
Module Contents



The jobscript is a simple mechanism to run a number of commands formylated

class cloudmesh-common.cloudmesh.common.JobScript.JobScript

The jobscript is a simple mechanism to run a number of commands formylated in a script. The script is interpreted line by line and does not support multi line commands at this time. (Not difficult to implement when looking at at the end of a line.)

It can be either used a static call or as variable invocation. Often the static call will be sufficient.

Static method:

from cloudmesh.common.JobSet import JobScript
from cloudmesh.common.Tabulate import Printer

result = JobScript.execute("""
    # This is a comment

    pwd                             # tag: pwd
    uname -a
        order=["name", "command", "status", "stdout", "returncode"]))

Variable invocation:

from cloudmesh.common.Tabulate import Printer

job = JobScript()"variable script",
            # This is a comment

            pwd                    # tag: pwd
            uname -a
    order=["name", "command", "status", "stdout", "returncode"]))

Each line is augmented with a name, so you can easily retrive the result
content by that name. By default the name is the line number, however it
can be overwritten with `# tag:` at the end of the line. The line number
starts at 1.

Partial example output:

# +——+———–+——–+————————+————–+ # | name | command | status | | returncode | # |------+-----------+--------+------------------------+--------------| # | pwd | pwd | done | /Users/…/cloudmesh | 0 | # | 4 | uname -a | done | Darwin gray 19.4.0 … | 0 | # +——+———–+——–+————————+————–+

run(self, script=None, name='script', host=None, executor=JobSet.ssh, **kwargs)
static execute(script, name='script', host=None, executor=JobSet.ssh, **kwargs)
static _array()