
Module Contents



class cloudmesh-cloud.cloudmesh.vm.command.vm.VmCommand


do_vm(self, args, arguments)

vm ping [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] [–count=N] vm check [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] [–username=USERNAME] vm status [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] [–output=OUTPUT] vm console [NAME] [–force] vm log [NAME] [–force] vm stop [NAMES] [–dryrun] vm start [NAMES] [–dryrun] vm terminate [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] vm delete [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–dryrun] vm list [NAMES]

[–cloud=CLOUDS] [–output=OUTPUT] [–refresh] [–short]

vm boot [–n=COUNT]

[–name=NAMES] [–label=LABEL] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–username=USERNAME] [–image=IMAGE] [–flavor=FLAVOR] [–network=NETWORK] [–public] [–secgroup=SECGROUP] [–group=GROUP] [–key=KEY] [–dryrun] [-v]

vm meta list [NAME] vm meta set [NAME] KEY=VALUE… vm meta delete [NAME] KEY… vm script [NAMES]

[–username=USERNAME] [–key=KEY] [–dryrun] [–dir=DESTINATION] SCRIPT

vm ip assign [NAMES]


vm ip show [NAMES]

[–group=GROUP] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–output=OUTPUT] [–refresh]

vm ip inventory [NAMES] vm ssh [NAMES]

[–username=USER] [–quiet] [–ip=IP] [–key=KEY] [–command=COMMAND]

vm put SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES] vm get SOURCE DESTINATION [NAMES] vm rename [OLDNAMES] [NEWNAMES] [–force] [–dryrun] vm wait [–cloud=CLOUD] [–interval=INTERVAL] [–timeout=TIMEOUT] vm info [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] [–output=OUTPUT] [–dryrun] vm username USERNAME [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUD] vm resize [NAMES] [–size=SIZE]


OUTPUT the output format COMMAND positional arguments, the commands you want to

execute on the server(e.g. ls -a) separated by ‘;’, you will get a return of executing result instead of login to the server, note that type in – is suggested before you input the commands

NAME server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database. NAMES server name. By default it is set to the name of last vm from database. KEYPAIR_NAME Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is

not a path to key.

NEWNAMES New names of the VM while renaming. OLDNAMES Old names of the VM while renaming.


verbose, prints the dict at the end


the output format

-H –modify-knownhosts Do not modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts file

when ssh’ing into a machine


the username to login into the vm. If not specified it will be guessed from the image name and the cloud


give the public ip of the server


give a cloud to work on, if not given, selected or default cloud will be used


give the number of servers to start


for table, a brief version is used as default, use this flag to print detailed table


give the name or id of the flavor


give the group name of server


security group name for the server


give the name or id of the image


specify a key to use, input a string which is the full path to the private key file


Name of the vm keypair to be used to create VM. Note this is not a path to key.


give the user name of the server that you want to use to login


give the name of the virtual machine


rename/ delete vms without user’s confirmation


specify the commands to be executed


commands used to boot, start or delete servers of a cloud

vm default [options…]

Displays default parameters that are set for vm boot either on the default cloud or the specified cloud.

vm boot [options…]

Boots servers on a cloud, user may specify flavor, image .etc, otherwise default values will be used, see how to set default values of a cloud: cloud help

vm start [options…]

Starts a suspended or stopped vm instance.

vm stop [options…]

Stops a vm instance .

vm delete [options…]

Delete servers of a cloud, user may delete a server by its name or id, delete servers of a group or servers of a cloud, give prefix and/or range to find servers by their names. Or user may specify more options to narrow the search

vm floating_ip_assign [options…]

assign a public ip to a VM of a cloud

vm ip show [options…]

show the ips of VMs

vm ssh [options…]

login to a server or execute commands on it

vm list [options…]

same as command “list vm”, please refer to it

vm status [options…]

Retrieves status of last VM booted on cloud and displays it.

vm refresh [–cloud=CLOUDS]

this command refreshes the data for virtual machines, images and flavors for the specified clouds.

vm ping [NAMES] [–cloud=CLOUDS] [–count=N] [–processors=PROCESSORS]

pings the specified virtual machines, while using at most N pings. The ping is executed in parallel. If names are specifies the ping is restricted to the given names in parameter format. If clouds are specified, names that are not in these clouds are ignored. If the name is set in the variables this name is used.

cms vm ssh –command=”uname -a”

executes the uname command on the last booted vm

vm script [–name=NAMES]

[–username=USERNAME] [–key=KEY] [–dryrun] [–dir=DESTINATION] [–shell=SHELL] SCRIPT

The script command copies a shell script to the specified vms into the DESTINATION directory and than execute it. With SHELL you can set the shell for executing the command, this coudl even be a python interpreter. Examples for SHELL are /bin/sh, /usr/bin/env python


puts the file defined by SOURCE into the DESINATION folder

on the specified machines. If the file exists it is

overwritten, so be careful.


gets the file defined by SOURCE into the DESINATION folder on the specified machines. The SOURCE is on the remote machine. If one machine is specified, the SOURCE is the same name as on the remote machine. If multiple machines are specified, the name of the machine will be a prefix to the filename. If the filenames exists, they will be overwritten, so be careful.


give the VM name, but in a hostlist style, which is very convenient when you need a range of VMs e.g. sample[1-3] => [‘sample1’, ‘sample2’, ‘sample3’]

sample[1-3,18] => [‘sample1’, ‘sample2’, ‘sample3’, ‘sample18’]

Quoting commands:

cm vm login gregor-004 –command=”uname -a”


Azure: rename is not supported