cms gui quick
cms key list --cloud=chameleon

remove all keys you see with:

cms key delete NAMEOFTHEKEY --cloud=chameleon
cms key list
cms key upload --cloud=chameleon
cms image --refresh
cms vm --refresh
cms vm boot
cms vm --refresh
cms vm log
cms vm ssh

Draft: Cms Mostly automated install on macOS and Linux

Note: Use at your own risk

If you di not understand line by line what this does you should not execute it Verify correctnett works on linux and OSX, I have this not yet tested on gitbash, on windows you must remove the mongo install line and have cl, mongo, gitbash previously installed.

You must have used ssh-keygen to generate the key before

Install Python:

Save in file install-python.sh

#! /bin/sh -x
rm -rf ~/ENV3
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-common
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-cmd5
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-sys
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-configuration
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-test
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-gui
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-cloud
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-openstack
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-inventory
rm -rf ~/cm/cloudmesh-openstack
rm -rf ~/.cloudmesh
python3.8 -m venv ~/ENV3
echo "Please activate your Virtual Environment"
echo "    source ~/ENV3/bin/activate"

Save in file install-cms.sh and change values:

#! /bin/sh -x
pip install pip -U

pip install cloudmesh-installer -U
mkdir cm
cd cm
cloudmesh-installer get openstack
cms set cloud=chameleon
cms help
cms debug off

#cms test # its in your responsiblity to fix this this test may not work yet properly

cms config set cloudmesh.data.mongo.MONGO_AUTOINSTALL=True

#cms config set cloudmesh.profile.email=TBD@gmail.com
#cms config set cloudmesh.profile.firstname=TBD
#cms config set cloudmesh.profile.lastname=TBD
#cms config set cloudmesh.profile.github=TBD
#cms config set cloudmesh.profile.user=TBD

#cms config set cloudmesh.cloud.chameleon.credentials.auth.username=TBD
#cms config set cloudmesh.cloud.chameleon.credentials.auth.password=TBD
cms config set cloudmesh.cloud.chameleon.credentials.auth.project_id=7767f9aac3c143de8b1f0e6acc70f159
cms config set cloudmesh.cloud.chameleon.default.network=e01ee12e-fd22-4b21-a050-d3e015f42bb1

cms config set cloudmesh.data.mongo.MONGO_PASSWORD=TBD
rm -rf ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh.yaml.bak.*

cms admin mongo install

#cms test

cms gui quick # Set your Mongo username = `admin` and password what you want.
sleep 2
cms init
sleep 2

# LET US NOW ASSUME YOU HAVE IN cloiudmes.profile.user=xyz

Replace xyz with what you have in profile
cms key delete xyz --cloud=chameleon
cms key upload xyz --cloud=chameleon
cms key list
cms key list --cloud=chameleon

cms vm list --refresh

To use it do the following:

chmod a+x install-cms.sh install-python.sh
source ~/ENV3/bin/activate
cms vm boot

Switching between cms and cmsd

It is best to delete the .cloudmesh directory and start new.

However you can also try to set the MONGO mode accordingly.

For cms you use:

cms config set cloudmesh.data.mongo.MODE=native

For cmsd you use

cmsd config set cloudmesh.data.mongo.MODE=running

Remeber that cmsd will automatically upon –setup change the mode to running. So if you like to switch back do so.

Please be aware there coudl be issues with Mongo runing natively or in a container. Try it out. IF it does not work, remove the .cloudmesh directory