# ###################################################################### # Arguments # ###################################################################### # {‘–kind’: ‘rst’, ‘–noheader’: False, ‘COMMAND’: ‘flow’} # ######################################################################


     flow list [--flow=NAME] [--output=FORMAT]
     flow add [--flowname=FLOWNAME] --flowfile=FILENAME
     flow run [--flowname=FLOWNAME] [--flowfile=FILENAME]
     flow node add NODENAME [--flowname=FLOWNAME]
     flow edge add FROM TO [--flowname=FLOWNAME]
     flow node delete NODENAME
     flow edge delete FROM TO
     flow edge invert FROM TO
     flow visualize start
     flow visualize stop
     flow refresh

This command manages and executes workflows
The default workflow is just named "workflow" but you can specify multiple

   NAME       the name of the workflow
   FILENAME   a file name
   NODENAME   the name of the node
   FROM       the edge source (a node name)
   TO         the edge destination (a node name)
   NODE       the name of the node

   --flow=NAME   the name or the flow
   --file    specify the file
   --log     specify the log file
   --flowname=FLOWNAME   the name or the workflow
   --output=OUTPUT       the output format [default: table]