The following historical commit information, by author, was found.

Author Commits Insertions Deletions % of changes
Anand Sriramulu19160.45
Fugang Wang12346306.74
Gregor von Laszewski72389323473.95
Mihir Shanishchara2621011.13
Pulasthi Supun Wickramasinghe11840.39
Tyler Balson37591.18
Vineet Barshikar2373076.16

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision.

Author Rows Stability Age % in comments
Anand Sriramulu22244.442.418.180.21
Fugang Wang32192.834.118.693.08
Gregor von Laszewski9701249.235.913.4293.23
Mihir Shanishchara31951.439.39.403.07
Pulasthi Supun Wickramasinghe422.
Tyler Balson7100.
Vineet Barshikar3286.539.00.000.31

The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository.

Anand Sriramulu
Fugang Wang
Gregor von Laszewski
Mihir Shanishchara
Modified Rows:141033104913490519108698
Fugang Wang
Gregor von Laszewski
Mihir Shanishchara.
Pulasthi Supun Wickramasinghe
Tyler Balson
Vineet Barshikar
Modified Rows:69028572417598266
Gregor von Laszewski
Modified Rows:51421

The following responsibilities, by author, were found in the current revision of the repository (comments are excluded from the line count, if possible).

Anand Sriramulu is mostly responsible for

bin/ (18 eloc)

Fugang Wang is mostly responsible for

bin/emojifix/ (119 eloc)
bin/ (116 eloc)
bin/ (13 eloc)
bin/ (13 eloc)

Gregor von Laszewski is mostly responsible for

examples/python/kmeans/ (255 eloc)
examples/python/kmeans-mapreduce/ (255 eloc)
examples/kmeans/ (255 eloc)
examples/kmeans/ (255 eloc)
examples/kmeans-mapreduce/ (255 eloc)
examples/kmeans-mapreduce/ (255 eloc)
examples/222/tshirt/ (255 eloc)
examples/222/tshirt/ (255 eloc)
examples/python/physics/number_theory/ (240 eloc)
examples/physics/number-theory/ (240 eloc)

Mihir Shanishchara is mostly responsible for

examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (115 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/users/ (38 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (27 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/ (26 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/migrations/ (22 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/ (14 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (14 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (12 eloc)
examples/yaml-validation/ (10 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/ (5 eloc)

Pulasthi Supun Wickramasinghe is mostly responsible for

bin/ (4 eloc)

Tyler Balson is mostly responsible for

examples/222/recommender/ (3 eloc)
examples/222/tshirt/ (2 eloc)
examples/kmeans/ (1 eloc)
examples/222/recommender/ (1 eloc)

Vineet Barshikar is mostly responsible for

examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/ (17 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/ (5 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/ (5 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (3 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/repositories/migrations/ (1 eloc)
examples/graphql/cloudmeshrepo/cloudmeshrepo/ (1 eloc)

The extensions below were found in the repository history (extensions used during statistical analysis are marked).

* 0 BOOK_222 BOOK_516 BOOK_BIGDATA BOOK_COM BOOK_DRAFT BOOK_FA18 BOOK_PI BOOK_WRITING aux bak bib blg book book-figno cls conf csl css csv dot edu html input ipynb ist java jpg json latex md md~ mm names new ok old pub pviz py repo rst sav scad sections sh stl sty svg template tex txt ubuntu windows xml yaml yml